Wednesday 20 December 2017

طلقة - الفوركس - نظام المراجعة

رديز الفوركس نظام الكتاب: التجار استخدام مجموعة متنوعة من الطرق لدعم نقاط الدعم والمقاومة على أساس العمل السعر الماضي. ومع ذلك، فإن مسألة ما إذا كانت تلك المناطق ستعقد أو تكسر في الوقت الحقيقي هو حساب أكثر صعوبة. في نظام الفوركس رديز، تاجر حفرة السابق مايكل رادكاي يوفر تجار الفوركس مع نظام فريد لتحديد مناطق الدعم والمقاومة في سوق العملات الأجنبية ووضع استراتيجيات تجارية مربحة حول تلك المناطق. رديز بريميوم: (يشمل 1 إلى 5 أدناه مع دعم البريد الإلكتروني 3 جلسات واحد إلى واحد مع المتداول المهنية مايك رادكاي 1 شهر و 1 جلسة واحدة في الشهر بعد ذلك). الاشتراك يشمل: راكو التزامنا التعليم لكم بعد استخدام أدوات موقعنا على الانترنت، وحضور جلسات سكايب فور بوسينيس الخاصة التي اشتركت فيها مع مايك والاستفادة من دعم البريد الإلكتروني غير المحدود، سوف: 1. لديك قيادة قوية من منصة التداول المهنية الموصى بها والرسوم البيانية. بيسيل السوق، بيسيل السوق، بيسيل وقف، واحد يلغي أخرى (أوكو)، زائدة توقف و فيفو أوامر التحوط 2. فهم ما يتحرك الأسعار صعودا وهبوطا من خلال التحليل الأساسي. 3. فهم كيفية الوقت وضبط طويلة، قصيرة أو خارج مع مقياس في مقياس التدريجي أو الكل في جميع التقنيات. 4. فهم النهجين خصومك متابعة الزخم مقابل متضاربة واكتشاف أي واحد هو لك. 5. فهم أفضل الأوقات للتجارة وتجنب. 6. فهم شامل لقواعدنا 5 قواعد الواجبات المنزلية بالإضافة إلى 4 قواعد استراتيجية رديز خلال اليوم 7. فهم حجم العقد المناسب لحسابك الشخصي ريسكريوارد التسامح لمساعدتك في التوسع في التدرج مقابل الكل في الكل، خارج تقنيات 8. أعطيت ذروة نصائح الأداء جنبا إلى جنب مع أدوات العقل للحفاظ على الجسم والعقل والروح تعمل في وئام مع الخوف والجشع التي سوف تتعرض لك أثناء التداول. 9. تلقي نصائح الملكية والتعقب السريع قصيرة التخفيضات اكتسب مايك طوال حياته المهنية التجارية 25 عاما من الصورة الكبيرة سوينغ التداول إلى الخرائط خلال اليوم للمساعدة في توجيه لكم لتصبح مفكر مستقل وصانع القرار عندما يتعلق الأمر المشاركة في هذه اللعبة ونحن ندعو الأسواق. 10. الحصول على الثقة في المخاطر المال الحقيقي وتكون قادرة على استخدام هذه نصائح عملية وعملية مفيدة بقية حياتك راكو المستوى 1: غير محدود دعم البريد الإلكتروني الموضوعات يمكن أن تتراوح من المبتدئين إلى المتقدمين ومن الفوركس إلى العقود الآجلة. عندما ضرب الأسعار التي يفضل لون مستوى مطابقة، يتم تنفيذ الصفقات على أساس تقنيات إدارة المخاطر المناسبة. يتم تدريس قواعد وأساليب استراتيجية إدارة المخاطر في رديز التجارة هنتر بريميير أو برنامج الماجستير. راكو مستوى 4: 37 شبكة السوق (26 الفوركس و 11 العقود الآجلة) دعم الملكية والمقاومة الشبكة اليومية والسنوية ل 26 بقعة الفوركس و 11 الآجلة الأسواق اليومية وجهة نظر سوينغ الصورة الكبيرة. نقوم بتحديث مستويات يوميا الشمس. خلال الخميس. 7: 30p المحيط الهادئ وصالحة حتى 2p المحيط الهادئ الدورة المقبلة. (247 اسم المستخدم وكلمة المرور) قائمة السوق سبوت: يوروس، أوسجبي، أوسشف، غبوسد، ورجبي، أودوس، أوسكاد، نزدوسد ورغب، يورشف أوسد، غبجبي، تشفجبي، وركاد، أودكاد، كادجبي، نزدجبي، أودنزد، غبود، ، ورنزد، أوسد، غبنزد، غبكاد و أوسدسمن العقود الآجلة: E-ميني SP500، داو، ناسداك، 30 سنة. سندات، 10 سنوات. ملاحظات، 5 سنوات. ملاحظات، الذرة، فول الصويا، القمح، النفط والذهب. نحن أرشيف المستويات، إذا كنت ترغب في دعم اختبار أدائها. راكو المستوى 5: حاسبة المخاطر (التفاعلية) أداة إعداد ما قبل السوق بنيت وفقا لمناطق الدعم والمقاومة على 37 شبكة السوق لمساعدتك على قياس وضبط حجم العقد المناسب بالنسبة لقيمة الحساب الشخصي الخاص بك، والأهداف المخاطرة والتسامح الزمني. تم تصميم حاسبة المخاطر لتعزيز التركيز الخاص بك على إمكانية السعر بدلا من العواطف التي يجلب المال إلى التجارة الخاصة بك. راكو البرمجيات المستخدمة لتسليم التداول التعليم مجاني ما هي متطلبات النظام ل سكايب للحصول على وتشغيلها مع سكايب، ستحتاج: اتصال بالإنترنت (النطاق العريض هو أفضل - معرفة مقدار النطاق الترددي الذي تحتاجه). وقد بنيت مكبرات الصوت وميكروفون (الهواتف النقالة، وأقراص ومعظم أجهزة الكمبيوتر هذه). كاميرا لإجراء مكالمات الفيديو (مرة أخرى، معظم الأجهزة لديها هذه). تطبيق سكايب على الجهاز الذي تختاره. الرجاء التأكد من تحديث نظام التشغيل الخاص بك، وأن لديك أحدث برامج تشغيل الأجهزة من الشركة المصنعة مثبتة قبل تنزيل أحدث إصدار من سكايب. راكو ضمان استعادة الأموال إذا لم توفر خدمة نظام التناوب الاتجاهي وتسليم ما ورد في مستويات الدعم 1-5 الموضحة أعلاه يحق للعميل استرداد ما لا يزيد عن 100 دفعة من البنود التي لم تكن تم التوصيل. خلال أوقات نادرة أجهزة الكمبيوتر خدمة الاتجاه الاتجاهية، برامج منصة، المضيفين على شبكة الإنترنت، سكايب ويبينارسميتينغز، الاتصال بشبكة الإنترنت، تويتر والتسجيلات تفعل التحديات الحالية. إذا لسبب ما كنت غير راض عن مستوى (مستويات) الخدمة في يوم معين (في غضون 24 ساعة إشعار) بسبب خلل فني على "خدمات النظام التناوب اتجاهي" فقط، وسوف نقدم استرداد تناسبي للمشكلة. سيتم تحديد المبلغ عن طريق قسمة الرسم الشهري بمقدار 20 (المبلغ المعتاد لأيام التداول في الشهر) مقسوما على مستوى (مستويات) الدعم المتعطل لحساب مبلغ التعويض الممنوح. جميع الدفعات نهائية. نحن لا نقدم أي ضمان بأنك سوف تكون مربحة باستخدام أدوات الويب أندور المواد التعليمية المعروضة على هذا الموقع. نظرا لعدد المصادر التي تم الحصول عليها من المحتوى والمشورة، والأخطار الكامنة في التوزيع الإلكتروني، قد يكون هناك تأخير أو إغفال أو عدم دقة في هذا المحتوى والمشورة والموقع. يتم تقديم المحتوى والمشورة على موقع ويب كما هو، دون أي ضمانات. نحن نتابع جدول عطلة الولايات المتحدة بالإضافة إلى أننا سوف تكون خارج الهواء 2 أسابيع في السنة (تتعلق مستويات الدعم 3). سيتم تحديث أدوات الموقع 4-5 عادة M-F. سيتم إعلامك من هذه الأيام المحددة مقدما. لن تكون هناك أية مبالغ مستردة متاحة لهذه الأيام. مايكل رادكاي: بعد حصوله على درجة البكالوريوس في الاقتصاد من كلية ليك فوريست في أيار / مايو 1989، وتمتع 4 سنوات من كرة القدم فوريستر بسلامة قوية للسلسلة الأولى وبونت ريتورنر، كرس مايك السنوات العشرين الأخيرة من حياته في المستقبل وصناعة الفوركس. شعر مايك بأن هذه طريقة رائعة لنقل روحه التنافسية إلى مكان العمل. بدأ عداء في 30 بوند بوند فيوتشرز حفرة في مجلس شيكاغو للتجارة وعمل طريقه لتصبح وسيط ل بحلول عام 1993 (30yr. بوند حفرة 1995 - مجموعة سترة مايك ريدبلو مجموعة نانكو الأمامية اليمنى). في عام 1997 أصبح مايك تاجر ذاتي التمويل، يعمل لحسابه الخاص. بعد ساعات التداول من 1993 إلى 2004 كان مايك فعالا في بناء وتقديم المناهج الدراسية التي تستخدمها جامعة التجارة. وهي المدرسة التي تضع الأساس للتجار من جميع مستويات المهارة. وقد استخدمت هذه الشركة 25-50 موظفا وتضم أكثر من 200 تاجر. في عام 2004 انتقل من حفرة التداول إلى شاشة الكمبيوتر وأعاد بناء برنامجه بأكمله لتلبية تاجر الشاشة. في عام 2007 انتقل مايك إلى لوس انجليس لبدء شركة التعليم التجاري الخاصة به، رديز التاجر ليك. وكان مايك مساهما متكررا لمجموعة سم. العقود الآجلة العالمية. التاجر المملكة. ميروس العقود الآجلة. نينجاترادر. فوركس كونيكت، فكس إنستروكتور وفي أوائل عام 2010 قام مايك وزوجته ستيفاني ببناء قسم دتي-فكس الجديد. مايك يقدم خبرته ومهاراته كالتداول فوتورسفوريكس، وسيط، معلمه، مجموعة كبوتسم (اختصار رديز) و نفا (0250761) عضو لعملائه. ومن المعروف أن طريقة الملكية التي تدرس لطلابه باسم نظام التناوب الدوارة (رديز). وقد ساعدت هذه الطريقة له تحقيق النجاح على وجه التحديد والتاجر وعموما في جميع جوانب الاستثمار. وكان مايك أيضا محاضر تجارة كوموديتيزفوريكس في كل من جامعة نورث وسترن و أوكلا برامج الدراسات المستمرة. ستيفاني رادكاي: بعد حصولها على درجة البكالوريوس في الرياضيات في جامعة إنديانا في عام 1990، انضمت ستيفاني إلى الحفر الخام لبورصة شيكاغو التجارية ككاتب ل تيمبر هيل (الوسطاء التفاعليين). في عام 1993 بدأت حياتها المهنية وسيط باعتبارها المرأة الوحيدة في السوق الرئيسية مؤشر الآجلة حفرة. وفي الوقت نفسه، انضمت أيضا إلى زوجها مايك، بعد ساعات التداول في جامعة التجارة لتعليم المتعلمين حريصة على حفرة التجارة. وبحلول عام 1995 أنها منحت مهمة لملء أوامر في حفرة العقود الآجلة SP500. في ذلك الوقت كان مجتمع حفرة 600 رجل وخمس نساء. في عام 1998، تركت ستيفاني حفرة العقود الآجلة SP500 وتبعت بوم التقنية لملء الطلبات في حفرة العقود الآجلة ناسداك 100. بحلول عام 2000 قررت ستيفاني أن تأخذ استراحة من التداول وفي عام 2008 عادت إلى حبها للتجارة والمساعدة في بناء تاجر رديز، وشاشة التعليم شركة التعليم مايك كان بناء. في أوائل عام 2010 انضمت ستيفاني ومايك إلى القوات مع دتي لرئاسة قسم دتي-فكس الجديد. ومن المعروف ستيفاني باسم تيغر لزملائها التجار والسماسرة في شيكاغو ميركانتيل للصرافة ويأكل الإجهاد للفطور وفقا لمقالة شيكاغو تريبيون المادة (091497). انها تجلب خبرتها ومعرفتها من التداول، التدريس وإدارة الإجهاد لجميع عملائنا. نيس قصيرة على غبجبي عند 163.68. - بيسي فبراير 16، 2015 شكرا على المدى هذا السبت الماضي ضرب حقا للطيور مع حجر واحد بالنسبة لي، وكان لي الانفجار. كما أشكركم كثيرا على الكتاب، لقد بدأت للتو هذا الصباح. - بك يناير 13، 2015 أحب البث المباشر. - سر ديسمبر 11، 2015 شكرا ل عام عظيم آخر مع مساعدتكم. يمكنك الاستمرار في جعل لي تاجر أفضل أنا ذاهب للانضمام لكم لبعض أشواط في عام 2016. - بيسي 15 نوفمبر 2015 شكرا لك على كونه صادق والحصول على لي أن تأخذ قسط من الراحة. عندما كنت غير قادر على النوم حتى، وقتها لإعادة ضبط نهجي لهذا الشيء. شكرا لك كثيرا للحصول على لي أن أرى مرة أخرى. - غ 23 أكتوبر 2015 شكرا لك لتبين لي كيفية ضبط حجم العقد الذي يلبي المخاطر التسامح وحتى تبدأ في تحمل موقف والسماح للفائزين تشغيل :) - أس 26 سبتمبر 2015 الكتاب الإلكتروني هو عظيم مجانا الموارد إلى كتابك، شكرا. - جس التحديثات في الوقت الحقيقي تساعد حقا لي تضييق التركيز بلدي وإزالة الأعشاب الضارة وليس قوة الصفقات. - ماك الحب الذي تقوم بتشغيل غرفة التحديث بدءا من لندن المفتوحة. - رو شكرا جزيلا على مخاوفك وتبحث بالنسبة لي. - بيإم فقط جعل بعض المال في هذا الزوج، ونتطلع إلى تكرار أي شيء لك مثل الزوج أوسدكاد جلبت في 1200.00 أدرك هذا الاسبوع بعد عطلة. لذلك شكرا ل ريك. - مر لاحظت الدورات هي الآن في المساء ومرة ​​أخرى في الصباح هو أنه عندما كنت على. أنا أحب الشعار الجديد. تركنا الفائزين تشغيل. فقط لم الأميال الرمال الناعمة الشاطئ القدم العارية. التي كانت صخب. - RM هذا هو نهج مدروسة لتداول العملات الأجنبية لأولئك الذين على استعداد لوضع في الوقت والجهد. - Susan شكرا لكونك دائما هناك وتقديم طرق جديدة لمساعدتي على تعلم كيفية اتخاذ أفضل قرار بالنسبة لي. - جون بالمناسبة. انخفاض حجم بي كان فكرة عظيمة. إيف دخلت مع حجم .03 الآن (كان يفعل .10 أو 0.20 قبل)، وإضافة عند الاقتضاء. أعتقد أن خطر بلدي هو انخفاض، إم اتخاذ قرارات أفضل. سواء عند الدخول أو الخروج. - جب مايكل، أنا فقط فتحت الكتاب الذي أرسلته وأنا في الامتنان العميق. شكرا لك شكرا لك شكرا لك. بركات في الحب لك و ستيفاني، كارين أعتقد فكرتك كبيرة وسوف تساعد بشكل كبير. شكرا لك دائما على البحث عن طرق للمساعدة. - جو يا مايك، ونأمل كل شيء على ما يرام. شكرا لكونك هناك كل هذا الوقت. على الرغم من أننا لم نتصل كل ذلك في كثير من الأحيان، والقدرة على الوصول إلى موقع رديز كان بطانية الأمن عندما الأسواق قد أحبطت لي. أشعر أنني أعرف رديز من الداخل والخارج وأنا ممتن جدا لجميع التعاليم الخاصة بك. شكرا مرة أخرى على كل شيء. الاحترام، ديفيد 23 سبتمبر 2014 يوم عظيم آخر من التداول. أنا جعلت 100 باكز يوم الأحد نقل من الجمعة انفتحت في صالحي. أرفق انتزاع الشاشة من الصفقات بلدي من أمس. أنا فعلا التخييم حتى استيقظت هذا الصباح للحصول على بعض واي فاي ويختار لهذا اليوم. استيقظت للربح ربحت أكثر من 200 دولار، وخسارتي 42.59 كانت اختياراتي وليس نظام رديز. لذلك أنا في الواقع كان ينبغي أن يكون أقرب إلى 300 لهذا اليوم. إم التداول .20 قيم النقطة. فقط أردت أن أخبرك. كان في حين منذ أن غادر الرجال شيكاغو ولكن يعتقد أنك قد تذكر لي. كنت أرغب في لمس قاعدة معك حول الخدمة والتوصيات الخاصة بك. أنا ما زلت ملء خيارات ورقة على أرضية كبوي، ولكن كان بطيئا الذهاب لبعض الوقت الآن. أنا لست في الظلام في حقيقة أن هذه دائري سوف تنتهي في وقت ما في المستقبل غير بعيد جدا وأريد أن محاولة لخطوة المقبلة. أحب أن محاولة التجارة من تلقاء نفسها. ولكن لدي الكثير لتعلمه. حتى بينما إم لا تزال تعمل، وأود أن تعلم. دراسة بقدر ما أستطيع، وإعداد نفسي. بالطبع عندما أفكر في تعلم كيفية التجارة - أنت وستيف هي أول الناس التي تتبادر إلى الذهن حتى إم أساسا قماش فارغة. كنت آمل في الحصول على الخاص بك على كيفية البدء. كنت أبحث في موقعك وبدء صغير جدا مع الفوركس في المساء يبدو أن نقطة منخفضة جدا نقطة انطلاق المخاطر. على أي حال، إد الحب للحصول على اتخاذ الخاص بك. عظيم أن نسمع منك فوريكس يمكن أن يكون هذا الإطار لمساعدتك على الحصول على قدميك في اللعبة هنا هو ما أود أن أقترح. يمكننا جدولة مكالمة للذهاب أكثر من هذا مسبقا ولكن يعتقد أنني سوف أكتب لك من أجل مراجعة يمكننا جدولة 1 إلى 1 جلسات غوتوميتينغ أسبوعيا (يوصي 8) التي سوف تذهب من خلال حساب الممارسة حساب حي صغير (يوصي 500 دقيقة. لبدء) الإعداد واستخدام منصة. وبطبيعة الحال، فإن التركيز الرئيسي تغطي وسيلة استراتيجية لتحليل سلسلة من الأسواق (رديز)، وترتيبها واختيار من تلك التي تبدو أفضل. ونحن نعمل مع 25 أزواج مختلفة ومرة ​​واحدة يتقن وإذا وجدت هذا هو لك، يمكننا أن لفة هذه المعلومات إلى أكبر أكونتسماركيتس الآجلة لزيادة نطاق ونطاق معرفتك وسوف تغطي أين نتوقع المقاومة الدعم، وكيفية حساب تلك المناطق وتأكيد لهم، ضع التجارة خطوة 3 (دخول، وقف، الربح) مراجعة الأداء الخاص بك والذهاب أكثر من الأوساط التجارية والأفكار كما سيتم تغطيتها. يتم تسجيل جميع الجلسات بالنسبة لك للمراجعة في أي وقت تريد. أنا تخزينها في منطقة محمية بكلمة مرور للموقع لمدة 24-7 الوصول، ولكن يمكنك تحميلها على جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بك كذلك. كما تأتي الخدمة مع تنبيهات الصباح من 6: 15a - 8: 15APT M-F والوصول الكامل إلى الموقع والأدوات لتغطية 8 اجتماعات والوصول الكامل سيتيتولس. تفاصيل: ووردستراديروكاتيون (حدد رديز التجارة هنتر (رئيس الوزراء) إذا كنت بحاجة إلى أي متابعة إضافية 1 إلى 1 اجتماعات، يمكنك جدولة حسب الحاجة. بعض زبائني أحب أن يكون تسجيل الدخول الأسبوعية المستمرة والاشتراك 250 في الشهر (حتى (يمكنك اختيار الجدول الزمني كما تذهب.) تفاصيل: ووردستراديروكاتيون (حدد رديز التجارة هنتر (ماستر) يمكننا جدولة اجتماعات أسبوعية تيسويددورس 7: 15a بت (9: 15a كت) أو نفس الأيام في المساء 7: 15p بت (9: 15p كت) يمكننا أيضا جدولة بعض صباح يوم السبت، وكذلك عند الطلب، واسمحوا لي أن أعرف والبقاء على اتصال كما يسرني أن تساعد إم مشاهدة أشرطة الفيديو اليوم وأنا حقا أحب روح وبتس سريعة من المعلومات كل فيديو يوفر. شيء واحد أن يبقي لي متحمس جدا حول التداول والتعلم منك هو مقدار التركيز عليك و ستيف وضع على معرفة نفسك، ورعاية نفسك، والأسرة، وبعبارة أخرى، نهج شامل على الرغم من أن أنا وأنا مختلفة تماما خلفيات، أشعر بأن برنامج رديز يعالجني أ و بالتأكيد لا يتحدث على رأسي مع المفاهيم عالية. لها ريان. التقيت معك السبت الماضي على المدى. أنا حقا يتمتع تشغيل معك وكل ما كان عليك أن تقول. إيف أخذت الوقت للبحث عن موقع الويب الخاص بك وقرأت مقدمة الكتاب الخاص بك. أنا معجب للغاية وشكرا لتمكنت من مقابلتك. تجربتك ليس فقط كما تاجر الكلمة ولكن أيضا كمربى فاز بالتأكيد لي أكثر. وسوف أكون على اتصال معكم في المستقبل عن الاشتراك في البرنامج الخاص بك. أعتقد في المدى القصير سوف الاشتراك في محاكمة مجانية الخروج في نهاية الشهر ونرى بالتأكيد لكم على المدى إم دعوة شخصين. نأمل، انهم لا يخافون من 5 أميال. لقد حصلت على نسخة أوقد من كتابك من الأمازون، وأنا أعمل من خلال ذلك أجد نهج رديز أن يكون وسيلة منظمة جدا للنظر في حركة السعر في حين السيطرة على المخاطر بدقة. أردت فقط أن أغتنم هذه الفرصة لأشكركم على وقتك وجهودك في العامين الماضيين بدونها لم يكن من الممكن تحقيق مثل هذا التقدم في هذا المجال. لقد ساعدتني تنمو ليس فقط مهنيا ولكن أيضا كفرد، وكنت وستيف القيام بعمل عظيم في توفير حزمة التي لا يدل فقط على نظام ولكن أيضا نمط الحياة. وقد ساعدت لدينا واحدة على دورات واحدة لي اكتساب الثقة في المعرفة التي اكتسبت والتي فتحت الكثير من الفرص الجديدة بالنسبة لي. على الرغم من إم ممتنة على فرصة هنا و إم تعلم أشياء جديدة كثيرة، ما زلت أتطلع وسوف تستمر في العمل من أجل كسب لقمة العيش من التداول. نتطلع إلى مواصلة العمل معكم. ) كتابك والخدمة رهيبة تماما. كان دقيقا جدا وسهلة لمتابعة. كموضوع واقع كان جيدا جدا أن أجد ثقة على نفسي لمحاولة وحدها ولكن بالتأكيد إذا كنت بحاجة إلى أي شيء سوف نتصل بك في المستقبل. كما أنصح بشدة إذا كان شخص ما يحتاج إلى مساعدة على الفوركس. شكرا لكم وأتمنى لكم كل التوفيق، أس (6172013 8:10:20 آم): نعم، حصلت عليه. النظام الخاص بك هو مدهش. أنا ممتن لله، وجدت لك. وو (5162013 9:34:54 آم) أخذ للتو الربح أوسوسد 31 41 الأمور تسير على ما يرام. آمل الأشياء جيدة مع ش. آ (3182013 8:20:11 آم): رجل. نظرت بعيدا عن قليل وحصلت على ضرب على الثلاثة. أخذت أرباحا على يورب غب عقد جبي. في المجموع التقطت 90 نقطة. ثكس 14 فبراير 2013 أحمد (2142013 7:39:06 آم): هل أنت مهتم في غببودس مايك رادكاي (2142013 7:40:06 آم): فقط أودوسد الآن أحمد (2142013 7:40:33 آم): حسنا. شكر. مايك رادكاي (2142013 8:10:41 آم): على التراجع عن دعم المسرحيات الطويلة at10348audusd. جلسة الاستهداف عالية إلى 10399 15 يناير 2013 (1152013 8:13:35 آم): التقطت 35 على أوسجبي 11 ديسمبر 2012 أردت فقط أن أفيد أنه بعد ثلاثة أشهر من الصفقات وحفظ السجلات - الصفقات بلدي صافي مربحة و إم متحمس في الواقع. الربح طفيف ولكنه مكسب مع ذلك. مثيرة للاهتمام لأن إيف استخدمت الكل في طريقة الدخول في المستويات المشار إليها على تنبيهات التجارة اليومية وببساطة باستخدام 1L وقف الخسارة و 2 L أخذ الربح والسماح لها الذهاب حتى يتم ضرب توقف. راجع للشغل - الكتاب رائع. أتعلم شيئا جديدا في كل مرة أنظر إليه. شكرا لجميع المساعدة وعطلات سعيدة 5 نوفمبر 2012 مايك، أريد أن أشكركم على كل ما تفعله وموقعك العظيم لمساعدتي في تداول العملات. شكرا لك، جيمس سبتمبر 07، 2012 بول B (972012 8:16:58 آم): مفيدة جدا - أعتقد أنني أشعر ضوء يحدث. تشك للتفاصيل في تنبيهات النص اليوم ولها عطلة نهاية الأسبوع كبيرة 10 أغسطس 2012 2012 وأنا أقدر كل ما قمت به على مدى السنوات 2 الماضية وحصلت على الكثير من الاتجاه الخاص بك الأسلوب التالي. شكرا مرة أخرى على كل شيء مايك - ريان كيف كانت الأمور تسير لقد كنت تبحث في أساليب أخرى وما إلى ذلك ويبدو أن يعود دائما إلى رديز بيكاسو أنه يجعل من المنطقي بالنسبة لي. عندما يمكنك الدردشة على الهاتف للحصول على لي مرة أخرى على المسار الصحيح ووضع خطير معا شكرا غل وو (662012 9:01:51 آم): شاركت مع غبوسد لا يزال طويلا ولكن أخذ بعض الربح 22 وو (612012 8:13 : 21 آم): أنا أعلم أن أنا قد نشرت في لحظة، فقط لأنني قد أحرج. حصلت على سحق على عدد قليل من الصفقات. كنت أمسك على الخاسرين لفترة طويلة. آمل أن تعلمت درسي. أنا بقوة باستخدام محطة 1L. هذا الصباح في وقت مبكر التقطت 10 على إيرغب، 30 أوسدكاد وأخذت بعض الربح 40 أودوسد لا تزال لديها 1 على مايك رادكاي (612012 8:14:19 آم): الحفاظ على العمل في ذلك. ليس من السهل دائما :) شكرا لك على الرابط، وأنها تعمل الآن :) كما هو الحال دائما شكرا جزيلا لكم على الويبينار رهيبة، ودائما بعض النصائح الثاقبة قليلا التي ضرب المنزل أنت مدرس ممتاز وأشعر محظوظة جدا أن تتاح لي الفرصة للعمل معكم. قرأت المزيد من التعليمات الكتاب الإلكتروني على دخول التجارة الخاصة بك، ونافذة من الفرص، وهذا كله يجعل شعور كبير بالنسبة لي حتى إل اتباع هذا النوع من الإعداد التجاري المضي قدما. شكرا على كل شيء هذا الأسبوع، لديك عطلة عيد الفصح كبيرة، والتحدث إليكم الأسبوع المقبل وو (3302012 7:46:07 آم). إذا عاد أوسجبي إلى التكلفة (82.24) لا ش الخروج أو الانتظار لعاصفة 2 مايك رادكاي (3302012 8:03:07 آم): هذا أوبموف يجعلني عصبية بعض الشيء وعدم الاستجابة بشكل جيد. بعض أوسدشف تشغيل و ضرب غبوسد في وقت سابق نيل S (3232012 8:01:02 آم): نجاح باهر وأنا فرخ بعد 20 نقطة كل يورو و أوسشف. يجب أن يكون عقد على وو (3232012 7:41:45 آم): اتصل بي و ويمب ولكن أنا خارج 30 يوروس مايك رادكاي (3232012 7:46:34 آم): حسن عقد سعيد عملت بها ريس N. - رهيبة، شكرا - انت كثيرا. في الثلاثاء، 13 مارس 2012 في 10:27 صباحا، كتب مايكل رادكاي: قد ترغب في اللعب مع 12 في أقصى (نصف يوم في 12 ساعة) ولا تذهب أي شيء أكثر تشددا من 6 ساعات (14 من اليوم) 8 لا يزال قد يثبت أن منطقة لطيفة في محاولة لمدة 60 دقيقة. اجتماعها في منتصف ويغطي دورة يوم كامل في الولايات المتحدة (أعتقد مثل وظيفة 9-5 العادي يغطي 8 ساعات) نأمل أن يساعد هذا كل خير، مايك إلى: مايكل رادكاي أرسلت: الثلاثاء، 13 مارس 2012 8:17 آم الموضوع: سؤال سريع. شكرا لك على فئة النهار. وأنا أقدر أنني قد رأيت على صفحات إيبوك لديك رسي شرح وتوصيات لفترات زمنية مختلفة. هل لي أن أسأل توصيتك على 1 ساعة الإطار الزمني أحب أن تبقي هذا المخطط في الخلفية وأنا التجارة أو تعيين الصفقات حتى. بو (352012 7:24:41 آم): ذهب مع 1L سحب نزدوسد قصيرة و التقطت 20 مايك رادكاي (352012 7:25:03 آم): لطيفة بو (312012 7:50:50 آم): لم فوضى مع (202012 7:52:25 آم): لطيفة 23 فبراير 2012 كين Y (2232012 7:42:34 آم): أمرت كتابك، فإنه السفن على 320. أيضا أنا تحميل الجلسة الأخيرة أمس مايك رادكاي (2232012 7:47:49 آم): عظيم. شكرا 23 فبراير 2012 بيل دبليو (2232012 8:00:07 آم): المتأنق. أنا خارجا زائد 20 30 على اليورو مقابل الدولار الأميركي بيل دبليو (2232012 8:03:34 آم): لقد تم الحصول على مشكلة في عقد لفترة طويلة جدا في الآونة الأخيرة لذلك أحاول الحصول على أرباح عاجلا مايك رادكاي (2232012 8:01: 08 آم): لطيفة 17 فبراير 2012 إيك (02172012 8:18:27 آم): مجرد قراءة الفصل الأول رائع. ) فيبرواري 13، 2012 بيل W. (02132012 10:28:12 آم): 15 وقد توقفت عند مستوى الدخول على البقاء طويلا فبراير 8، 2012 أرى ما كنت تسأل. لقد بدأت في التعود على رؤية هذه الأنماط. لقد كنت في الماضي أكثر في كثير من الأحيان مشاهدة الأسواق مثل سب 500 لأنواع مماثلة من المؤشرات. - فيليب R. 31 يناير 2012 إم الحصول على أفضل في تداول العملات الأجنبية، وذلك بفضل النظام الخاص بك يجري العاملين لحسابهم الخاص يعمل 12hrs يوميا تجعل من التحدي. كين Y. (01092012 8:55:56 آم): أفضل يوم من أي وقت مضى. شكرا مايك رادكاي (01092012 8:56:48 آم): لطيفة ديسمبر 22، 2011 يرجى أن أعرف أن أقدر لكم جميعا و ستيف علمني. 21 ديسمبر 2011 مايك رادكاي (12212011 7:33:56 آم): إورجب قصيرة في 29 مايك رادكاي (12212011 8:10:10 آم): البدء في الحصول على قطرة. مستويات ضيقة ولكن في 1L الربح ضرب الآن. أبحث عن 8307 إلى 8296 21 ديسمبر 2011 (12212011 8:12:35 آم): نتطلع إلى فئة الليلة. ) ديسمبر 09، 2011 الكسندر (1292011 8:07:59 آم): وو، أدلى للتو التجارة على 6b لمدة 20 القراد. روبن (1292011 6:19:36 آم): حققت أرباحا في كلا الزوجين وكذلك ورجبي. ديسمبر 06، 2011 نيل (1262011 8:13:06 آم): طيب شكرا. راجع للشغل. اليورو مقابل الفرنك السويسري في 12373 ل 2 L مايك رادكاي (1262011 8:13:27 آم): لطيفة ديسمبر 01، 2011 فرانك (1212011 6:47:47 آم): هاي مايك فقدت السلطة والكمبيوتر انخفض قليلا في حين أن هذه الرياح هي سيئة السمعة ل انقطاع التيار الكهربائي تأكد لديك لديك ولكن تغطيتها مع أي أوامر لأنها يمكن أن تستمر لساعات مايك رادكاي (1212011 6:48:16 آم): نسمع لك. شكر. 30 نوفمبر 2011 ويليام (11302011 9:26:58 آم): كان أودوس 10239. طويلة 5 أودوسد استغرق 4 قبالة 42 مايك رادكاي (11302011 1:36:43 بيإم): لطيفة 25 نوفمبر 2011 مرة أخرى أنا أحب النظام الخاص بك كل ما تقوم به، ويستند النظام على نفس الأرقام اعتدت أن نرى والنظر في اتخاذ قرارات التداول. حسنا، وأحيانا تلك الأرقام هي خارج عن لك لبعض أزواج لا يمكن أن ننتظر لنراكم خلال ميتوب المقبل. العديد من الشكر. 23 نوفمبر 2011 ويليام (11232011 6:57:36 آم): ذهب ضوء أخذ بعض الربح 16 على الباقي قد توقف 13410 مع تيسي 10 مايك رادكاي (11232011 6:58:13 آم): لطيفة 17 نوفمبر 2011 ريس (11172011 8 : 12: 10 آم): صباح الخير مايكل، وأتمنى لكم، ستيفاني وعائلاتكم أحر من تآزر الأسرة على هذا الشكر عطلة نهاية الأسبوع. أشكركم لك على حد سواء لجهودكم عمل لمساعدتنا نيوبيز التجارة. على شخصية، مذكرة تجارية كبيرة. لقد ربحت 47 تداولات هذا الشهر مع فقدان فقط 5 - أشكركم على ذلك. لديك عطلة كبيرة. مع الاحترام، ريس ويليام (11172011 6:55:27 آم): نعم أن يكون لطيفا. فئة جيدة الليلة الماضية 16 نوفمبر 2011 الكسندر (11162011 8:00:18 آم): مخيف مجرد اللعب المضاد مايك رادكاي (11162011 8:01:03 آم): نعم. (11152011 6:41:29 آم): لطيفة 30 القراد تشغيل على 6e مايك رادكاي (11152011 6:41:45 آم): لطيفة 10 نوفمبر 2011 جيمس (11102011 8 : 10: 34 آم): 2 مسرحيات، إلغاء أوسجبي، عندما ملأت على ضوء يوروس 1.3559 و 1.3561 تعمل حاليا مع 59S فقط في الربح الآن مايك رادكاي (11102011 8:11:44 آم) لطيفة ايلي (11102011 6:57: 56 آم): أوسجبي، هل من المنطقي أن يكون وقف في، على سبيل المثال، 16 نقطة في هذه المجموعة مايك رادكاي (11102011 6:58:34 آم): هذا هو فكرتي ولكن حاول أن يكون لها فكرة صنع على الأقل 16 نقطة في عقلك كذلك. إيلي (11102011 6:58:56 آم): ثاتس تقدير، مايك، ثانكس. تذكير جيد جدا 8 نوفمبر 2011 مايك رادكاي (1182011 6:38:58 آم): لا يزال تشغيل يورشف قصيرة من 12383. أخذ بعض الربح هنا في منطقة 1L. على السندات المتبقية تبحث عن 12339 إلى 12317 أوكو مع 12382 لقفل في الربح على المتبقي. توقفت مقطورة توقف وصولا الى 72 الآن. نيل (1182011 6:39:25 آم): نجاح باهر يتحرك الآن ويليام (1182011 7:04:46 آم): أخذ الربح 27 30 لا تزال قصيرة 1. رجل أنه من الجيد أن يكون الربح مقفل في 4 نوفمبر 2011 مايك رادكاي (1142011 7:51:25 آم): أخذ بعض الأرباح هنا يورشف 12223. ابحث عن 12238 على بقاء أوكو مع 14 توقف مايك رادكاي (1142011 7:55:29 آم): شقة. (112011 7:58:06 آم): لقد أخذت بعض الربح (1L) في 12223.How الكثير الكثير كنت في المنزل العديد من اليسار العمل مايك رادكاي (1142011 7:58:40 آم) : سؤال أفضل هو كم كان لديك عمل وماذا كنت تريد أن تخاطر إذا كنت قد حصلت في. مايك رادكاي (1142011 7:59:01 آم): أخذت نصف من منصبي الحالي. سبب الجواب هو. لا تستهلك مع بلدي وحجم الكثير. الحصول على استهلكت مع ما يمكن أن خطر وتحمل. لذلك يبقى جوابي أخذت نصف موقفي من طاولة أندريس (1142011 8:01:17 آم): حصلت عليه. شكرا أندريس (1142011 9:16:10 آم): نجاح باهر 2L الربح على يورشف من 12193 :) 3 نوفمبر 2011 أنت، في الواقع، ألهمني قليلا جدا أمس. أنا جعلت أول تجارة طويلة جدا جدا (تقريبا ساعة) على 6b ل 38 القراد. تشكرات. إم لا يزال التفكير في جلسات واحدة 2-لإنشاء قائمة ما نوع المساعدة المطلوبة. وأنا أعلم أن هناك الكثير من الأشياء التي تحتاج إلى تحسين. 2 نوفمبر 2011 ريتشارد (1122011 8:34:03 آم): لم الجنيه الإسترليني اليوم - أن كان جيدا. (أوسدكاد) التي تحمل من خلال تقرير ويليام (1122011 8:03:50 آم): أخذ بعض الربح 25 لا يزال طويلا غبوسد من 15988 مايك رادكاي (1122011 8:04:15 آم): التجارة لطيفة وليام (1122011 8:03:50) 1122011 8:19:20 آم): أخذ المزيد من الأرباح. على آخر واحد وضع 10 نقطة وقف زائدة 1 نوفمبر 2011 أندرس (1112011 7:38:08 آم): يجب علينا الانتظار مايك رادكاي (1112011 7:38:28 آم): خطر شخصي لك. أنا خطر 1L أندرس (1112011 8:06:14 آم): يبدو أفضل بكثير الآن مايك رادكاي (1112011 8:07:08 آم): أبدا من السهل دائما. وهذا هو السبب في أنها تسميها الأعمال المحفوفة بالمخاطر. (1112011 8:00:28 آم): إم في 3 أزواج - كل يبحث جيدة إلى حد ما حتى الآن .. مايك رادكاي (1112011 10:56:18 آم): غبوسد قصيرة مرة أخرى في 15980 و 90 هذه المرة حول وليام (1112011 11:59:42 آم): لطيفة ترد. 27 أكتوبر 2011 ويليام (10272011 8:08:19 آم): أحتاج إلى مساعدة. كيف يو التعامل مع في عداد المفقودين خطوة بمقدار 1 نقطة. تأخذ نفسا عميقا التركيز على أن هناك العديد من الفرص في الصورة الكبيرة مايك رادكاي (10272011 8:08:44 ص): كنت حصلت عليه. أو القيام 1 لوت أو شيء ما للحصول على نفسك المعنية. (10272011 8:10:22 آم): شكرا أكتوبر 27، 2011 مايك رادكاي (10272011 8:02:23 آم): أوسكاد قصيرة تبدو جيدة نيل (10272011 8:03:08 آم) ): نعم، بالطبع أتمنى لو لم تحجمت كثيرا حتى الآن. آخر شيء يقوم به رائع، على الرغم من 25 أكتوبر 2011 بيل (10252011 11:35:32 آم): حصلت على شقة 6 أوسدكاد، العائمة فقط على طول هنا مايك رادكاي (10252011 11:36:27 آم): غطت بعض نفسي. أوكو في وو الآن (10252011 11:39:26 آم): أوكو هو دعوة لطيفة. 20 أكتوبر 2011 ويليام دبليو (10202011 9:10:04 ص): حسنا أن كان 2ND ستورم وأنا آم مايك رادكاي (10202011 9:13:11 ص): الآن يصبح الخيار فقط. هل تريد أن تجرب ذلك مرة أخرى. 3L التحرك، ذروة الشراء، تحت الجلسة الخضراء الحمراء. اذا فعلت. توقف عند 9026 وتبحث عن 1 إلى 2L انخفاض إلى ربما إعادة اختبار سيسون منخفضة وليام W (10202011 9:21:47 آم): أنا قصيرة 9004 أوسدشف وليام W (10202011 9:51:31 آم): أضع 9000 توقف في مع 15 نقطة وقف زائدة مايك رادكاي (10202011 10:00:44 آم): حسنا. وأحيانا لديك للقتال من أجل ذلك. لطيف. 18 أكتوبر 2011 نس (10192011 8:06:24 آم): كان إيف 2 مواقف طويلة اليوم يورشف حتى الآن. 13 نقطة لكل منهما. 18 أكتوبر 2011 جيمس O: من آخر يوروس 6:57 1.3660 شكرا مايك على كل العمل الذي تقوم به ومشاركتها معنا. لا أقول غالبا ما يكفي أو التحدث كثيرا. الوقت لركوب الدراجة الطويلة و سو 2 نايت. جيمس جيمس O: في 6 صباحا أنا أزلت جميع ولكن 3 الرسوم البيانية من ساعة (نفس 3 كما يو في 6:15 آخر) الفائدة الرئيسية يوروس واحد فقط أضع النظام في جرا. بيع حد 1.3719 شغل في 6: 09pst أخذ قليلا قبالة هنا والاصبع على. نجاح باهر الآن في المنطقة المستهدفة. ركوب بقية مايك رادكاي: يبدو جيدا نيل S: ريدلاين يلعب العمل بالنسبة لي. قليلا العصبي على الرغم من. أغلق 23 نقطة يوروس، لا يزال قصيرة إيرغب في حوالي التعادل 06 أكتوبر 2011 مايك رادكاي (1062011 7:24:33 آم): الأمور تنهار. حذر إيلي C (1062011 7:25:25 آم): توقفت بالفعل 04 أكتوبر 2011 نيل S (1042011 8:07:27 آم): أوامر بلدي على غبوسد المتطابقة لك تماما تقريبا. ولكن أنا فقط حصلت توقفت. 14 و 4 مايك رادكاي (1042011 8:07:46 آم): ركوب صعبة. نيل (المتكررة) سيمز (1042011 8:07:51 آم): في الواقع فريد G (1042011 7:10:35 آم): تشغيل لطيف قليلا على الكندي - ما يقرب من 100 - جيدة بما فيه الكفاية ليوم 03 أكتوبر 2011 مايك رادكاي (1032011 7:10:03 آم): ضوء قصير 15513 غبوسد. الذهاب إلى التركيز هنا. (1032011 7:47:47 آم): غبوسد لطيفة نيل S (1032011 7:39:35 آم): إم غبوسد شقة. 42 نقطة. يوم جميل بالنسبة لي. سبتمبر 23، 2011 ويليام W (9232011 10:09:19 آم): شقة على يورغب اختار 19 29 نيل S (9232011 9:45:23 آم): نجاح باهر ركوب لطيفة على إيرغب من 55 إلى 17 مايك رادكاي (9232011 9: 46:14 آم): لقد فعلت ذلك. هل استفدت نيل S (9232011 9:46:40 آم): نعم فعلت. تم قياسها في L1 ثم بقية في L2 مايك رادكاي (9232011 9:46:57 آم): نيل نيل S (9232011 9:50:53 آم): شكرا. Its nice to have a system such as RDS that works consistently for me. Chad J (9232011 8:18:50 AM): Best week ever. thanks Mike - Chad September 21, 2011 Thanks for all your help, its going real well for me. I am really excited about the future. Bill W Chad J (9212011 11:53:10 AM): Im up 280 pip today. that was fun Fred G (9212011 8:53:38 AM): was reading your site and playing with my previous knowledge and up 64 pips on eurusd so far today. will continue to read Stacey S (9212011 6:16:39 AM): Hi Mike - I really do love your football field. I caught the GBPUSD trade this morning at 5:30am EST and again at 6:30am EST based on your parameters. Nice trade while the kids were sleeping. Cheers, Stacey September 20, 2011 Chad J (9202011 9:50:10 AM): my account is up 10 this month. this is the most success ive had in the 1 year ive been in the markets. so thanks September 20, 2011 Stacey S. (9202011 7:52:51 AM): Hi Mike, Just want to thank you. I really havent been trading currencies, but your framework has really helped me in trading bonds and equities. It has taken about a year, but the light bulb is finally starting to go on. Thanks again, Stacey September 19, 2011 NS (9192011 10:41:11 AM): Not a bad day. Im flat after 25 audusd, 7 eurusd, 12 gbpusd. September 16, 2011 Neal (9162011 7:42:46 AM): hopefully you got a small profit I was out with -5 pips. Mike Radkay (9162011 7:43:36 AM): small profit. hard ride though. probably missed the boat on nzdusd. اوه حسناً. Neal (9162011 7:45:59 AM): theres your nzdusd opportunity Mike Radkay (9162011 7:46:17 AM): careful what you wish for. حق. Mike Radkay (9162011 7:48:21 AM): last little bottom 8300 before a bounce on nzdusd. going to go in ong there with a chance Mike Radkay (9162011 7:55:05 AM): long nzdusd at 8300 Mike Radkay (9162011 8:00:02 AM): would like to see some higher highs nzdusd next 15 min candle. Mike Radkay (9162011 8:01:40 AM): getting some higher highs. looking good on long from 8300. targeting 8338 to possibly 8372 Mike Radkay (9162011 8:03:12 AM): taking some profit in 23. looking for 8338 for more William (9162011 8:06:36 AM): NICE September 13, 2011 (All Times Are Pacific) I was in on the Aud trade yesterday I didnt take profit a soon as u did but it was a nice trd for me also picked up 1L late in the day with usdjpy Had an awesome trade late Friday early Sunday. I was short the eurusd 13656, 13682 137.01 I know we had talked about it. Well i decided to hold the trade until Sunday. Dude Sunday open up at 13598, I took my profit and enjoyed the rest of my Sunday. thx for all your help September 12, 2011 Mike Radkay (9122011 6:16:57 AM): interest in audusd (bearish bias). feel resistance will develop at 10358 Mike Radkay (9122011 6:40:04 AM): resistance audusd 10358, usdjpy found resistance at 7727 and eurjpy found resistance at 10556 area. Neal (9122011 8:01:07 AM): im out. not a bad day so far. 20 pips audusd, 10 pips usdjpy. September 09, 2011 BW(992011 9:05:30 AM): took profit plus 10 with 1 still long 2 on usdcad Mike Radkay (992011 9:06:54 AM): took profit myself at 72. keeps stalling there BW (992011 9:10:46 AM): looks like eur and aud back on down trend, know we need cad to continue up trend Mike Radkay (992011 9:15:27 AM): its trying. had vision of parity on usdcad 1.0000. might be wishful thinking September 06, 2011 Mike Radkay (962011 7:53:11 AM): just got long at 7714 usdjpy after i exited usdcad for small profit Mike Radkay (962011 8:04:56 AM): usdjpy starting to make some higher highs. still running long from 14. 7753 session high area Mike Radkay (962011 8:07:25 AM): 1 level of profit into it. took 1 off. still long looking for 31 and 42 and 53 for remaining Bill (962011 8:52:42 AM): I got flat 42 Bill (962011 8:53:33 AM): 31 September 01, 2011 NS (912011 8:05:54 AM): Another good day. played countertrend on eurusd for 18 pips. will wait for on-trend moves before I re-enter. Mike Radkay (8312011 6:16:33 AM): at this point the only market that seems to be moving is the usdchf (bearish bias) sell limit pending currently at 0.8091 Mike Radkay (8312011 7:16:54 AM): short at 0.8091 usdchf WW(8312011 8:02:29 AM): thats why your the master. have 8019 limit on remainder with a stop 81. down to 1 took profit on 1 40 Neal S (8312011 8:02:13 AM): Im out of usdchf -- too nervous. I was in out several times for a total of about 28 pips. good day for me Craig B (8312011 8:28:07 AM): I got out too early WW(8312011 10:31:21 AM): just picked another 24 on 3 usdchf short 8044 out at 8020. total pips for the day, if u add them up 178 Mike, Were back from vacation. It felt good to be trading again today, made my goal of finishing in the green. Bill Chad J (8242011 8:16:50 AM): Hi Mike, I like to put on small swing trades and was looking at the usdchf daily chart. Are there any fundamental changes with the CHF recently. any reason to think it wont continue to be more valuable than the USD Im reading things about trying to lessen its value by the SNB Mike Radkay (8242011 8:19:52 AM): the way it seems right now is that the dollar has held these gains over past week and a half and with current prices above weekly, red and green..more inclined to stay long if prices hold above 7911 weekly Mike Radkay (8242011 8:21:41 AM): SNB has lowered rates to 0 in hopes to slow down CH strength. seems to be working so far and price action is in alignment with USD climbing and CHF falling at the moment Mike Radkay (8222011 7:25:50 AM): taking some profit on the pause here at 9857. still running short from 9873 Neal S (8222011 7:34:49 AM): i got out of all of mine. 16 pips on most, only 10 pips on the last bit. Rich I(8162011 7:37:37 AM): Im finally trading better last couple months and making profit. Waiting for opportunities is the hardest part. Mike Radkay (8122011 7:36:12 AM): usdchf moving back in downtend on 15min. support still expected 7687. long at 7687 usdchf Neal S (8122011 7:46:33 AM): wow goin now. i always get nervous when things go this well and tighten my stop. Mike Radkay (8122011 7:50:05 AM): got a good one going. set a trailer on it Neal S (8122011 7:52:18 AM): yeah i just took off most of mine at 55 pips. will let the last little bit run with a trailer Rich I (8122011 7:48:31 AM): sweet. I hate when I only have 1 on from being a chicken. Harder to play and know when to get out. WW(8122011 7:49:36 AM): picked up 30 still long James O(8122011 8:05:22 AM): usdchf was only one on my radar as well at 5:30am NICE Thanks MIKE for all you do and Steph as well have a great weekend. James WW: did u go long at the flip from down trend to up trend 75.75 usdchf..I missed it, kept waiting for it hit 7492 or came back to 7549 range Mike Radkay: yes i did..had 7492s working as well but when i saw higher highs came back in i bought 7550s WW: Thx. that helps a bunch. the higher high WW: looks like I should be able to make it tonight. didnt lose faith with eurjpy and picked up 47 63. flat and bbq some brats Mike Radkay: nice. i didnt lose faith either. audusd was great as well. Thanx, challenging material - need to broaden my understanding of the changes within the trading time, as per how you finished this evenings class. new and a bit of a stretch for now. Looking forward to understanding it thoroughly. The material and the daily videos are all very motivating. Thanks for your help so far. Take care, Reis WW(842011 2:09:10 PM): Mike, last night was great, I real enjoy your classes. I couldnt get involved this morning was just to busy at work but once we slowed down was able to go long the usdjpy with your help and picked 31 pips. I went light, was nervous with the extreme moves today. I didnt listen to my gut, wanted to go more but total happy with what I made. I made a decision last week to start shutting things down around 3:00pm (cst), if I am in the positive. Its just to much, to wrap up work, take the train home, be with the kids get dinner ready and the whole time I have the market on my mind. WW(842011 2:19:57 PM): fyi. I am still trading dollar pips, at the beginning of July I was down about 500.00 in my acct and from that low now I am up over 750.00 bucks. I am out tomorrow with the wife and kids. Were taking the kids downtown for a day of fun in the big city. Thanks for all your guidance, good luck tomorrow and have a great weekend. Ellie C(842011 8:26:43 AM): Mike, does it matter that eurusd is between the red and green lines Also, on audusd above both I do understand the principle to go long above and short below. want to make sure I understand all parameters, whether it matters where these points are located vs the red and green lines.. Mike Radkay (842011 8:27:33 AM): the entry spot 14228 is below that is what is important Ellie (092811check) Chay (842011 8:29:00 AM): ok - thanx Rich I(832011 8:08:32 AM): nice trade on GBPUSD long. I only had 1 and got out too soon. but still made some. Mike Radkay (832011 8:08:46 AM): nice Neal S(832011 7:56:38 AM): i got out at 15 pips profit. good enough for me for today. WW (822011 1:34:38 PM): was able to pick up 23 pips today made plus 20 yesterday Tim C. - I LIKE HOW YOU BREAKDOWN THE CHART (RED LINE). IM AN EX-YOUTH FOOTBALL COACH 15 YEARS Mike Radkay (7292011 8:05:11 AM): would be nice to have some usdcf runing as well. but i wont be greedy and take what i get. took my profit on usdjpy and calling it a day. Ellie C (7292011 8:05:37 AM): very nice run usdjpy Neal S (7292011 8:04:28 AM): wow usdchf. hmm i should have done the same, but still in. will see what i can get. WW(7282011 12:49:35 PM): I picked up another 2 earlier 39, with it moving slow just got flat at 13 14 Mike Radkay (7282011 12:51:27 PM): still running short myself: rdstradereurjpy072811.jpg WW (7282011 12:52:49 PM): u the man. Neal S (7282011 8:10:46 AM): I rode eurjpy for 16 pips in 2 trades. Thats a good day for me so Im out. Neal (S (7282011 8:11:16 AM): im trying to learn how to walk away when i hit my target. Mike Radkay (7282011 8:12:58 AM): nice neal WW(7272011 3:50:03 PM): Advice please..I am still long. 11027 break even. was planning on hold out for 11055 but seems like 11027 or low 11030 is all where going to get. should I call it a day hold out for 11055 Mike Radkay (7272011 3:51:02 PM): been a long time into it and it is struggling here. i got long audusd from 30, 17, 13. coverd up near 28 and then reentered long at main support at 05 and covered up near 30 again which wasnow the trouble spot. im flat WW (7272011 3:57:50 PM): thats why your the master. I jumped the gun earlier went long 32 and 30 and 09 so my hole was a deeper Mike Radkay (7272011 3:59:02 PM): gotcha. I kept bullets in reserve. just remember that 30 has been a srugle and the times tha market gave it to ou was a good thing to take it when it gave it WW(7272011 5:10:29 PM): Thanks for you advice got out 34. feel much better Mike R adkay (7272011 5:10:42 PM). ) Mike Radkay (7272011 7:12:22 AM): i like audusd better as to position on field Neal S (7272011 7:12:58 AM): right. farther above redgreen. nzdusd between them. Mike Radkay (7252011 11:04:55 AM): took awhile without too much heat. but better as out of the woods on short plays usdjpy 7826-39 and usdchf from 8063 Keith L (7252011 11:05:16 AM): Got out green Neal S(7252011 11:05:36 AM): i just took profits on usdchf. 13 pips was good enough for me. WW (7222011 12:09:19 PM): thanks for your advice this week. you have a good weekend too Mike Radkay (7152011 9:10:32 AM): USDCAD 9554 looks like it may be a place to start to short again. WW (7152011 12:31:58 PM): THX. WW (7152011 1:16:08 PM): have a great weekend, I am flat 15 KC (7142011 5:07:15 PM): ive been getting the hang of it all, i love the simplicity of your system Mike Radkay (7142011 5:07:40 PM): glad its working for you Danny R(7132011 10:58:51 AM): I havent been able to trade lately. I am finding it more difficult to find time to do it with having to go to work and everything. I was getting into situations where I would get into a trade then having to worry about getting down to work. then when I am at work it is difficult as well. Im just having trouble finding the time to be able to sit down and do it Mike Radkay (7132011 11:00:46 AM): with the platform buysell limit and oco attachment, you can do the 3 step process and be protected and at the same time take profits. or you can even set up a trailer on it. have you taken advantage of that Danny R.(7132011 11:02:15 AM): I am familiar with the trailing stop but it seems that I can only do that on my first entry into the trade. If I have multiple entries i Have to put a stop limit. Mike Radkay (7132011 11:02:23 AM): check out the video if you havent already: rdstraderforex-futures-expertsfaq-entry-orders. phpexactlinevideo7 . you can have complete control over orders if they vary in size. lets say you can do 6 lots total. you can set up 1 in an area, then 2 in another area, then 3 in another area giving you a total of 6 lots all treated individually Danny R(7132011 11:04:49 AM): Does that make sense what I said before about only being able to put a trailing stop on the first entry Mike Radkay (7132011 11:06:28 AM): yes. but you can put a trailing stop on other orders but they need to vary in size 1,2 or 3 for example. if you have 1,1,1 then you can only set to where first oder was FIFO Danny R (7132011 11:06:51 AM): oh. i see. so I need to vary my lot s. like 5,6,7 not 6, 6, 6 Mike Radkay (7132011 11:08:01 AM): yes. lets say you see an area you like but cant wait around and you want to buy the audusd at 53 and at 23. prices are trading 73 at the time. you can set a 1 buy at 53 with a stop, limit andor trailer, and at 23 you can set to buy 2 with a stop, limit andor trailer Danny R(7132011 11:08:37 AM): oh, ok, that is cool. I didnt know that Mike Radkay (7132011 11:08:44 AM): all treated individually and free from FIFO. yes the video can help. its about 3minutes long Danny R(7132011 11:08:50 AM): damn. i should have IMed you a couple weeks ago. ive just been stressing about sitting down and getting into a bad situation Mike Radkay (7132011 11:09:35 AM): this takes all of that away and can be really good for you Danny R(7132011 11:09:57 AM): for me yes Mike Radkay (7132011 11:10:01 AM): if the trade hits. it hits. nothing forced and all pre-planned Danny R(7132011 11:10:18 AM): got ya, thx for the help. I will start implementing..I thought that was really weird I could only trail on the first entry but was also confused that sometimes I was able to. makes sense now :) Mike Radkay (7132011 11:11:23 AM):) Bill W (7132011 7:25:21 AM): I HAD USDCAD SHORT 1 96.26 CLOSED OUT 96.15 1 96.33 CLOSED OUT 96.00 STILL HAVE 2 FROM 96.36 Mike Radkay (7132011 7:26:05 AM): nice Ellie C (7122011 8:34:18 AM): Mike, wondering why gbpusd has gone radically long Mike Radkay (7122011 8:39:43 AM): been beat up for couple of weeks now. things always recover at some point. i didnt see any real news. but gbp unemployment data coming out early tomorrow morning. could be some shorts covering ahead of that report at 130a pacific Ellie C (7122011 8:42:11 AM): remarkable - adds to the thinking process (and view)- thanx Reese N (7112011 8:52:54 AM): I certainly can respect quiet time while waiting for market to hit spots it was just the way I read your chat, it made it sound like you were done for the day - and even so that was fine, just checkin in with ya Mike Radkay (7112011 8:54:10 AM): no. not done..orders are pending. computer is doing all of the work for me now as i wait with entries and oco stop and profit targets attached. this is when the computer and the software i use is nice Reese N (7112011 8:55:36 AM): oh yes, pending orders etc limits and this software is great, I can actually get some stuff done around the house during the downtime and not miss anything - FYI. I have won the trades for the past three days, and been doing very well, Thank-you. Neal S (7112011 7:09:42 AM): got out of usdcad too early only 13 pips Mike Radkay (7112011 7:09:57 AM): nice trade though. way to get in there Curtis J (7112011 7:47:07 AM): this day is a gift to all fx traders Dear Michael, I want to thank you for all of the education you provided me. I am trading real money and doing ok. I think Im ready to do it myself Richard Woods. Mike Radkay (772011 8:09:24 AM): i jumped in usdchf long 42 Neal S (772011 8:15:04 AM): im out of usdchf. i should have scaled out, but i took my 17 pips with all of it Mike Radkay (772011 8:15:33 AM): nice making money is the key Neal S (772011 8:16:22 AM): yes. trying to focus on the treat your winners like your losers part. Thats my biggest problem these days. Mike Radkay (772011 8:17:08 AM): i hear you but treat you losers like you treat your winners is the actual thought Neal S (772011 8:17:37 AM): right Mike Radkay (762011 10:31:43 AM): back from a run. thank you break in the eurjpy and the eurusd :) Rich I. (762011 11:03:14 AM): i got flat eurjpy at 77. was short from 99. got out of gbpusd a bit ago on that higher high Mike Radkay (762011 11:03:38 AM): nice trade Rich I.(762011 11:04:04 AM): thanks. still a bit nerve wracking for me at times. I didnt leave on any runs like you. ) William W(762011 9:21:03 AM): Couldnt handle waiting for the 99 sold light 93. took profit on my 93s plus 15 still have my 99s stop 89 going for 62 the 7:30 pst low Mike Radkay (762011 11:15:34 AM): nice William W(762011 11:24:25 AM): took profit on 1 out of 2 plus 34 put on trail stop at 10 pips William W (712011 7:32:00 AM): Picked up a bunt single this morning went short the gbpusd arnd 5:45 pst 160.24 got nerves after imf came out and took 16 pips and ran. thx for all your help, I really appreciate it. وذلك بفضل صفك الليلة الماضية إعادة: الإطار الزمني الوصول إلى نقطة بيسيل وغيرها من النقاط التي عملت بها. After the flip around 7 I put in a light sell at 1.6035 and I liked the 6061 area better so put in orders there also. Out the 6035 at 6043 and 6061s at 6048 and the 6066s at 6026. But wow 10 hours later on those. Put on ocos and walked away came back at 3:30pm and they hadnt triggered so took them off and used the time frame idea saw it was sideways from 10 to 12 and was again running that way so was watching to exit at about the two hour mark. عندما بدأت في إسقاط أضع توقف زائدة في على أكبر الكثير، وعقد أصغر واحد لتشغيل مع. Again ideas from your class last night. Thank you YOU THE MAN This 67 yr guy thinks slow but I ride fast. I should turn that around. See ya in am. - James You are top notch and we received great feedback from the students who took the FX class - Morgan Busby - DTI Trader John M (6302011 6:21:39 AM PT): I did take the sell at 16033 and took half off at 10 pip profit. letting one ride with 29 stop I missed todays trading - I hope it went well. I am sure this Greece thing and debt ceiling issue is probably having things a bit on edge. Thank-you for keeping me included, you have a great program and I am honored to be allowed to be a part of it. Thanks for another GREAT class. I love your teaching from the charts As always, thanks. Roxanne M (6292011 8:20:08 AM PT): So, Ill do a little horn-tootin went on a hunch with the eurjpy: went long 116.00, it had 3 rules: flip, RSI two level pull back: made 50 pips in about 20 minutes Mike Radkay (6292011 8:20:30 AM PT): nice Meetup Live in Person Event: It was a great meeting. Mike always has insights into the market on trading mechanics, trading plans and his overall approach to mastering the market. You simply cannot get feedback better than this in LA. Also many other top traders attended the meeting and discussed the real challenges of trading at the expert level. This meeting is a MUST attend if you have ANY interest in trading your own account. This is the REAL deal if you know how to trade so thankful I made out to the meeting. - Seth Ellie C (6232011 6:45:33 AM): thanks by the way for the class yesterday - i finally realized i could gather daily numbers by using daily candles - go figure didnt think of that before, and did way more work..till i watched your method Mike Radkay (6232011 6:46:36 AM PT): glad it is helping you and saving time Gary Y. (6202011 8:05:07 AM PT): I do enjoy watching your thinking on the markets. Thanks again Rich asks: The eurusd long trade today at 97 is great example of my confusion. (I did not participate in this trade.) Is that lower candle at 10:45 considered the second storm and time to get out Mike Radkay: It is a storm and you have to make a decision about risk and time. never feels good when you see lower lows when you are long. I risk 1Level. but adjust through it as I see flips. Rich asks: Or is it merely in the window of opportunity Mike Radkay responds: When it flips back up in favored direction its a new window and time to ask if you want to get back in or add to an existing positon. Is it above green, red. Whats the distance drop. Whats rsi. كم من الوقت كنت في التجارة. Have I been trying this idea more than 2 or 3 times. How am I doing type of thing etc. Rich asks: Can you walk me through how you would trade this EURUSD long play starting from 14297. where did you have stops Mike Radkay responds: I have a 1L risk (down to 14252 at worst) with 14342 objective going in to the idea initially but as you know I will adjsut along the way as price action unfolds. I bought 14297s to start (2 lots) and then as prices fell to 14288 bottom (8:00a PT flip bottom). I bought there as well (2 lots). still felt good about the long but flags were beginning to wave as prices dropped to 14277 as I am reentering and not getting much result at this point but not even a half level of risk against so no big deal. after flip back up though I put stop at 14276 for 14297s long. I know I could risk a level (down to 52) but time in trade already (about 1hr.) and what was happening doesnt mean I have to let it fall a level against me if Im not feeling it and if it fell below 77 bottom. I would cover the 14297s and run with 14288s a bit. (placed stop just below 10:15a PT bottom 76. when it came back up and didnt stop me out. I sold some 14300s to exit my 14297s (entry that gave me most pain). I then ran with my 14288s. put a 14296 stop (to secure profit) as prices rallied above 14300 and attached a 10 pip trailer or looking for 14342. went for a run. came home and it got me out at 14305 on 14288s. All in all 6pips from 2 bought 97 and 17 pips from 2 bought 88 for 34 pips or total of 40pips. hope this helps Rich responds: Thanks Mike. I really appreciate it. Chad J: Do you think about daily goals as a percent of your account IE my goal is 2 gain for my account and risk being the same i guess Mike Radkay: sure. i try to achieve them but i will take what the market gives for that session and not get clouded by the hard percent number. downside numbers are hard fastened and of course equal to that of upside or better Chad J: i bring this up because i evidentally have a fear of loss even with the .10 pips. Im doing well wi th sim trading 3-5 lots, spending the last 2 days brushing up on the platform, but ill move to live trading next setup i see. Mike Radkay: you should have fear of loss. its an unavoidable emotion. rehearsing the scenarios and adjusting proper contract size and goals to realistic expectations soothes the fear along the way Chad J: Its funny because just yesterday i gave the same basic advice to a new triathlete. scared of open water swimming. thanks - Chad Ric G (6162011 7:01:04 AM PT): another successful trade - good call on usdcad long Neal S (6162011 7:01:53 AM PT): wow that was some report moved the market in our favor I sure wish I had kept my short position on the NZDUSD from real early this morning. I thank you and Stephanie for all you do james a. (6132011 10:04:57 AM PT):hi mike, made money today on nzdusd set-up. will be on the road wed. morning, so will be out of contact with you for a while. Bill W. (6102011 7:18:37 AM PT): Man the anxiety, I want to get out plus forty but still in down trend. What focus should I have Mike Radkay (6102011 7:19:30 AM PT): set you stop a tick above if it makes higher high on 15min. and then just relax. pressures off and you rode it the best you could Mike Radkay (6102011 7:24:23 AM PT): have you ever used the trail stop Bill W (6102011 7:24:35 AM PT): not yet Mike Radkay (6102011 7:26:34 AM PT): set stop say at 61 and put a 10 pip trail stop on it. say you set it when price was trading 41 at the time. after it falls 10. down to 31 stop would move down to 51. price falls to 21 stop would move down to 41 etc. locks in if it climbs back to stop or keeps going if it keeps falling Mike Radkay (6102011 7:27:14 AM PT): check box on stop and then hit drop down by trail stop and select to trail by 10 or more Mike Radkay (6102011 7:27:28 AM PT): dont set a target limit. just let it run Bill W (6102011 7:35:05 AM PT): thx. feel better with trail stop Mike Radkay (6102011 7:35:37 AM PT): nice Mike Radkay (6102011 7:36:19 AM PT): let the market do the work now Bill W (6102011 7:36:42 AM PT): cool Mike Radkay (6102011 7:41:03 AM PT): go eurjpy Bill W (6102011 7:44:18 AM PT): yes. nice Bill W (6102011 7:52:34 AM PT): all do to your help. thx so much Mike Radkay (6102011 7:52:53 AM PT): glad it is helping Bill W (6102011 8:33:55 AM PT): Trailing stop kicked in flat 115.27 Bill W (6102011 8:38:56 AM PT): 1 contract 30 pips 1 contract 62 pips for total of 92pips Mike Radkay (6102011 8:39:11 AM PT): Nice trade Mike Radkay (6102011 9:29:03 AM PT): have 10568 sell limit audusd as well Bill W (6102011 1:24:05 PM PT): just made 28 pips audusd. total 120 for the day I cant say Thank You enough for helping me with this difficult transition. Helping students with the psychology of trading may not be as much fun as the technical teaching but it is as important. I will be one of your success stories. Thank You for caring enough and continuing to help me to do that. - Peggy Mike Radkay (682011 7:53:15 AM): sold 10633s on audusd. keeps stalling at level and still have 39s pending. looking for a move back down to 03 level to session low (4L range target) WW(682011 8:17:04 AM): also went short at 33, plus 16 right now Mike Radkay (632011 8:51:23 AM): you dont have to lose a level no matter what on unprofitable trades. most times 2nd storm stop out saves resources to use for next opportunity Ellie C (632011 8:53:29 AM): well said, and well received Mike, believe it. Was profitable on smaller scale for a while, and I paid close attention. my stop was slightly less than 1 level, but significant (4 me) nonetheless. Let 1 moment slip to wait, and it turned. Ur right, for now theres a next opp.- thank u. Mike Radkay (622011 8:53:21 AM): 14410-11 is middle of window eurusd from 14402-19 buy window. holding here so far. feel prices will climb back to 32 and possible 67 JM: Did you take a Star 2 entry Mike Radkay (622011 9:13:08 AM): working 14397s got in long at 14412. did you JM (622011 9:08:24 AM): No - I was waiting for your OK - gotta learn to do this myself - worked earlier trade pretty well - thanks to you - I am feeling much calmer trading - not nearly as nervous as I used to be - 1 have a long way to go - but I am confident that I will get there - thanks as always for your help Mike Radkay (622011 9:13:08 AM): you got it. you have to trust yourself. its the only way. im just here for guidance. JM (622011 9:13:08 AM): And you do a GREAT job of guiding JM (622011 9:13:08 AM): I didnt even see the Star 2 entry until you pointed it out - same for the Star 3 eentry earlier - gotta see the trees in the forest Mike Radkay (612011 9:48:32 AM): usdjpy and usdchf on radar and grinding in uptrend right now. sell limits 8100 usdjpy and 8434 usdchf for a short play opportunity William W. (612011 1:17:53 PM): Did you short the usdchf or is it a new day Mike Radkay (612011 1:18:29 PM): i am short at 34. new day at 2p pacific William W. (612011 1:20:27 PM): thanks. Mike Radkay (612011 1:51:03 PM): run lower usdchf - short from 34 William W. (612011 1:58:14 PM): very nice. Mike Radkay (5312011 10:36:20 AM): finally eurjpy Javier P. (5312011 10:37:55 AM): Good starting day As always I really appreciated your newsletter. I had always thought of the rules in terms of entry - your article helped me to understand that I can use the rules to evaluate the trade and manage the exits as well. I have made several trades since April - not every day sometimes because of my schedule and a few days because I did not like any of the trades. Im up 199 pips over that time frame. I have been trying to trade for about a decade using many different instruments and many different systems. This is the first time that I am up over any sustained period of time. That is HUGE for me Testimonials: May 26, 2011 Thanks for your help so far. The webinars have been great. I dont know why my audio was fading in and out but I was getting the gist of what you were saying. I really like the mental side of what you are teaching. Just wanted you to know that I found todays class really helpful. Due to my schedule, it has been a few months since I had taken the class on Parts 5 and 6. Its my favorite class. Listening to you walk through the charts is incredibly helpful. I could do that for HOURS I also really appreciated hearing you talk about how you handle risk. I have been putting on WAY too many lots - four instead of 2 to start. I am sure that will help also. Thanks for all your patient teaching. May 24, 2011 Thank You Mike for understanding. I look forward to class and will work hard at having some improvement to discuss next mentoring session. I really appreciate all you do for me. Erick G.(5232011 7:53:12 AM): good trading - nice Ellie C. (5232011 7:54:49 AM). ) :) Stacey S.(5232011 7:59:14 AM): reentered at 48. took 2 off at 41, 1 at 31 and letting the last one ride, so we will see. have oco on since have to run. thanks so much Skip A. 5232011 8:01:25 AM): yes half at 25 and the rest at 11. 43 total pips Linda G. (5232011 8:19:14 AM): nice call mike Erick G (5232011 8:38:19 AM): another good day John M. (5232011 9:53:41 AM): Nice trade today - thanks. May 20, 2011 Thanks very, very much, Mike. I got in on three trades this week - all winners. I didnt get in on this afternoons 2L from Red on the eurusd - what a sweet trade that was Thanks to you I am building confidence. I really appreciate all your patient help. Ive reviewed the chart and your insights on trend and placing orders are REALLY helpful - not just for this trade but for my overall understanding - THANKS Thanks very, very much, Mike. I got in on three trades this week - all winners. I didnt get in on this afternoons 2L from Red 2L pullback on the eurusd - what a sweet trade that was Thanks to you I am slowly building confidence. I really appreciate all your patient help. Hope you enjoy a great weekend John M (5202011 8:24:50 AM): Ive reviewed the chart and your insights on trend after inside candles and placing the buy limit at last bottom are REALLY helpful - not just for this trade but for my overall understanding - THANKS Curtis J. (5132011 9:02:47 AM): 90 on euro short. nice Stacey S. (5112011 8:05:28 AM): Thx Mike - made a 15 got in at 51, sold at 40, in again at 38 - sold at 49, 59 and stopped out at 58. cant make training tonight, as it is my anniversary and have plans, so will try training again next month. I get your methodology, but it prob would be good to sit in again. Since I missed the first session of the original training, thought I would wait for next month. Mike Radkay: glad you rebounded on trade. welcome back Ellie C. (5112011 8:03:08 AM): u had a good day so far. roller-coaster, but good Curtis J. (5112011 8:04:10 AM): tried to do this trade in futures but waited to long Mike Radkay (5112011 8:40:45 AM): okay. we will get it. welcome aboard. nice to get the blood pumping a bit. wasnt sure on that one for a minute Curtis J. job well done skip a. thank you for the what you expect. this helps me more than anything else i think, as i am always trying to think what am i looking for or what am i hoping for so as to answer the questions in advance of the events. Mike Radkay: glad it helps skip a. so what are we thinking now on the chf Mike Radkay: thinking usdchf is exhausted after 4L range run up to 8820 (sell or do nothing. i choose to do nothing) and feel support at 8768 (buy or do nothing. i choose to have a buy limit pending here) skip a. it is nice to know that was just what i was thinking before you told me Peggy R. TY Mike, eeked out 31 pips today with your help. that helps with the disappointment of the last days. Think Ill go to the dentist for a little more fun now. ) Mike Radkay (532011 5:23:25 PM): thanks for you continued confidence in my service Eric G (532011 5:23:25 PM): the only one Ive made money with Erick V (532011 10:01:48 AM): Michael I want to tell you that your education to me is invaluable. Thank you for sharing your experience everyday Mike Radkay (532011 10:02:08 AM): glad it is helping Erick V (532011 10:02:16 AM): thank you Erick V (532011 10:03:13 AM): Next week i want to contact you to have a one on one lesson if it is possible Mike Radkay (532011 10:04:08 AM): we will talk next week to set it up :) Erick G: once again you levels held on the GBP - good job Mike Radkay (4202011 8:01:08 AM): usdchf approaching my 8929 sell limit Mike Radkay (4202011 8:06:41 AM): short usdchf at 8929 Mike Radkay (4202011 8:07:40 AM): going to focus attention on usdchf for now canceling other limit orders for now Mike Radkay (4202011 8:09:09 AM): on this entry will begin to get uncomfortable above 8946 but looking for prices to fall to 8912 to 8895 Mike Radkay (4202011 8:14:07 AM): usdchf showing good signs so far from short at 8929. looking for 8912 to 8895 Mike Radkay (4202011 8:15:52 AM): taking some profit in with 10 into it. 8912 limit on remaining with a protective 8928 stop attached Mike Radkay (4202011 8:19:40 AM): have 8930 sell limit pending usdchf, going with 14450 buy limit eurusd, 10644 buy limit audusd, 7938 buy limit nzdusd and 11924 buy limit eurjpy Mike Radkay (4202011 8:21:04 AM): just covered remaining for 1L profit. flat usdchf Susan H (4202011 8:22:47 AM): Out and green. thanks Rich I: (4202011 8:23:05 AM)very cool. mkts throw us an easy one once in a while. Erick G (4202011 8:51:31 AM): caught 20 pips on the eurjpy - your levels were magic Chad J (4192011 6:56:04 AM): Ive been following your levels for the ES and continue to be impressed at the accuracy of these levels. - Chad Mike Radkay (4192011 6:56:34 AM): glad they are working for you Peggy R (4132011 11:46:26 AM): Im so happy to tell you Ive really understood more this week than ever, cant wait to start working together next Wed. Chad J. (4122011 8:21:36 PM): holy smokes im getting excited its amazing how accurate these daily grids are. i started trading the ES with 5k and its no wonder i keep losing money with a 1 lot. i really think your approach is going to get my confidence back. شكرا مقدما. Ron R. (4122011 8:57:30 AM): flat, nice trade Mike Mike Radkay (4122011 8:57:59 AM): would have like to have seen it go 55 bid. but i will take it :) Michael S. wrote: (4112011 9:34:52 AM): I see you and Steph as I expected taking the trading education where it should be. The two of you are a blessing to the honest people attempting to stay afloat economically in what will soon prove to be the worst global economic meltdown in history. Thanks to the international banking community John M(462011 8:40:13 AM): Thanks ever so much - I know I am asking a mother load of pesky questions - I feel like I have the basics down - But I keep learning that I have a lot more nuance to learn - I cannot tell you how much I appreciate you patient help - seriously, thanks Peggy R(412011 7:30:18 AM): Yes, I appreciate the new 2 hour format for attention span, learning trading is stressful so little bits at a time are really great to prevent overwhelm, even though your style is the most user friendly Ive been exposed to. Mike Radkay (412011 7:30:52 AM): glad you like it Stephan G. wrote: great thanks to you and steph for the top notch trader education services with the personal touch. Ruben G (3302011 4:26:29 PM): Thanks. The 3 Currencies last night were on the spot. جيد جدا. I just wake now here in China. Mike Radkay (3302011 4:27:43 PM): eurjpy and usdjpy still running a bit. glad it worked for you Mike Radkay (3302011 7:45:21 AM): run eurjpy. taking in some profit but still running long from 11669 Mike Radkay (3302011 7:45:48 AM): looking for 11700 to 11731 session top area Mike Radkay (3302011 7:47:09 AM): when you are patient. you make money. when you force it. you struggle Ellie C (3302011 7:47:42 AM): right on motto Stephan G (3302011 7:47:31 AM): tell me about it Richard S (3302011 7:48:00 AM): Good job Michael Richard I. (3302011 7:48:11 AM): trades like these is the reason I need to build my confidence to enter more than 1 lot. Its not gonna give me a chance to add more on this one Richard I. (3302011 8:03:34 AM): nice job Donald F(3302011 8:04:17 AM): Thank you for the guidance. Mike Radkay (3302011 8:15:10 AM): locking in 20pips on remaining with a 10 pip trailer stop at 11689 to see if it will run to 11730 Ellie C (3302011 8:15:10 AM): got out way soon, but with a PLUS - now watching yours run Mike Radkay (3302011 8:15:10 AM): need 11708 bid for trailer stop to move up to 11699 Mike Radkay (3302011 8:15:10 AM): going to to bank it folks. will monitor the action the rest of the way. but i am going to sit on sidelines Ellie C (3302011 8:15:10 AM): great run Mike Ellie C (3302011 8:26:58 AM): tons 2 learn, and happy youre there guiding and teaching james a. (3302011 8:14:51 AM): thanks mike. got 29 pips on the eurjpy Mike Radkay (3302011 8:15:00 AM): james a. (3302011 8:15:15 AM): have a nice day Mike Radkay (3302011 8:15:39 AM): i will monitor and be around until 10a my time james a. (3302011 8:17:36 AM): cool, then i am going skiing at 10. the snow is super great right now. plus it is going to be in the 50s. cheers from sunny lake tahoe Mike Radkay (3302011 8:18:01 AM): sounds awesome james a. (3302011 8:18:14 AM): it issssssssssssssssss Mike Radkay (3242011 2:01:06 PM): about time on that usdcad. man that took forever. all the way until the 2P PT John M (3242011 2:03:24 PM): Rode it with yaindeed Mike Radkay (3242011 2:03:35 PM): nice john Mike Radkay (3242011 2:04:04 PM): too bad we cant control the clock and how fast things go John M(3242011 2:05:06 PM): I am feeling more and more confident thanks to you - those 2 level from red and 2 leel pullbacks really do hold up - GREAT SYSTEM. Mike Radkay (03112011 8:45:53 AM). Dont like the usdcad opportunity at the redline. those are dicey plays 50-50 JOHN J(03112011 8:45:53 AM). learned my lesson monday on that L1 play on the redline. wasnt even thinking of the usdcad. helps to have that experience you have. Mike Radkay (03112011 8:46:44 AM). glad it is helping JOHN J(03112011 8:47:05 AM). definitely JOHN J(03112011 8:47:36 AM). wow, look at it just getting crushed. February 25, 2011 Date: February 25, 2011 8:34:39 AM PST To: Steph and Mike Radkay Subject: Re: The Trading Cat I forgot to tell you that I am remodeling a bathroom with the money I have made with you. February 24, 2011 via FX Trade Hunter and text alert service: Mike Radkay (2242011 7:16:32 AM): short eurjpy 11284 - 11294 John M (2242011 7:48:28 AM): On the initial short entry on the eurjpy, why did you wisely pass on the 11270 level (a 2L entry from earlier lows) and wait for the 11294 level - is it because the earlier highs were before the US session Mike Radkay (2242011 7:48:55 AM): yes. thats what was on my mind. John M (2242011 7:49:10 AM): Thanks. Mike Radkay (2242011 7:49:31 AM): its started pushing above 11270 as well and most times will take the higher level to place initial entries Mike Radkay (2242011 7:50:25 AM): stop moved down to 84 to lock in more oco with 70s Mike Radkay (2242011 7:52:32 AM): flat on eurjpy John M (2242011 8:04:15 AM): Walked away for a few minutes - thanks for the second comment on the eurjpy initial entry John M (2242011 8:08:06 AM): Gotta go - again thanks for both your technical and trading support - you offer truly top shelf service - much appreciated Mike Radkay (2242011 8:08:29 AM): have a good rest of the day thanks. February 24, 2011 via FX Trade Hunter and text alert service: Neil Yeagerdtitrader (2242011 7:52:37 AM): Good trade Mike February 22, 2011 via FX Trade Hunter and text alert service: Richard I wrote: (2222011 9:09:09 AM): having this texting service from you has really helped me better understand your thought process, patience, etc. Id like to think it really would have helped 2 yrs ago before I gave up. but maybe I still wasnt in proper mind to understand it back then anyway. Mike Radkay wrote: (2222011 9:12:06 AM): its all of it. i get better at what i do and you get better at what you do. needed a way to implement real-time environment that allowed me to trade at same time as well. glad it is helping. things ever changing and hopefully getting better with each change February 22, 2011 via FX Trade Hunter and text alert service: James O. wrote (2222011 8:55:35 AM): usdcad nzdusd hit my target took what was left off by half so riding small with trailing stop Thnks again you rts rocks. been green for month jim Mike Radkay (2222011 8:56:08 AM): keep it up. nice. February 14, 2011 via FX Trade Hunter and text alert service: Kevin D wrote: Hi mike, took class last week, first trade this morning (EUR). really like the system, much calmer and more deliberate than how I have been trading. Thanks Mike Radkay wrote: glad it is helping February 11, 2011 via FX Trade Hunter text alert service: Stephan G. wrote(02112011 9:05:30 AM). sent your wife a text expressing how the levels almost seem to DEFINE the price action. Mike Radkay wrote(02112011 9:10:24 AM). glad they help provide solid reference points Stephan G. wrote (02112011 9:20:44 AM). Its amazing February 01, 2011 via FX Trade Hunter text alert service: David B. wrote: 2 lot light entries are much better, I was doing 1 lot feellight moves and only getting 2 ticks cause of profit stop. now i can take half off and see what i can get with the rest. Another great lesson from Mike Radkay January 27, 2011 via FX Trade Hunter text alert service: susan h. (1272011 8:19:44 AM): Out at 17. thanks 60 pips Mike Radkay (1272011 8:20:13 AM): it was a little battle there. glad it worked out susan h. (1272011 8:20:31 AM): Mike Radkay (1272011 8:25:06 AM): taking some more in here. stop moved down to 9920 now. looking for 9904 Mike Radkay (1272011 8:26:09 AM): close enough. flat on audusd now. susan h. (1272011 8:26:32 AM): Wow. you are good January 10, 2011 via FX Trade Hunter text alert service: Stephan G. wrote: hi mike its about 5:10pm pst. nice trade on the audusd. from my perspective amazing is the word January 6, 2011 via FX Trade Hunter text alert service: Sanjeev G. wrote (7:29:24 AM): thank for guidance on yesterday, i did short on eur at 13172 and was green when i closed at 13137 as per your guidance. i made more than 3 times quarterly fee of trade hunter in one day December 30, 2010 via FX Trade Hunter text alert service: Keith L. wrote: I am up 103 pips today and done for the day Thanks Mike December 30, 2010 via FX Trade Hunter text alert service: Ian Y. wrote: Do you expect that there will be a 4 level movement over a 24 hour period Mike Radkay wrote: thats what I plan for minimum Ian Y. wrote: ok. You briefly taught about market profile in your course. Do you ever refer to that during the day Mike Radkay wrote: I dont have to because I see it in the candle charts. on the eurusd right now without looking at a profile in the overnight congestion around red-line to 1L up. then breakout in US hrs. giving a bit of a double distribution as its holding on the top side now. all stemming and pivoting from the midpoint now 13252 area Mike Radkay wrote: its just a lot of years of seeing them so I dont have to refer back and forth anymore Ian Y. wrote: That is the beauty of your methodology, it is very simplistic and easy to follow the 5 rules. I am trying to get away from other methods of watching all of the indices and indicators. It gets too confusing and I tend to miss trades December 21, 2010 via FX Trade Hunter text alert service: Gaylon L. wrote: I was in it as well. Very impressed with your levels December 17, 2010 via FX Trade Hunter text alert service: Ian Y. wrote: I shorted 1 contract on the GBPUSD and made 10 ticks. My first profit ever in the currencies. Mike Radkay - FX Trade Hunter: nice. that was the way to play gbpusd to the short side. Ian Y. wrote: TY. That broke the ice for me. Thanks for the confidence that you gave me December 1, 2010 via text alert service Reese wrote: and on a good note, that just paid for our Family Christmas workrds wrote: nice Reese wrote: Thank-you for everything, I am off to get my mom from the airport, flying in from MA. Hope your days keeps going green November 18, 2010 I had fun glancing at the market today and look forward to tomorrow afternoon and this weekend when I can go through the ebook. I think the ebook is fantastic and very user friendly. I enjoyed the course. I think it is great doing the tests together because I think it keeps perople engaged. This was the first time I have been able to be present the whole sessions. I think the examples help solidify the information. I am so blessed because I think I have found the right approach to trading with you two. I need the structure you teach and how you teach it. I value your holistic approach. I look forward to incorporating it into my life. I know you have been through the fire. I also know I see a beautiful person that has emerged the victor. We can celebrate both of their lives. At the end of my journey I look forward to visiting the gardens on the 30th day of taping like you and Mike did. November 16, 2010 I am not where I want to be, but, for the first time, after literally years of trying and spending tens of thousands of dollars, I can see light at the end of the tunnel and it is NOT an oncoming train If you can help me, you can help ANYBODY Cant thank you enough Seriously, thank you. I just wanted to express my appreciation. November 5, 2010 via text alert service and Follow Mike Friday Larry G. wrote (1152010 9:11:01 AM Pacific). kick me I had to leave for awhile, set target conservatively at 14072 EURUSD, 3 contracts short, only get 700.00 out of the trade. شكر. all the way to the bank. new to Forex, but I am liking berry, berry much October 28, 2010 via text alert service John M. wrote: (10282010 9:55:12 AM PT): Why did you earlier get in on the gbpusd after a one level drop and are not getting in on the nzdusd after a one level drop now Mike Radkay wrote: (10282010 9:58:41 AM PT): follow thru is better during first couple hrs. and people are feeling different now as london is going home for dinner and US is going for lunch. dont want to waste my time on slow action. so it leaves me wanting to wait for what i truly want John M. wrote:(10282010 10:01:01 AM): Got it. شكر. Great class last night. Very hepful. As on Mon night I learned that I did not know some things I thought I knew and I heard more things I did not hear before. Thanks October 28, 2010 via text alert service Bill F. wrote: (10282010 6:40:39 AM PT): what was your entry on gbpusd Mike Radkay wrote: (10282010 6:41:12 AM PT): posted in previous text long GBPUSD 1.5912 Mike Radkay wrote: (10282010 6:53:53 AM PT): lets go gbpusd. going to lock in 10 pip profit and see if it will run Bill F. wrote: (10282010 6:55:02 AM PT): good call Michael, Im impressed Mike Radkay wrote: (10282010 6:56:01 AM PT): took an even 20 pips per contract on that one. flat now. thanks but i dont pat myself on the back for too long. searching for next trade. bill cosby says the difference between a pat on the back and a kick in the butt is about a foot October 27, 2010 via text alert service 8:24 am PT 102710 David B. wrote: like you have said in the past, cant fight the tape. saw EurUsd on and ascending HH HL trend. took the star 1 at 1.3899 and cut the chord at 20 profit. going to call it a week. been awhile since I had a month like this, feels good to get some confidence back. thanks for all the help, I really appreciate it. 9:34 am CT 093010 Steve S: just a note: After retake of Steph and Mikes FX class i am on 3rd successful trade since this AM 9:35 am CT 093010 Richard G: ive had 5 trades FX this morning. 1 20 loser rest winners. green 1,450 I just wanted to say Thank-You very much for all the work and ongoing efforts you are both doing. I may not be a real talkative person on IM, but I have been there and following all that has been going on. Today (early morning) was my first trading day (Live) using your methods and I wanted to let you know I made 72.3 PIPS (no losses). I dont know what kind of a big deal that is to you or all the professional traders you work with is, but that is a huge deal to me. Everything worked as planned, the market in the EURUSD went basically right to the areas set by the Grid. I was so excited when I finished I could not stop talking to my wife about it. (It is a big deal to me since I have not traded Live in about a month and before that it was with huge failure). I just wanted you to know that I truly appreciate all you are doing for us and look forward to continued prosperity as the weeks roll by. A Heart-felt Thanks. Hey Mike and Steph. I took your August class. was awesome. help me learn not just about FX trading but learned a lot about trading thinking that relates to all mkts, thanks Just wanted to say how much I have enjoyed your training the last couple of weeks. I was in your class and plan to do a retake ASAP as well. I traded FOREX a few years back and the group I was associated with had very limited traininghence I lost a lot of money. I was hesitant about a second try at the FOREX, but took the step, and to my amazement using your system I am making money with the demo. I have completed my account application and think now is the time to go live. Even though we missed your 1st hour today, I used your system and was able to pull a 300 profit using the demo Many thanks to you and Steph Thank you so much for all of your help today. You are fantastic I feel like I am a one on one student of yours. I have a tremendous amount yet to learn - just to get to know the platform to say nothing of trading your system. But your kind help is really making the process easier. I feel like I have learned a lot in the last two days and I look forward to learning much, much more. Thank you ever so much. Hey to Steph. I just wanted to tell you I think you are doing some great things The yahoo messages have just made your great service even better My Dad made a bit of a comeback today and it gave me a chance though to talk to him about being on the wrong side. Clifford wrote a RDS Trader Meetup group review It is really nice to know that they are available. I could see that a well thought out approach to Forex trading was being introduced and made available to those willing to put in the time and effort. Re: Join us for the 1st Hour Adjustment 621-625 To: Michael Radkay The pre-set workspace is great, very time saving. I also got a lot out of the sessions, especially todays. I tend to try and trade breakouts, which hasnt worked well for me in FX, your guidence with todays range worked great. Hopefully I can put some consistancy together and keep going. شكرًا لك مرة أخرى. Steve M. Chicago, IL Subject: 1st hr adjustment videos - thanks To: Michael Radkay Ive been very busy the last few weeks and just got a chance to watch a few of your morning archived videos. It was great to get back to watching them and I wanted to let you know that you do an excellent job of discussing your rules, the markets and generally things about trading (be patient, dont force things, look at more than 1 market etc.) Thanks again for the excellent job Richard, Manitoba Canada RE: Meetup Message RDS Trader To: Michael Radkay What a great experience coming to your event. Your approach is solid and it was so cool to watch your real time discussion of the forex in real time. My head is spinning with new ideas. Thanks for the excellent real information about the markets. See ya next week at your event at traders expo. Seth, Los Angeles, CA Hi Mike, great webinar yesterday Kathy, Valencia, CA No problems yet, only amazement Even without your rules and risk management, all the other things, markets seem to hug you levels I guess thats how you made it through the pits huh Its truly amazing what you have here, im surprised you offered it to people. But I guess you found yourself at such a level, that you needed to tell people how easy it is when they realize how hard it is This course has stunned me, 7 years on the markets no one else no one qualified enough has ever offered something like this this is amazing Keep showing us how it can be done, and how you can leave the 9-5 if you leave you old self hahahaha Thanks a lot bro I just wanted you to know that I made my first trade (USDCAD in my practice account) this morning. I went short which was not the right thing to do. As soon as you started going over the rules this morning in the 1st Hour Adjustment I knew that I had made the wrong choice. But this was good because I realized that no matter how much you go over the training materials and the rules, some things just dont click until you actually put it into practice. I was so focused on whether or not the activity was outside both the red and green lines as well as watching for 2 level movement that I overlooked the red and green rules telling me whether to go long or short. I do appreciate your training materials and the morning input. Thanks for your time and concern for our success. May 17, 2010 RDS 1st Hr. Extension Live Chat Feed Testimonial workrds (mike-radkay) sent (5172010 7:02:13 AM Pacific): good morning. audusd flipped for current sell idea 8807 up to 8829 window. middle of window 8818 charles sent (5172010 7:02:45 AM Pacific): Good Morning. and Im in on audusd workrds (mike-radkay) (5172010 7:03:49 AM Pacific): okay workrds (mike-radkay) sent (5172010 7:26:39 AM Pacific): audusd providing a little pain on current flip but hanging in there weathering key area 8807. prices still able to hold below 8807 key charles sent (5172010 7:36:40 AM Pacific): ok workrds (mike-radkay) sent (5172010 8:15:02 AM Pacific): audusd still in downtrend at 1L make sure you lock some profit in but price action could run us down to 8749 charles sent(5172010 8:16:22 AM Pacific): I pulled out a minute ago for 28 pips.. workrds (mike-radkay) (5172010 8:16:33 AM Pacific): nice charles sent (5172010 8:16:48 AM): thanks charles sent(5172010 8:37:56 AM Pacific): You were right on about the audusd..I shouldve hung in there Apr 10, 2010, at 1:27 PM Re: This mornings call To: Michael Radkay Just looked at the Thursday and Friday recorded sessions. they were really good and informative. Great job I also like the additional 3 chart examples in your Session 5 training. Gerry, Lake Oswego, OR Michael Deshirlia wrote a RDS Trader Meetup group review They provide valuable information and perspective to anyone interested in the Forex. Their guidelines are focused yet conservative and can be implemented by anyone. Apr 9, 2010, at 8:04 AM Re: todays meeting with RDS Trader To: Michael Radkay I will definitely consider signing up - very useful information. I just made 26 pips on the EUR with your rules Thanks for the invite Have a good weekend. Matt, Los Angeles, CA Apr 9, 2010, at 7:20 AM To: Michael Radkay Well it looks like I got out too early. I had seen the window, and I was out some money. Got in too early (I always seem to jump the gun), but took a chance and bot another at 13371, and even though I know you say wait until the trend flips, I just wanted to get out of the one that gave me the most pain. 13386, so I got out of that one at 13410. I am not sure why it is so easy to stay in a losing trade and so hard to stay with the winners. In any case, i got out of the 2nd one at 13428. I think the mindset was that after losing and staying with the darn BP the other day for too long. I just wanted to take a profit. I still have lots to learn. Mostly how to get out of the losers. Thanks again for the daily webinars, they are invaluable to me. Monday, February 22, 2010 7:31 AM To: Michael Radkay Sage advice. Thanks for your forthrightness. Now I know youre the real deal. From: Michael Radkay Subject: Re: Can you help me improve these results It sounds as if you have a plan in place and you have had education. I dont blame you for not wanting to shell out unnecessary dollars. Your past mentors whether you felt they were good or bad for you (seems like the latter) helped you more than you know. I have read a little of your commentary and you are right there. You just need to follow your plan. It is not a sometimes thing, it is an all the time thing. That is the only thing that has kept me in the business. Start worshiping the ground you walk on, not the ground that somebody else walk on. You have the answers already within you. You know how to buy and sell and when you should buy and sell and when you should get out and when you should be done for the day. Follow it There is only so many ways the markets can move (up or down) and only so many ways you could teach it. My recommendation is for you to take your approach and look back and see when the best opportunities hit. That may be only once per day on the e-mini sps. If thats not enough apply it to another market and take the best opportunity there to give you another possibility and so on and so on until you give yourself enough opportunities to give you your end result. Dont invest your money on iffy ideas just to trade. You dont go out and invest dollars in a house, just because you need a place to sleep, you buy one because you want to create a life there and opportunity is all around you. Otherwise just keep renting until you find it. February 17, 2010 Sent: Wed, February 17, 2010 5:04:58 AM To: Michael Radkay Just wanted to say that I appreciate that you are archiving the 1st hour adjustment sessions. they come in very handy and I usually only listen in the evening or 1st thing in the morning. شكرًا لك مرة أخرى. they are a great resource and thanks for the commitment you and Steph have to putting them on every day. Richard, Steinbach, Manitoba February 15, 2010 Sent: Mon, February 15, 2010 1:34:08 PM RDS Trader Education Hello Mr S. I am forwarding my buddies education site, Mike is one of the best in the business and whether you are interested in currencies, or futures I am confident he will be able to suit your needs. Mike S. Chicago, IL February 15, 2010 Sent: Mon, February 15, 2010 10:21:33 AM Subject: Re: transfer Yeah, Fxsolutions UK has solid back office operations. Davis, Bergenfield, NJ February 4, 2010 Sent: Thu, February 4, 2010 11:31:37 PM Just want to say thanks for giving me a kick in the ass this morning I really needed it. To me, its the essence of a great coach to be able to be direct when the occasion calls for it, while being respectful at the same time. You did a good job with both. I took it the way it was meant to be taken, so please. no bother to explain anything should you feel compelled to do so. You held my feet to the fire and it was the proper thing to do :-) Thanks again for this morning. Gerry, Lake Oswego, Oregon January 25, 2010 Mike your 1st hour adjustment is excellent, thank you for you efforts. John L. Las Vegas, Nevada January 21, 2010 Hi Mike and Stephanie, Almost exactly one year ago I met your Dad, Stephanie, and I am so glad I did. He asked me a few questions do you have time, (I did at the time), do you have Patience, do you cry easily, do you play sports, I think you know the drill. Then he pointed me in your direction, and I am glad he did. I have to admit I must be a slow learner, slow but steady, not willing to give up and learn how this works. Well, I have learned how to lose a lot of pips. and how that affects me. I have gone almost 2 weeks with a profit everyday, (I have tried to include my hubby), and today was the first day I ever made 100 pips in one market, (took a loss in Canada even though I was long at 6872), and most importantly, today was the first day I put stops in (1 level above) for all my positions and entered orders to close positions. While I still was a bit nervous, I felt good knowing what my objectives were and had those covered. I wanted to let it run a little bit more, but was affected by other matters. Thanks again Mike and Stephanie for all the help and advice and quick response to all of my questions. Sue, Chicago, Illinois You Tube Interview - RDS Trader has helped me tremendously by giving me structure, patience and discipline. انا اوصي بشده به. I would just like to share with you that today was the best day I had in months. I capitalized on 2 trades and ended the day up 1800. Getting that account with FXSolutions UK with RDS Trader as the IB has been awesome bc it has given me the confidence to trade both the forex and the the futures market using the RDS Strategy with your guidance. I am first making sure I know the RDS market moods of all the markets, plotting my levels and once the market moves to Rule 2. Im asking myself, if I place a resting order at our pullback point: (1) Am I at or above (longs) below (shorts) neutral and the previous days homework line (2) Does my resting order coincide with the overall mood of that contract and (3) What size can I trade where I will risk 1 RDS level to make 1.5- I feel that if I continue to do this, I will make money. In addition, If I enter, take a half or full RDS level out of the resting order that was hit, I can now place another order at star 2 (Rule 3) since the market has most likely put in a RDS Window. Thanks for all of your help over the last 6-8 months. Jeff, Chicago, IL You Tube Interview - RDS Trader has taught me to minimize my losers and let my winners run. Mike is a fantastic teacher David, Chicago, Illinois November 25, 2009 I was able to turn a profit the 2nd day and several consecutive days afterward. I am amazed as you know how simple you made your system. I had been losing many, many days prior to your training and system. While I am not fully disciplined to trade it most effectively, I was able to turn a profit the 2nd day and several consecutive days afterward. I needed some simple but Identifiable parameters (boundaries) to trade in. I always look forward to your follow up calls after the trading day. I think you are straight forward about mistakes, yet you have a very positive attitude, toward what I am trying to learn and achieve. I believe that a disciplined execution of this system will serve me well in the future. I think the training calls are very valuable to me because I feel a sense of accountability. It is odd but it is an added incentive to be able to tell your coach that you did your best. For me this translates into a desire to maintain my discipline and I look forward to looking at the Charts and discussing where I entered or exited and taking a look back on the charts. Honestly, I have really enjoyed the training thus far. I look forward to the remainder of the sessions. I feel as if I have grown as a trader in a very short period of time. I am more relaxed, because I have boundaries to trade within and therefore, I have more confidence in the trades I make and dont make. Thanks for the hard work I cant believe that you take time from your trading to do it. I think this speaks volumes about you as a person. Someone that not only takes from the market, but gives it back. Brian, Edmond, Oklahoma November 15, 2009 A hybrid approach of Fundamentals and Technical solutions are applied to the Markets making RDS Trader a very Ergonomic application to the Futures and Foreign Exchange Markets. Mr Michael Radkay of RDS Trader is very dynamic and applies Thoroughness in teaching of his application RDS Trader. A hybrid approach of Fundamentals and Technical solutions are applied to the Markets making RDS Trader a very Ergonomic application to the Futures and Foreign Exchange Markets. RDS Traders Structure accommodates traders of all Skill levels. The Nucleus of RDS Trader is the Support Michael and Stephanie Radkay offer which is High Standard. RDS Trader is a Reflection of Michael and Stephanies experience and blueprint to Success. I look forward to keeping my Relationship with RDS Trader and the results that will come forth. Joshua, Sydney, Australia September 29, 2009 I use RDS to get a picture of the day and see where I want to be. I have had four winning months in a row and only two losing days in this time. I have learned I am a contrarian trader and I use RDS to get a picture of the day and see where I want to be. Thank you for teaching me the cycles of the market. Like when you were instructing me, patience and discipline are still important. The only time I even get near trouble is when I know that I didnt wait for the window to open. Ive learned to wait, wait, wait Thanks again for showing me the market. Roger, Chicago, IL Learning how patience is such an integral part of this endeavor. The Value Added of RDS Trader: Has provided me with an objective way to view multiple markets. Given me a game-plan for each trading day, which provides me the confidence to execute. Through their mentoring I have been better able to understand myself and how to react to what the market is showing. I no longer see what I want to see, I utilize their system to see what the market is providing and to then execute accordingly. They have taught me how to trade within my own personal comfort zone both mentally and financially. Learning how patience is such an integral part of this endeavor. Craig, Chicago, IL The window of opportunity segment is priceless. I have noticed that your daily, previous day, 5 day and year to trade flip prices are very important levels. I have had some success this week waiting for prices to pull back to these levels for buys and approach these levels for sells. راجع للشغل. the window of opportunity segment is priceless. Darrell, Washington, D. C. November 4, 2008 Subject: Thank you Hello Mike. I just did a google search on you and looks like youve really expanded your coaching business. Congratulations I hope all is going well. I just wanted to drop you a note of thanks. I got back into trading about a year ago. Ive been trading the mini-Dow and having a good year. Along with patience and learning to ride my winners, the insights you gave me years ago regarding identifying market trends and retracement levels have really helped me. Your tremendously long streak of profitable days (what was it 3 years more) has also always inspired me to emulate you. (I had just one losing day during the turmoil of September and October.) Please say hello to Stephanie for me. Barbara and I are still in Phoenix area. 3 sons and doing well. Thank you, again, and best of luck with all your endeavors Rich, Phoenix, AZ Subject: Done for the day To: Michael Radkay I profited 761 this morning and it isnt even 830AM For the week I have profited 1341. So unless there is a major mental collapse tomorrow (not planning on that happening) it should be a profitable week - I am done for the day. I plan on turning off my trading system and take it easy for the rest of the day. I wasnt expecting a profitable week for awhile after I started so I am pretty excited. Thanks and have a great weekend Danny, Denver, Colorado September 26, 2007 Subject: Todays Trade To: Michael Radkay I really believe in this system. My ultimate goal is to train and trade full time one of these days. I have really enjoyed working with you so far and look forward to further opportunities in 2008. Richard, Manitoba, Canada I made the whole trip back on 3 lots on the island reversal in gold. lollol I hope you caught that move. I am still working on gettin the CQG, but the new computer with two screens is up and running. I am about a day or two away from CQG then I can really start doing the homework and trading at night. Spending time with you really helped me out alot not just from a technical background, but from a practical background as well. I feel more mature as a trader after spending time with you and am very excited to take my trading to another level. The past two weeks have been two of my best and I think the main reason is I am focusing on being more patient and gettin out of losers quick. I hope your trading is going well too. I am trying to plan another trip out there for a long weekend not for trading, but for partying. lollol I had a blast out there and I am bringing a wing man this time, but I will hope to def meet up for a dinner. I am glad to hear from you and once again sorry that I havent contacted you. I will stay in touch. Hope you have a great Memorial Day weekend. Ryan, New Jersey To: Michael Radkay Subject: RE: update I was just checking my hotmail a. c. as I have different e-mail accounts and I didnt realize you e-mailed me this message. I cant tell you how grateful I am that you are looking over my shoulder. I am SO VERY GRATEFULPlease feel free to do that for me at anytime. You guessed correctly. I was trying to recover my losses with one fell swoop. -) Oops. لم يعمل. So Im back to 1 and 2 lots and will patiently keep on plodding along until, by Gods grace, I get better. I am so happy you sent me this e-mail. I didnt want to bother you with too many questions so Im trying to save my questions and only contact you when absolutely necessary. Mike, thanks so much sir. God bless you I really appreciate this e-mail. You cant imagine. Im sorry I took so long to get back to you. I dont check my hotmail account often enough. Ill start doing that. My work e-mail is the one I check every minute of the day Again, thanks so much, Curt. New York, New York Michael Radkay wrote: Not that I want to be BIG BROTHER watching over your shoulder, but whats going on. Im guessing. but it looks like you are thinking about the big time and trying to move forward too rapidly with 10. 15 and even 20 lots. You cant concentrate on market flow and buy and sell decisions when all of your focus is on the money. I dont have to tell you that your account has suffered, but if you are trying to get money back in one full swoop that is most definately a dangerous frame of mind. maybe some RR is in order. to clear your head September 23, 2005 Subject: Friday trades Just wanted to let You know I completed my daily setup spelled out on the material and grabbed a nice 44-tick winner. This is one of my largest trades ever The course really helped me identify targets and feel comfortable allowing it to run. Next quarter should look a lot better than this one. Thanks for the help Have a good weekend. Shane, Chicago, IL, RDS Forex System Book: Traders use a variety of methods to project support and resistance points based on past price action. ومع ذلك، فإن مسألة ما إذا كانت تلك المناطق ستعقد أو تكسر في الوقت الحقيقي هو حساب أكثر صعوبة. In The RDS Forex System, former pit trader Michael Radkay provides forex traders with a unique system for identifying support and resistance zones in the foreign currency market and developing profitable trading strategies around those zones. RDS Premium: (Includes 1 thru 5 below with Email Support 3 One to One Sessions with Professional Trader Mike Radkay 1st month and 1 One to One Session per month thereafter.) Subscription Includes: raquo Our Education Commitment to You After utilizing our website tools, attending the private on-line Skype for Business sessions you subscribed to with Mike and taking advantage of unlimited email support, you will: 1. Have a strong command of the recommended professional trading platform and charts. BuySell Limit, BuySell Market, BuySell Stop, One Cancels Other (OCO), Trailing Stops and FIFO Hedge Orders 2. Understand what moves prices up and down through Fundamental Analysis. 3. Understand how to time and adjust Long, Short or Out with Scale-In Scale-Out or All-In All-Out Techniques. 4. Understand the two approaches your opponents follow Momentum vs. Contrarian and discover which one is for you. 5. Understand the Best Times to Trade and Avoid. 6. Have a thorough understanding of our 5 rules the Homework Rule plus 4 Intra-Day RDS Strategy Rules 7. Understand the Proper Contract Size for Your Personal Account RiskReward Tolerance to Help You with Scaling-In Scaling-Out vs All-In All-Out Techniques 8. Be given Peak Performer tips along with mind-set tools to keep the body, mind and spirit working in harmony with the fear and greed that you will be exposed to while trading. 9. Receive Proprietary Tips and Fast Track Short-Cuts Mike has acquired throughout his 25 yr trading career from big picture Swing Trading to Intra-Day maps to help guide you to become an independent thinker and decision maker when it comes to participating in this game we call The Markets. 10. Have the Confidence to Risk Real Money and Be Able to Use These Practical and Useful Trading Tips the Rest of Your Life raquo Level 1: Unlimited E-Mail Support Topics can range from beginner to advanced and from Forex to Futures . When prices hit that favored color matched level, trades are executed based on proper risk management techniques. Rules and risk management strategy methods are taught in the RDS Trade Hunter Premiere or Master Program. raquo Level 4: 37 Market Grid (26 Forex and 11 Futures) Proprietary Support and Resistance Daily and Yearly Grid for 26 spot FX and 11 Futures Markets for daily and a big picture swing perspective. We update the levels daily Sun. thru Thurs. by 7:30p Pacific and are valid until 2p Pacific the next session. (247 Username and Password Access) Market List Spot: EURUSD, USDJPY, USDCHF, GBPUSD, EURJPY, AUDUSD, USDCAD, NZDUSD EURGBP, EURCHF AUDJPY, GBPJPY, CHFJPY, EURCAD, AUDCAD, CADJPY, NZDJPY, AUDNZD, GBPAUD, EURAUD, GBPCHF, EURNZD, AUDCHF, GBPNZD, GBPCAD and USDMXN Futures: E-mini SP500, Dow, NASDAQ, 30 yr. Bonds, 10 Yr. Notes, 5 Yr. Notes, Corn, Soybeans, Wheat, Oil and Gold. We archive the levels, if you wish to back test their performance. raquo Level 5: Risk Calculator (interactive) Pre-market preparation tool built in accordance with the support and resistance zones on the 37 Market Grid to help you gauge and adjust proper contract size relative to your personal account value, riskreward objectives and time tolerance. The Risk Calculator was designed to enhance your focus on price potential rather than the emotions that money brings to your trade. raquo Software Used to Deliver Trading Education is FREE What are the system requirements for Skype To get up and running with Skype, youll need: An internet connection (broadband is best - find out how much bandwidth you need ). Speakers and a microphone (mobile phones, tablets and most computers have these built in). A camera to make video calls (again, most devices have these). The Skype application on the device of your choice. Please make sure that your operating system is up to date, and that you have the most recent hardware drivers from the manufacturer installed before downloading the latest version of Skype. raquo Money Back Guarantee If the Rotating Directional System Service does not provide and deliver what has been stated in Support Levels 1-5 outlined above the client is entitled to a refund up to but not exceeding 100 of payment for the items deemed not to have been delivered. During rare times Rotating Directional System Service computers, platform software, website hosts, Skype webinarsmeetings, internet connectivity, Twitter and recordings do present challenges. If for some reason you are unsatisfied with the level(s) of service on a particular day (within 24 hour notice) due to a technical glitch on Rotating Directional System Services end only, we will offer a proportionate refund for the problem. A refund will be determined by dividing the monthly fee by 20 (typical amount of trading days in a month) divided by which level(s) of support disrupted to calculate the amount of the refund awarded. All payments made are final. We provide no guarantee that you will be profitable by using the web-tools andor education materials presented on this website. Due to the number of sources from which the Content and the Advice is obtained, and the inherent hazards of electronic distribution, there may be delays, omissions or inaccuracies in such Content and Advice and the Web Site. THE CONTENT AND ADVICE ON THE WEB SITE IS PROVIDED AS IS, WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES. We follow the U. S. Holiday schedule plus we will be off the air 2 weeks per year (pertains to support levels 3). Website tools 4-5 will be updated normally M-F. You will be notified of these specific days in advance. There will be no refunds offered for these days. Michael Radkay: After receiving a BA in Economics from Lake Forest College in May 1989 and enjoying 4 years of Forester Football as 1st-string Strong Safety and Punt Returner, Mike has dedicated the last 20 years of his life to the Futures and Forex industry. Mike felt this was a great way to transition his competitive spirit to the workplace. He started as a runner in the 30Yr Bond Futures pit at the Chicago Board of Trade and worked his way up to becoming a broker for a by 1993 ( 30yr. Bond Pit 1995 - Mike redblue jacket group NANCO foreground right end). In 1997 Mike became a self-funded, self-employed trader. After trading hours from 1993 to 2004 Mike was instrumental in building and delivering the curriculum used by the University of Trading . a school that set the foundation for traders of all skill levels. This firm employed 25-50 employees and housed over 200 traders. In 2004 he transitioned from the trading pit to the computer screen and rebuilt his entire program to cater to the screen trader. In 2007 Mike moved to Los Angeles to start his own trading education company, RDS Trader LLC . Mike has been a frequent contributor for the CME Group . Global Futures . Trader Kingdom . Mirus Futures . نينجاترادر. Forex Connect, FX Instructor and in early 2010 Mike and his wife, Stephanie, built the new DTI-FX division. Mike offers his experience and skills as a FuturesForex trader, broker, mentor, CBOTCME Group (acronym RDS) and NFA (0250761) Member to his clients. The proprietary method taught to his students is known as the Rotating Directional System (RDS). This method has helped him achieve success specifically as a trader and generally in all aspects of investing. Mike has also been a CommoditiesForex Trading Lecturer at both Northwestern University and UCLA Continuing Studies Programs. Stephanie Radkay: After receiving a BA in Mathematics at Indiana University in 1990, Stephanie joined the rough pits of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange as a clerk for Timber Hill (Interactive Brokers). In 1993 she began her broker career as the only woman in the Major Market Index Futures pit. At the same time, she also joined her husband, Mike, after trading hours at the University of Trading to teach eager learners to pit trade. By 1995 she was awarded the task to fill orders in the SP500 Futures pit. At the time this pit community had 600 men and five women. In 1998, Stephanie left the SP500 Futures pit and followed the Tech Boom to fill orders in the NASDAQ100 Futures pit. By 2000 Stephanie decided to take a break from trading and in 2008 she returned to her love for the trade and to help build RDS Trader, the screen trading education company Mike was building. In early 2010 Stephanie and Mike joined forces with DTI to head up their new DTI-FX division. Stephanie is known as TIGR to her fellow traders and brokers at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and Eats Stress for Breakfast according to the Chicago Tribune feature article (091497). She brings her experience and knowledge of trading, teaching and managing stress to all of our clients. Nice short on GBPJPY at 163.68. - PC February 16, 2015 Thanks for the run this past Saturday it really hit to birds with one stone for me, and I had a blast. Also thank you so much for the book, I just started it this morning. - BC January 13, 2015 Love the Live Stream. - SR December 11, 2015 Thanks for another great year with your help. You continue to make me a better trader Im going to join you for some runs in 2016. - PC November 15, 2015 Thank you for being honest and getting me to take a break. When you cant even sleep, its time to re-adjust my approach to this thing. Thank you soo much for getting me to see again. - GG October 23, 2015 Thank you for showing me how to adjust my contract size that meets my risk tolerance and even begin to carry a position and let my winner run :) - AS September 26, 2015 The E-Book is a great complimentary resource to your book, THANKS. - JC The real-time updates really help me narrow my focus and weed out the noise and not force trades. - MC Love that you are running the Update Room starting at the London Open. - RW Thank you very much for your concerns and looking out for me. - PM Just made some money in this pair and looking forward to repeat anything to you like The usdcad pair brought in 1200.00 realized this week after the holiday. So thanks for the rec. - MR I noticed the sessions are now in the evening and again in the morning is that when you are on. I like the new logo. We let the winners run. Just did two miles soft sand beach bare foot. that was a hustle. - RM This is a well thought out approach to Forex trading for those willing to put in the time and effort. - Susan Thanks for always being there and offering fresh ways to help me learn how to make the best decision for me. - John By the way. decreasing my pip size was a great idea. Ive been entering with .03 size now (was doing .10 or .20 before), and adding on when appropriate. I think as my risk is decreased, im making better decisions. both on the entry and exit. - JB Michael, I just opened up the book you sent and I am in deep gratitude. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Blessings in love to you and Stephanie, Karen Think your idea is great and will help tremendously. Thank you for always looking for ways to help out. - Joe Hey Mike, hope all is well. Thanks for being there all this time. Though we didnt communicate all that often, the ability to access the RDS site has been my security blanket when the markets have frustrated me. I feel I know RDS inside and out and am very thankful for all your teachings. Thanks again for everything. Respectfully, David September 23, 2014 Another great day of trading. I made 100 bucks on Sunday a carryover from Friday gapped open in my favor. I attached a screen grab of my trades from yesterday. Im actually out camping so I woke up this morning to get some wifi and picks for today. I woke up to profit I profited over 200 dollars and the two losses for 42.59 were my own picks and not the RDS system. So I actually should have made closer to 300 for the day. Im trading .20 pip values. Just wanted to let you know. Been a while since you guys left Chicago but thought you might remember me. I wanted to touch base with you about your service and your recommendations. I am still filling options paper on the CBOE floor, but its been a slow going for a while now. I am not in the dark in the fact that this carousel will be ending sometime in the not too distant future and I want to try to plan my next step. I would love to try and trade on my own. But I have a lot to learn. So while Im still working, I would like to learn. Study as much as I can, and prepare myself. Of course when I think of learning how to trade - you and Steph are the first people that come to mind So Im basically a blank canvas. I was hoping to get your take on how to start. I was looking at your site and starting very small with forex in the evenings seems to be a very low risk starting point. Anyways, Id love to get your take. Great to hear from you Forex can be that window to help you get your feet in the game Here is what I would suggest. We can schedule a call to go over this beforehand as well but thought I would write it out for you to review We can schedule 1 to 1 weekly gotomeeting sessions (recommend 8) that will go through practice account small live account (recommend 500 min. to start) setup and platform use. Of course, the main focus will cover a strategic way to analyze a series of markets (RDS), rank them and choose from those that look the best. We work with 25 different pairs and once mastered and if you find this is for you, we can roll this information into larger futures accountsmarkets to increase the scope and range of your knowledge I will cover where to anticipate support resistance, how to calculate those areas and confirm them, place the 3 step trade (entry, stop, profit) Reviewing your performance and going over trade setups and ideas will also be covered. All sessions are recorded for you to review anytime you want. I store them in a password protected area of the site for 24-7 access, but you can download them on your computer as well. The service also comes with morning alerts from 6:15a - 8:15aPT M-F and full website access and tools to cover the 8 meetings and full sitetools access. Details: wwwrdstradereducation (select RDS Trade Hunter (premier) If you need any additional follow up 1 to 1 meetings, you can schedule as needed. Some of my clients love to have a continual weekly check-in and subscribe to 250 per month (up to you but you can decide as you go. ) Details: wwwrdstradereducation (select RDS Trade Hunter (master) We can schedule weekly meetings TuesWedThurs 7:15a PT (9:15a CT) or same days in evenings 7:15p PT (9:15p CT) We can also schedule some Saturday mornings as well upon request. Let me know and keep in touch as I would be glad to help Im watching the videos today and I really like the spirit and quick bits of info each video provides. The one thing that keeps me so excited about trading and learning from you is the amount of emphasis you and Steph put on knowing yourself, taking care of yourself, and family. In other words, a holistic approach. Even though you and I have completely different backgrounds, I feel like the RDS program addresses me a nd certainly doesnt talk over my head with high concepts. Its Ryan. I met up with you last Saturday for the run. I really enjoyed running with you and everything you had to say. Ive taken the time to look up your website and I read the preface to your book. I am extremely impressed and thankful to have been able to meet you. Your experience not only as a floor trader but also as an educator definitely won me over. I will be in touch with you in the future about signing up for your program. I think in the short term I will sign up for the free trial coming up at the end of the month and definitely see you on the run Im inviting a couple people. Hopefully, theyre not scared of the 5 miles. I have got the kindle version of your book from Amazon and as I work through it I find the RDS approach to be a very structured way of looking at price action whilst strictly controlling risk. Just wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for your time and efforts the last couple years without which such advancements in this field would not have been possible. You have helped me grow not only professionally but also as an individual, you and Steph do a great job in providing a package which not only demonstrates a system but also a lifestyle. Our one on one sessions helped me gain confidence in the knowledge I have acquired which opened up so many new opportunities for me. Although Im grateful for the opportunity here and Im learning many new things, I still aspire and will continue working towards making a living from trading. Looking forward to continuing to work with you guys. ) Your book and service is absolutely awesome. It was very precise and easy to follow. As a mater of fact it was so good that I find confident on myself to try alone but definitely if I need anything I will contact you in the future. I will also highly recommend you if someone needs help on forex. Thank you and wish you all the best, AS (6172013 8:10:20 AM): yes, i got it. Your system is amazing. I am thankful to God, I found you. WW (5162013 9:34:54 AM)Just took profit aususd 31 41 things are going well. I hope things are good with u. AA (3182013 8:20:11 AM): Man. I looked away for few and got hit on all three. Took profit on eurusd gbp holding jpy. in total picked up 90 pips. thx February 14, 2013 Ahmed(2142013 7:39:06 AM): are u interested in gbpuds Mike Radkay (2142013 7:40:06 AM): just audusd for now Ahmed(2142013 7:40:33 AM): ok. شكر. Mike Radkay (2142013 8:10:41 AM): on pullbacks looking for support for long plays at10348audusd. targeting session high to 10399 January 15, 2013 (1152013 8:13:35 AM): Picked up 35 on usdjpy December 11, 2012 Just wanted to report that after three months of trades and record keeping - my trades are net profitable and Im excited indeed. The gain is slight but its a gain nonetheless. Its interesting because Ive employed a all-in method entering at levels indicated on the daily trade alerts and simply using a 1L stop loss and a 2L take profit and letting it go until a stop is hit. Btw - the book is awesome. I learn something new every time I look at it. Thanks for all the help and Happy Holidays November 5, 2012 Mike, I want to thank you for all you do and your great site for helping me trade the currencies. Thank you, James September 07, 2012 Paul B (972012 8:16:58 AM): Very informative - I think I feel the light going on. Thx for the details in todays text alerts and have a great weekend August 10, 2012 2012 I appreciate all you have done over the past 2 years and got a lot out of your trend following method. Thanks again for everything Mike - Ryan How have things been going I have been looking at other methods etc. and seem to always come back to the RDS becasue it makes the most sense to me. When can you chat on the phone to get me back on track and to put a serious gameplan together Thanks GL WW (662012 9:01:51 AM): got involved with gbpusd still long but took some profit 22 WW(612012 8:13:21 AM): I know that I havent posted in awhile, only because I have been to embarrassed. I got crushed on a few trades. I was holding on to losers to long. I am hoping that I have learned my lesson. I firmly using a 1L stop. This morning early I picked up 10 on eurgbp, 30 usdcad and just took some profit 40 audusd still have 1 on Mike Radkay (612012 8:14:19 AM): keep working at it. not always easy :) Thank you for the link, they are working now :) As always thank you so much for the awesome webinar, always some insightful little tips that hit home You are an excellent teacher and I feel very lucky to have the opportunity to work with you. I read more of the ebook instructions on your trade entry, and window of opportunity, and this all makes great sense to me so Ill be following this type of trade setup going forward. Thanks for everything this week, have a great Easter weekend, and talk to you next week WW (3302012 7:46:07 AM). If usdjpy gets back to cost (82.24) do u get out or wait for 2nd storm Mike Radkay (3302012 8:03:07 AM): this upmove making me a bit nervous and its not responding well. have some usdchf running and hit the gbpusd earlier Neal S (3232012 8:01:02 AM): wow and I chickened out after 20 pips each eurusd and usdchf. Should have held on WW (3232012 7:41:45 AM): call me a wimp but I am out 30 eurusd Mike Radkay (3232012 7:46:34 AM): good hold glad it worked out Reese N. - Awesome, thank-you very much. On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 10:27 AM, Michael Radkay wrote: You might want to play with 12 at an extreme (half a day at 12 hours) and not go anything tighter than 6 hours (14 of the day) 8 still may prove to be a nice zone to try for 60 min. its meeting in the middle and covers the full day cycle in the US (think like a normal 9-5 job covers 8 hours) hope this helps All the best, Mike To: Michael Radkay Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 8:17 AM Subject: Quick Question. Thank-you for the daytime Class. I appreciate that I have seen on your EBook pages you have RSI explained and recommendations for different time periods. May I ask your recommendation on the 1 Hour Time-frame I like to keep that chart in the background as I trade or set trades up. BW (352012 7:24:41 AM): went with the 1L pull back short nzdusd and picked up 20 Mike Radkay (352012 7:25:03 AM): nice BW (312012 7:50:50 AM): Didnt mess with it and made 20 on usdcad short Mike Radkay (312012 7:52:25 AM): nice February 23, 2012 Ken Y (2232012 7:42:34 AM): I ordered your book, it ships on 320. Also I downloaded the last session yesterday Mike Radkay (2232012 7:47:49 AM): great. thanks February 23, 2012 Bill W. (2232012 8:00:07 AM): Dude. I am out plus 20 30 on EURUSD Bill W. (2232012 8:03:34 AM): I have been getting in trouble holding on for too long lately so I am trying to take profit a sooner Mike Radkay (2232012 8:01:08 AM): nice February 17, 2012 E. C. (02172012 8:18:27 AM): Just read the first chapter Fantastic. ) February 13, 2012 Bill W. (02132012 10:28:12 AM):15 and have stop set at entry level on remaining long February 8, 2012 I see what youre asking. I am starting to get used to seeing these patterns. I have in the past more often watched markets like the SP 500 for similar types of indicators. - Phillip R. January 31, 2012 Im getting better at fx trading, thanks to your System Being self employed working 12hrs a day make it a challenge. Ken Y. (01092012 8:55:56 AM): Best Day Ever. Thanks Mike Radkay (01092012 8:56:48 AM): Nice December 22, 2011 Please know that I appreciate all you and Steph taught me. December 21, 2011 Mike Radkay (12212011 7:33:56 AM): short eurgpb at 29 Mike Radkay (12212011 8:10:10 AM): starting to get a drop. levels are tight but at 1L profit hitting now. looking for 8307 to 8296 December 21, 2011 E. C. (12212011 8:12:35 AM): looking forward to class tonight. ) December 09, 2011 Alexander(1292011 8:07:59 AM): woo, just made a trade on 6b for 20 ticks. Ruben (1292011 6:19:36 AM): made profits in both pairs and also the EURJPY. December 06, 2011 Neal(1262011 8:13:06 AM): ok thanks. راجع للشغل. EURCHF in at 12373 for 2L Mike Radkay (1262011 8:13:27 AM): nice December 01, 2011 Frank (1212011 6:47:47 AM): hi mike lost power and computer went down for little while these winds are notorious for power outages make sure you have your but covered with any orders as they can last for hours Mike Radkay (1212011 6:48:16 AM): hear you. شكر. November 30, 2011 William (11302011 9:26:58 AM): LONG AUDUSD 10239. had 5 audusd took 4 off 42 Mike Radkay (11302011 1:36:43 PM): Nice November 25, 2011 Just again I like your system and everything what you do, system is based on the same numbers I used to see and consider to make trading decisions. Well, sometimes those numbers are off from yours for some pairs Cannot wait to see you during next meetup. العديد من الشكر. November 23, 2011 William (11232011 6:57:36 AM): went light took some profit 16 on remainder have stop 13410 with ts 10 Mike Radkay (11232011 6:58:13 AM): nice November 17, 2011 Reese(11172011 8:12:10 AM): Good Morning Michael, I wish you, Stephanie and your families the warmest of family togetherness on this thanksgiving Weekend. I thank-you for you both for your business efforts to help us newbies trade. On a personal, great trading note. I have won 47 trades this month with a loss of only 5 - I thank-you for that. Have a great Holiday. Respectfully, Reese William (11172011 6:55:27 AM): yes that would be nice. good class last night November 16, 2011 Alexander(11162011 8:00:18 AM): scary just a counter-play Mike Radkay (11162011 8:01:03 AM): yeah. im not going to marry anything here myself November 15, 2011 Alex(11152011 6:41:29 AM): nice 30 tick run on 6e Mike Radkay (11152011 6:41:45 AM): nice November 10, 2011 James (11102011 8:10:34 AM): 2 plays, the usdjpy cancelled, when filled on light eurusd 1.3559 and 1.3561 currently running with 59s only in profit right now Mike Radkay (11102011 8:11:44 AM)nice Ellie (11102011 6:57:56 AM): usdjpy, does it make sense to have the stop at, say, 16 pips in this set-up Mike Radkay (11102011 6:58:34 AM): thats my thought but try and have a thought of making at least 16 pips in your mind as well. Ellie (11102011 6:58:56 AM): thats appreciated, Mike, thanx. good reminder too November 8, 2011 Mike Radkay (1182011 6:38:58 AM): still running short eurchf from 12383. taking some profit here at 1L area. on remaining shorts looking for 12339 to 12317 oco with 12382 to lock in profit on remaining. trailer stop moved down to 72 now. Neal (1182011 6:39:25 AM): wow moving now William (1182011 7:04:46 AM): took profit 27 30 still short 1. Man it feels good to have profit locked in November 4, 2011 Mike Radkay (1142011 7:51:25 AM): taking some profit here eurchf 12223. looking for 12238 on remaining oco with 14 stop Mike Radkay (1142011 7:55:29 AM): flat. have 12193 buy limit pending now on eurchf Andres (1142011 7:58:06 AM): You took some profit (1L) at 12223.How many lots were you in home many left working Mike Radkay (1142011 7:58:40 AM): better question is how many did you have working and what did you want to risk if you got in. Mike Radkay (1142011 7:59:01 AM): i took half off of my existing position. reason for answer is. dont get consumed with my and lot size. get consumed with what you can risk and afford. so my answer remains i took half of my position off the table Andres (1142011 8:01:17 AM): Got it. Thanks Andres (1142011 9:16:10 AM): wow 2L profit on eurchf from 12193 :) November 3, 2011 You, actually, quite a bit inspired me yesterday. I made my first very very long trade (almost an hour) on 6b for 38 ticks. تشكرات. Im still thinking about the one-2-one sessions to create a list what type of help is needed. I know there are a lot of things I need to improve. November 2, 2011 Richard (1122011 8:34:03 AM): did the GBP today - that was good. also have a resting order in the USDCAD which Ill carry thru the report William (1122011 8:03:50 AM): took some profit 25 still long gbpusd from 15988 Mike Radkay (1122011 8:04:15 AM): nice trade William (1122011 8:19:20 AM): took more profit. on last one put a 10 pip trailing stop November 1, 2011 Andres (1112011 7:38:08 AM): should we wait Mike Radkay (1112011 7:38:28 AM): risk is personal to you. i risk 1L Andres (1112011 8:06:14 AM): looks much better now Mike Radkay (1112011 8:07:08 AM): never always easy. thats why they call it risky business. but felt the turn-around was coming Neal (1112011 8:00:28 AM): Im in on 3 pairs -- all looking reasonably good so far.. Mike Radkay (1112011 10:56:18 AM): short gbpusd again at 15980 and 90 this time around William (1112011 11:59:42 AM): nice trd. October 27, 2011 William (10272011 8:08:19 AM): I need help. how do u handle missing a move by 1 pip. take deep breaths focus on that there are many opportunities in the big picture Mike Radkay (10272011 8:08:44 AM): you got it. or do 1 lot or something to get yourself involved. when you see lower lows like in this case William (10272011 8:10:22 AM): thanks October 27, 2011 Mike Radkay (10272011 8:02:23 AM): usdcad short looking good Neal (10272011 8:03:08 AM): yeah, of course I wish I hadnt scaled out so much yet. the last bit is doing fantastic, though October 25, 2011 Bill (10252011 11:35:32 AM): I got flat 6 usdcad, its just floating along here Mike Radkay (10252011 11:36:27 AM): Covered some myself. oco in now WW (10252011 11:39:26 AM): oco is a nice call. October 20, 2011 William W (10202011 9:10:04 AM): OKAY THAT WAS THE 2ND STORM AND I AM OUT Mike Radkay (10202011 9:13:11 AM): now the choice just becomes. do you want to try it again. 3L move, overbought, below session green redline. if you do. stops at 9026 and looking for 1 to 2L drop to possibly retest sesson low William W (10202011 9:21:47 AM): I am short 9004 usdchf William W (10202011 9:51:31 AM): I put 9000 stop in with a 15pip trailing stop Mike Radkay (10202011 10:00:44 AM): okay. sometimes you have to fight for it. nice. October 18, 2011 NS (10192011 8:06:24 AM):Ive had 2 long positions today eurchf so far. 13 pips each. October 18, 2011 James O: Out of last eurusd 6:57 1.3660 Thanks mike for all the work you do and share with us. Dont say often enough or speak much. Time for long bike ride and CU 2 nite. james James O: at 6 am I removed all but 3 charts from watch (same 3 as U at 6:15 post) main interest eurusd and only one I put order in on. sell limit 1.3719 filled at 6:09pst took a little off here and finger on. Wow now in target area. riding rest Mike Radkay: sounds good Neal S: redline plays working for me. a bit nervous though. closed 23 pips eurusd, still short eurgbp at about breakeven October 06, 2011 Mike Radkay (1062011 7:24:33 AM): things breaking down. careful Ellie C (1062011 7:25:25 AM): stopped out already October 04, 2011 Neal S (1042011 8:07:27 AM): my orders on gbpusd matched yours almost entirely. but I just got stopped out. 14 and 4 Mike Radkay (1042011 8:07:46 AM): tough ride. Neal (recurring) Symms (1042011 8:07:51 AM): indeed Fred G (1042011 7:10:35 AM): nice little run on Canadian - almost 100 - good enough for the day October 03, 2011 Mike Radkay (1032011 7:10:03 AM): short light 15513 gbpusd. going to focus here. canceling others for now James O (1032011 7:47:47 AM): GBPUSD nice Neal S (1032011 7:39:35 AM): Im flat gbpusd. 42 pips. يوم جميل بالنسبة لي. September 23, 2011 William W (9232011 10:09:19 AM): flat on eurgbp picked 19 29 Neal S (9232011 9:45:23 AM): Wow nice ride on eurgbp from 55 down to 17 Mike Radkay (9232011 9:46:14 AM): It did it. Did you take advantage Neal S (9232011 9:46:40 AM): yes I did. scaled out at L1 then the rest at L2 Mike Radkay (9232011 9:46:57 AM): Nice Neal S (9232011 9:50:53 AM): Thanks. Its nice to have a system such as RDS that works consistently for me. Chad J (9232011 8:18:50 AM): Best week ever. thanks Mike - Chad September 21, 2011 Thanks for all your help, its going real well for me. I am really excited about the future. Bill W Chad J (9212011 11:53:10 AM): Im up 280 pip today. that was fun Fred G (9212011 8:53:38 AM): was reading your site and playing with my previous knowledge and up 64 pips on eurusd so far today. will continue to read Stacey S (9212011 6:16:39 AM): Hi Mike - I really do love your football field. I caught the GBPUSD trade this morning at 5:30am EST and again at 6:30am EST based on your parameters. Nice trade while the kids were sleeping. Cheers, Stacey September 20, 2011 Chad J (9202011 9:50:10 AM): my account is up 10 this month. this is the most success ive had in the 1 year ive been in the markets. so thanks September 20, 2011 Stacey S. (9202011 7:52:51 AM): Hi Mike, Just want to thank you. I really havent been trading currencies, but your framework has really helped me in trading bonds and equities. It has taken about a year, but the light bulb is finally starting to go on. Thanks again, Stacey September 19, 2011 NS (9192011 10:41:11 AM): Not a bad day. Im flat after 25 audusd, 7 eurusd, 12 gbpusd. September 16, 2011 Neal (9162011 7:42:46 AM): hopefully you got a small profit I was out with -5 pips. Mike Radkay (9162011 7:43:36 AM): small profit. hard ride though. probably missed the boat on nzdusd. اوه حسناً. Neal (9162011 7:45:59 AM): theres your nzdusd opportunity Mike Radkay (9162011 7:46:17 AM): careful what you wish for. حق. Mike Radkay (9162011 7:48:21 AM): last little bottom 8300 before a bounce on nzdusd. going to go in ong there with a chance Mike Radkay (9162011 7:55:05 AM): long nzdusd at 8300 Mike Radkay (9162011 8:00:02 AM): would like to see some higher highs nzdusd next 15 min candle. Mike Radkay (9162011 8:01:40 AM): getting some higher highs. looking good on long from 8300. targeting 8338 to possibly 8372 Mike Radkay (9162011 8:03:12 AM): taking some profit in 23. looking for 8338 for more William (9162011 8:06:36 AM): NICE September 13, 2011 (All Times Are Pacific) I was in on the Aud trade yesterday I didnt take profit a soon as u did but it was a nice trd for me also picked up 1L late in the day with usdjpy Had an awesome trade late Friday early Sunday. I was short the eurusd 13656, 13682 137.01 I know we had talked about it. Well i decided to hold the trade until Sunday. Dude Sunday open up at 13598, I took my profit and enjoyed the rest of my Sunday. thx for all your help September 12, 2011 Mike Radkay (9122011 6:16:57 AM): interest in audusd (bearish bias). feel resistance will develop at 10358 Mike Radkay (9122011 6:40:04 AM): resistance audusd 10358, usdjpy found resistance at 7727 and eurjpy found resistance at 10556 area. Neal (9122011 8:01:07 AM): im out. not a bad day so far. 20 pips audusd, 10 pips usdjpy. September 09, 2011 BW(992011 9:05:30 AM): took profit plus 10 with 1 still long 2 on usdcad Mike Radkay (992011 9:06:54 AM): took profit myself at 72. keeps stalling there BW (992011 9:10:46 AM): looks like eur and aud back on down trend, know we need cad to continue up trend Mike Radkay (992011 9:15:27 AM): its trying. had vision of parity on usdcad 1.0000. might be wishful thinking September 06, 2011 Mike Radkay (962011 7:53:11 AM): just got long at 7714 usdjpy after i exited usdcad for small profit Mike Radkay (962011 8:04:56 AM): usdjpy starting to make some higher highs. still running long from 14. 7753 session high area Mike Radkay (962011 8:07:25 AM): 1 level of profit into it. took 1 off. still long looking for 31 and 42 and 53 for remaining Bill (962011 8:52:42 AM): I got flat 42 Bill (962011 8:53:33 AM): 31 September 01, 2011 NS (912011 8:05:54 AM): Another good day. played countertrend on eurusd for 18 pips. will wait for on-trend moves before I re-enter. Mike Radkay (8312011 6:16:33 AM): at this point the only market that seems to be moving is the usdchf (bearish bias) sell limit pending currently at 0.8091 Mike Radkay (8312011 7:16:54 AM): short at 0.8091 usdchf WW(8312011 8:02:29 AM): thats why your the master. have 8019 limit on remainder with a stop 81. down to 1 took profit on 1 40 Neal S (8312011 8:02:13 AM): Im out of usdchf -- too nervous. I was in out several times for a total of about 28 pips. good day for me Craig B (8312011 8:28:07 AM): I got out too early WW(8312011 10:31:21 AM): just picked another 24 on 3 usdchf short 8044 out at 8020. total pips for the day, if u add them up 178 Mike, Were back from vacation. It felt good to be trading again today, made my goal of finishing in the green. Bill Chad J (8242011 8:16:50 AM): Hi Mike, I like to put on small swing trades and was looking at the usdchf daily chart. Are there any fundamental changes with the CHF recently. any reason to think it wont continue to be more valuable than the USD Im reading things about trying to lessen its value by the SNB Mike Radkay (8242011 8:19:52 AM): the way it seems right now is that the dollar has held these gains over past week and a half and with current prices above weekly, red and green..more inclined to stay long if prices hold above 7911 weekly Mike Radkay (8242011 8:21:41 AM): SNB has lowered rates to 0 in hopes to slow down CH strength. seems to be working so far and price action is in alignment with USD climbing and CHF falling at the moment Mike Radkay (8222011 7:25:50 AM): taking some profit on the pause here at 9857. still running short from 9873 Neal S (8222011 7:34:49 AM): i got out of all of mine. 16 pips on most, only 10 pips on the last bit. Rich I(8162011 7:37:37 AM): Im finally trading better last couple months and making profit. Waiting for opportunities is the hardest part. Mike Radkay (8122011 7:36:12 AM): usdchf moving back in downtend on 15min. support still expected 7687. long at 7687 usdchf Neal S (8122011 7:46:33 AM): wow goin now. i always get nervous when things go this well and tighten my stop. Mike Radkay (8122011 7:50:05 AM): got a good one going. set a trailer on it Neal S (8122011 7:52:18 AM): yeah i just took off most of mine at 55 pips. will let the last little bit run with a trailer Rich I (8122011 7:48:31 AM): sweet. I hate when I only have 1 on from being a chicken. Harder to play and know when to get out. WW(8122011 7:49:36 AM): picked up 30 still long James O(8122011 8:05:22 AM): usdchf was only one on my radar as well at 5:30am NICE Thanks MIKE for all you do and Steph as well have a great weekend. James WW: did u go long at the flip from down trend to up trend 75.75 usdchf..I missed it, kept waiting for it hit 7492 or came back to 7549 range Mike Radkay: yes i did..had 7492s working as well but when i saw higher highs came back in i bought 7550s WW: Thx. that helps a bunch. the higher high WW: looks like I should be able to make it tonight. didnt lose faith with eurjpy and picked up 47 63. flat and bbq some brats Mike Radkay: nice. i didnt lose faith either. audusd was great as well. Thanx, challenging material - need to broaden my understanding of the changes within the trading time, as per how you finished this evenings class. new and a bit of a stretch for now. Looking forward to understanding it thoroughly. The material and the daily videos are all very motivating. Thanks for your help so far. Take care, Reis WW(842011 2:09:10 PM): Mike, last night was great, I real enjoy your classes. I couldnt get involved this morning was just to busy at work but once we slowed down was able to go long the usdjpy with your help and picked 31 pips. I went light, was nervous with the extreme moves today. I didnt listen to my gut, wanted to go more but total happy with what I made. I made a decision last week to start shutting things down around 3:00pm (cst), if I am in the positive. Its just to much, to wrap up work, take the train home, be with the kids get dinner ready and the whole time I have the market on my mind. WW(842011 2:19:57 PM): fyi. I am still trading dollar pips, at the beginning of July I was down about 500.00 in my acct and from that low now I am up over 750.00 bucks. I am out tomorrow with the wife and kids. Were taking the kids downtown for a day of fun in the big city. Thanks for all your guidance, good luck tomorrow and have a great weekend. Ellie C(842011 8:26:43 AM): Mike, does it matter that eurusd is between the red and green lines Also, on audusd above both I do understand the principle to go long above and short below. want to make sure I understand all parameters, whether it matters where these points are located vs the red and green lines.. Mike Radkay (842011 8:27:33 AM): the entry spot 14228 is below that is what is important Ellie (092811check) Chay (842011 8:29:00 AM): ok - thanx Rich I(832011 8:08:32 AM): nice trade on GBPUSD long. I only had 1 and got out too soon. but still made some. Mike Radkay (832011 8:08:46 AM): nice Neal S(832011 7:56:38 AM): i got out at 15 pips profit. good enough for me for today. WW (822011 1:34:38 PM): was able to pick up 23 pips today made plus 20 yesterday Tim C. - I LIKE HOW YOU BREAKDOWN THE CHART (RED LINE). IM AN EX-YOUTH FOOTBALL COACH 15 YEARS Mike Radkay (7292011 8:05:11 AM): would be nice to have some usdcf runing as well. but i wont be greedy and take what i get. took my profit on usdjpy and calling it a day. Ellie C (7292011 8:05:37 AM): very nice run usdjpy Neal S (7292011 8:04:28 AM): wow usdchf. hmm i should have done the same, but still in. will see what i can get. WW(7282011 12:49:35 PM): I picked up another 2 earlier 39, with it moving slow just got flat at 13 14 Mike Radkay (7282011 12:51:27 PM): still running short myself: rdstradereurjpy072811.jpg WW (7282011 12:52:49 PM): u the man. Neal S (7282011 8:10:46 AM): I rode eurjpy for 16 pips in 2 trades. Thats a good day for me so Im out. Neal (S (7282011 8:11:16 AM): im trying to learn how to walk away when i hit my target. Mike Radkay (7282011 8:12:58 AM): nice neal WW(7272011 3:50:03 PM): Advice please..I am still long. 11027 break even. was planning on hold out for 11055 but seems like 11027 or low 11030 is all where going to get. should I call it a day hold out for 11055 Mike Radkay (7272011 3:51:02 PM): been a long time into it and it is struggling here. i got long audusd from 30, 17, 13. coverd up near 28 and then reentered long at main support at 05 and covered up near 30 again which wasnow the trouble spot. im flat WW (7272011 3:57:50 PM): thats why your the master. I jumped the gun earlier went long 32 and 30 and 09 so my hole was a deeper Mike Radkay (7272011 3:59:02 PM): gotcha. I kept bullets in reserve. just remember that 30 has been a srugle and the times tha market gave it to ou was a good thing to take it when it gave it WW(7272011 5:10:29 PM): Thanks for you advice got out 34. feel much better Mike R adkay (7272011 5:10:42 PM). ) Mike Radkay (7272011 7:12:22 AM): i like audusd better as to position on field Neal S (7272011 7:12:58 AM): right. farther above redgreen. nzdusd between them. Mike Radkay (7252011 11:04:55 AM): took awhile without too much heat. but better as out of the woods on short plays usdjpy 7826-39 and usdchf from 8063 Keith L (7252011 11:05:16 AM): Got out green Neal S(7252011 11:05:36 AM): i just took profits on usdchf. 13 pips was good enough for me. WW (7222011 12:09:19 PM): thanks for your advice this week. you have a good weekend too Mike Radkay (7152011 9:10:32 AM): USDCAD 9554 looks like it may be a place to start to short again. WW (7152011 12:31:58 PM): THX. WW (7152011 1:16:08 PM): have a great weekend, I am flat 15 KC (7142011 5:07:15 PM): ive been getting the hang of it all, i love the simplicity of your system Mike Radkay (7142011 5:07:40 PM): glad its working for you Danny R(7132011 10:58:51 AM): I havent been able to trade lately. I am finding it more difficult to find time to do it with having to go to work and everything. I was getting into situations where I would get into a trade then having to worry about getting down to work. then when I am at work it is difficult as well. Im just having trouble finding the time to be able to sit down and do it Mike Radkay (7132011 11:00:46 AM): with the platform buysell limit and oco attachment, you can do the 3 step process and be protected and at the same time take profits. or you can even set up a trailer on it. have you taken advantage of that Danny R.(7132011 11:02:15 AM): I am familiar with the trailing stop but it seems that I can only do that on my first entry into the trade. If I have multiple entries i Have to put a stop limit. Mike Radkay (7132011 11:02:23 AM): check out the video if you havent already: rdstraderforex-futures-expertsfaq-entry-orders. phpexactlinevideo7 . you can have complete control over orders if they vary in size. lets say you can do 6 lots total. you can set up 1 in an area, then 2 in another area, then 3 in another area giving you a total of 6 lots all treated individually Danny R(7132011 11:04:49 AM): Does that make sense what I said before about only being able to put a trailing stop on the first entry Mike Radkay (7132011 11:06:28 AM): yes. but you can put a trailing stop on other orders but they need to vary in size 1,2 or 3 for example. if you have 1,1,1 then you can only set to where first oder was FIFO Danny R (7132011 11:06:51 AM): oh. i see. so I need to vary my lot s. like 5,6,7 not 6, 6, 6 Mike Radkay (7132011 11:08:01 AM): yes. lets say you see an area you like but cant wait around and you want to buy the audusd at 53 and at 23. prices are trading 73 at the time. you can set a 1 buy at 53 with a stop, limit andor trailer, and at 23 you can set to buy 2 with a stop, limit andor trailer Danny R(7132011 11:08:37 AM): oh, ok, that is cool. I didnt know that Mike Radkay (7132011 11:08:44 AM): all treated individually and free from FIFO. yes the video can help. its about 3minutes long Danny R(7132011 11:08:50 AM): damn. i should have IMed you a couple weeks ago. ive just been stressing about sitting down and getting into a bad situation Mike Radkay (7132011 11:09:35 AM): this takes all of that away and can be really good for you Danny R(7132011 11:09:57 AM): for me yes Mike Radkay (7132011 11:10:01 AM): if the trade hits. it hits. nothing forced and all pre-planned Danny R(7132011 11:10:18 AM): got ya, thx for the help. I will start implementing..I thought that was really weird I could only trail on the first entry but was also confused that sometimes I was able to. makes sense now :) Mike Radkay (7132011 11:11:23 AM):) Bill W (7132011 7:25:21 AM): I HAD USDCAD SHORT 1 96.26 CLOSED OUT 96.15 1 96.33 CLOSED OUT 96.00 STILL HAVE 2 FROM 96.36 Mike Radkay (7132011 7:26:05 AM): nice Ellie C (7122011 8:34:18 AM): Mike, wondering why gbpusd has gone radically long Mike Radkay (7122011 8:39:43 AM): been beat up for couple of weeks now. things always recover at some point. i didnt see any real news. but gbp unemployment data coming out early tomorrow morning. could be some shorts covering ahead of that report at 130a pacific Ellie C (7122011 8:42:11 AM): remarkable - adds to the thinking process (and view)- thanx Reese N (7112011 8:52:54 AM): I certainly can respect quiet time while waiting for market to hit spots it was just the way I read your chat, it made it sound like you were done for the day - and even so that was fine, just checkin in with ya Mike Radkay (7112011 8:54:10 AM): no. not done..orders are pending. computer is doing all of the work for me now as i wait with entries and oco stop and profit targets attached. this is when the computer and the software i use is nice Reese N (7112011 8:55:36 AM): oh yes, pending orders etc limits and this software is great, I can actually get some stuff done around the house during the downtime and not miss anything - FYI. I have won the trades for the past three days, and been doing very well, Thank-you. Neal S (7112011 7:09:42 AM): got out of usdcad too early only 13 pips Mike Radkay (7112011 7:09:57 AM): nice trade though. way to get in there Curtis J (7112011 7:47:07 AM): this day is a gift to all fx traders Dear Michael, I want to thank you for all of the education you provided me. I am trading real money and doing ok. I think Im ready to do it myself Richard Woods. Mike Radkay (772011 8:09:24 AM): i jumped in usdchf long 42 Neal S (772011 8:15:04 AM): im out of usdchf. i should have scaled out, but i took my 17 pips with all of it Mike Radkay (772011 8:15:33 AM): nice making money is the key Neal S (772011 8:16:22 AM): yes. trying to focus on the treat your winners like your losers part. Thats my biggest problem these days. Mike Radkay (772011 8:17:08 AM): i hear you but treat you losers like you treat your winners is the actual thought Neal S (772011 8:17:37 AM): right Mike Radkay (762011 10:31:43 AM): back from a run. thank you break in the eurjpy and the eurusd :) Rich I. (762011 11:03:14 AM): i got flat eurjpy at 77. was short from 99. got out of gbpusd a bit ago on that higher high Mike Radkay (762011 11:03:38 AM): nice trade Rich I.(762011 11:04:04 AM): thanks. still a bit nerve wracking for me at times. I didnt leave on any runs like you. ) William W(762011 9:21:03 AM): Couldnt handle waiting for the 99 sold light 93. took profit on my 93s plus 15 still have my 99s stop 89 going for 62 the 7:30 pst low Mike Radkay (762011 11:15:34 AM): nice William W(762011 11:24:25 AM): took profit on 1 out of 2 plus 34 put on trail stop at 10 pips William W (712011 7:32:00 AM): Picked up a bunt single this morning went short the gbpusd arnd 5:45 pst 160.24 got nerves after imf came out and took 16 pips and ran. thx for all your help, I really appreciate it. وذلك بفضل صفك الليلة الماضية إعادة: الإطار الزمني الوصول إلى نقطة بيسيل وغيرها من النقاط التي عملت بها. After the flip around 7 I put in a light sell at 1.6035 and I liked the 6061 area better so put in orders there also. Out the 6035 at 6043 and 6061s at 6048 and the 6066s at 6026. But wow 10 hours later on those. Put on ocos and walked away came back at 3:30pm and they hadnt triggered so took them off and used the time frame idea saw it was sideways from 10 to 12 and was again running that way so was watching to exit at about the two hour mark. عندما بدأت في إسقاط أضع توقف زائدة في على أكبر الكثير، وعقد أصغر واحد لتشغيل مع. Again ideas from your class last night. Thank you YOU THE MAN This 67 yr guy thinks slow but I ride fast. I should turn that around. See ya in am. - James You are top notch and we received great feedback from the students who took the FX class - Morgan Busby - DTI Trader John M (6302011 6:21:39 AM PT): I did take the sell at 16033 and took half off at 10 pip profit. letting one ride with 29 stop I missed todays trading - I hope it went well. I am sure this Greece thing and debt ceiling issue is probably having things a bit on edge. Thank-you for keeping me included, you have a great program and I am honored to be allowed to be a part of it. Thanks for another GREAT class. I love your teaching from the charts As always, thanks. Roxanne M (6292011 8:20:08 AM PT): So, Ill do a little horn-tootin went on a hunch with the eurjpy: went long 116.00, it had 3 rules: flip, RSI two level pull back: made 50 pips in about 20 minutes Mike Radkay (6292011 8:20:30 AM PT): nice Meetup Live in Person Event: It was a great meeting. Mike always has insights into the market on trading mechanics, trading plans and his overall approach to mastering the market. You simply cannot get feedback better than this in LA. Also many other top traders attended the meeting and discussed the real challenges of trading at the expert level. This meeting is a MUST attend if you have ANY interest in trading your own account. This is the REAL deal if you know how to trade so thankful I made out to the meeting. - Seth Ellie C (6232011 6:45:33 AM): thanks by the way for the class yesterday - i finally realized i could gather daily numbers by using daily candles - go figure didnt think of that before, and did way more work..till i watched your method Mike Radkay (6232011 6:46:36 AM PT): glad it is helping you and saving time Gary Y. (6202011 8:05:07 AM PT): I do enjoy watching your thinking on the markets. Thanks again Rich asks: The eurusd long trade today at 97 is great example of my confusion. (I did not participate in this trade.) Is that lower candle at 10:45 considered the second storm and time to get out Mike Radkay: It is a storm and you have to make a decision about risk and time. never feels good when you see lower lows when you are long. I risk 1Level. but adjust through it as I see flips. Rich asks: Or is it merely in the window of opportunity Mike Radkay responds: When it flips back up in favored direction its a new window and time to ask if you want to get back in or add to an existing positon. Is it above green, red. Whats the distance drop. Whats rsi. كم من الوقت كنت في التجارة. Have I been trying this idea more than 2 or 3 times. How am I doing type of thing etc. Rich asks: Can you walk me through how you would trade this EURUSD long play starting from 14297. where did you have stops Mike Radkay responds: I have a 1L risk (down to 14252 at worst) with 14342 objective going in to the idea initially but as you know I will adjsut along the way as price action unfolds. I bought 14297s to start (2 lots) and then as prices fell to 14288 bottom (8:00a PT flip bottom). I bought there as well (2 lots). still felt good about the long but flags were beginning to wave as prices dropped to 14277 as I am reentering and not getting much result at this point but not even a half level of risk against so no big deal. after flip back up though I put stop at 14276 for 14297s long. I know I could risk a level (down to 52) but time in trade already (about 1hr.) and what was happening doesnt mean I have to let it fall a level against me if Im not feeling it and if it fell below 77 bottom. I would cover the 14297s and run with 14288s a bit. (placed stop just below 10:15a PT bottom 76. when it came back up and didnt stop me out. I sold some 14300s to exit my 14297s (entry that gave me most pain). I then ran with my 14288s. put a 14296 stop (to secure profit) as prices rallied above 14300 and attached a 10 pip trailer or looking for 14342. went for a run. came home and it got me out at 14305 on 14288s. All in all 6pips from 2 bought 97 and 17 pips from 2 bought 88 for 34 pips or total of 40pips. hope this helps Rich responds: Thanks Mike. I really appreciate it. Chad J: Do you think about daily goals as a percent of your account IE my goal is 2 gain for my account and risk being the same i guess Mike Radkay: sure. i try to achieve them but i will take what the market gives for that session and not get clouded by the hard percent number. downside numbers are hard fastened and of course equal to that of upside or better Chad J: i bring this up because i evidentally have a fear of loss even with the .10 pips. Im doing well wi th sim trading 3-5 lots, spending the last 2 days brushing up on the platform, but ill move to live trading next setup i see. Mike Radkay: you should have fear of loss. its an unavoidable emotion. rehearsing the scenarios and adjusting proper contract size and goals to realistic expectations soothes the fear along the way Chad J: Its funny because just yesterday i gave the same basic advice to a new triathlete. scared of open water swimming. thanks - Chad Ric G (6162011 7:01:04 AM PT): another successful trade - good call on usdcad long Neal S (6162011 7:01:53 AM PT): wow that was some report moved the market in our favor I sure wish I had kept my short position on the NZDUSD from real early this morning. I thank you and Stephanie for all you do james a. (6132011 10:04:57 AM PT):hi mike, made money today on nzdusd set-up. will be on the road wed. morning, so will be out of contact with you for a while. Bill W. (6102011 7:18:37 AM PT): Man the anxiety, I want to get out plus forty but still in down trend. What focus should I have Mike Radkay (6102011 7:19:30 AM PT): set you stop a tick above if it makes higher high on 15min. and then just relax. pressures off and you rode it the best you could Mike Radkay (6102011 7:24:23 AM PT): have you ever used the trail stop Bill W (6102011 7:24:35 AM PT): not yet Mike Radkay (6102011 7:26:34 AM PT): set stop say at 61 and put a 10 pip trail stop on it. say you set it when price was trading 41 at the time. after it falls 10. down to 31 stop would move down to 51. price falls to 21 stop would move down to 41 etc. locks in if it climbs back to stop or keeps going if it keeps falling Mike Radkay (6102011 7:27:14 AM PT): check box on stop and then hit drop down by trail stop and select to trail by 10 or more Mike Radkay (6102011 7:27:28 AM PT): dont set a target limit. just let it run Bill W (6102011 7:35:05 AM PT): thx. feel better with trail stop Mike Radkay (6102011 7:35:37 AM PT): nice Mike Radkay (6102011 7:36:19 AM PT): let the market do the work now Bill W (6102011 7:36:42 AM PT): cool Mike Radkay (6102011 7:41:03 AM PT): go eurjpy Bill W (6102011 7:44:18 AM PT): yes. nice Bill W (6102011 7:52:34 AM PT): all do to your help. thx so much Mike Radkay (6102011 7:52:53 AM PT): glad it is helping Bill W (6102011 8:33:55 AM PT): Trailing stop kicked in flat 115.27 Bill W (6102011 8:38:56 AM PT): 1 contract 30 pips 1 contract 62 pips for total of 92pips Mike Radkay (6102011 8:39:11 AM PT): Nice trade Mike Radkay (6102011 9:29:03 AM PT): have 10568 sell limit audusd as well Bill W (6102011 1:24:05 PM PT): just made 28 pips audusd. total 120 for the day I cant say Thank You enough for helping me with this difficult transition. Helping students with the psychology of trading may not be as much fun as the technical teaching but it is as important. I will be one of your success stories. Thank You for caring enough and continuing to help me to do that. - Peggy Mike Radkay (682011 7:53:15 AM): sold 10633s on audusd. keeps stalling at level and still have 39s pending. looking for a move back down to 03 level to session low (4L range target) WW(682011 8:17:04 AM): also went short at 33, plus 16 right now Mike Radkay (632011 8:51:23 AM): you dont have to lose a level no matter what on unprofitable trades. most times 2nd storm stop out saves resources to use for next opportunity Ellie C (632011 8:53:29 AM): well said, and well received Mike, believe it. Was profitable on smaller scale for a while, and I paid close attention. my stop was slightly less than 1 level, but significant (4 me) nonetheless. Let 1 moment slip to wait, and it turned. Ur right, for now theres a next opp.- thank u. Mike Radkay (622011 8:53:21 AM): 14410-11 is middle of window eurusd from 14402-19 buy window. holding here so far. feel prices will climb back to 32 and possible 67 JM: Did you take a Star 2 entry Mike Radkay (622011 9:13:08 AM): working 14397s got in long at 14412. did you JM (622011 9:08:24 AM): No - I was waiting for your OK - gotta learn to do this myself - worked earlier trade pretty well - thanks to you - I am feeling much calmer trading - not nearly as nervous as I used to be - 1 have a long way to go - but I am confident that I will get there - thanks as always for your help Mike Radkay (622011 9:13:08 AM): you got it. you have to trust yourself. its the only way. im just here for guidance. JM (622011 9:13:08 AM): And you do a GREAT job of guiding JM (622011 9:13:08 AM): I didnt even see the Star 2 entry until you pointed it out - same for the Star 3 eentry earlier - gotta see the trees in the forest Mike Radkay (612011 9:48:32 AM): usdjpy and usdchf on radar and grinding in uptrend right now. sell limits 8100 usdjpy and 8434 usdchf for a short play opportunity William W. (612011 1:17:53 PM): Did you short the usdchf or is it a new day Mike Radkay (612011 1:18:29 PM): i am short at 34. new day at 2p pacific William W. (612011 1:20:27 PM): thanks. Mike Radkay (612011 1:51:03 PM): run lower usdchf - short from 34 William W. (612011 1:58:14 PM): very nice. Mike Radkay (5312011 10:36:20 AM): finally eurjpy Javier P. (5312011 10:37:55 AM): Good starting day As always I really appreciated your newsletter. I had always thought of the rules in terms of entry - your article helped me to understand that I can use the rules to evaluate the trade and manage the exits as well. I have made several trades since April - not every day sometimes because of my schedule and a few days because I did not like any of the trades. Im up 199 pips over that time frame. I have been trying to trade for about a decade using many different instruments and many different systems. This is the first time that I am up over any sustained period of time. That is HUGE for me Testimonials: May 26, 2011 Thanks for your help so far. The webinars have been great. I dont know why my audio was fading in and out but I was getting the gist of what you were saying. I really like the mental side of what you are teaching. Just wanted you to know that I found todays class really helpful. Due to my schedule, it has been a few months since I had taken the class on Parts 5 and 6. Its my favorite class. Listening to you walk through the charts is incredibly helpful. I could do that for HOURS I also really appreciated hearing you talk about how you handle risk. I have been putting on WAY too many lots - four instead of 2 to start. I am sure that will help also. Thanks for all your patient teaching. May 24, 2011 Thank You Mike for understanding. I look forward to class and will work hard at having some improvement to discuss next mentoring session. I really appreciate all you do for me. Erick G.(5232011 7:53:12 AM): good trading - nice Ellie C. (5232011 7:54:49 AM). ) :) Stacey S.(5232011 7:59:14 AM): reentered at 48. took 2 off at 41, 1 at 31 and letting the last one ride, so we will see. have oco on since have to run. thanks so much Skip A. 5232011 8:01:25 AM): yes half at 25 and the rest at 11. 43 total pips Linda G. (5232011 8:19:14 AM): nice call mike Erick G (5232011 8:38:19 AM): another good day John M. (5232011 9:53:41 AM): Nice trade today - thanks. May 20, 2011 Thanks very, very much, Mike. I got in on three trades this week - all winners. I didnt get in on this afternoons 2L from Red on the eurusd - what a sweet trade that was Thanks to you I am building confidence. I really appreciate all your patient help. Ive reviewed the chart and your insights on trend and placing orders are REALLY helpful - not just for this trade but for my overall understanding - THANKS Thanks very, very much, Mike. I got in on three trades this week - all winners. I didnt get in on this afternoons 2L from Red 2L pullback on the eurusd - what a sweet trade that was Thanks to you I am slowly building confidence. I really appreciate all your patient help. Hope you enjoy a great weekend John M (5202011 8:24:50 AM): Ive reviewed the chart and your insights on trend after inside candles and placing the buy limit at last bottom are REALLY helpful - not just for this trade but for my overall understanding - THANKS Curtis J. (5132011 9:02:47 AM): 90 on euro short. nice Stacey S. (5112011 8:05:28 AM): Thx Mike - made a 15 got in at 51, sold at 40, in again at 38 - sold at 49, 59 and stopped out at 58. cant make training tonight, as it is my anniversary and have plans, so will try training again next month. I get your methodology, but it prob would be good to sit in again. Since I missed the first session of the original training, thought I would wait for next month. Mike Radkay: glad you rebounded on trade. welcome back Ellie C. (5112011 8:03:08 AM): u had a good day so far. roller-coaster, but good Curtis J. (5112011 8:04:10 AM): tried to do this trade in futures but waited to long Mike Radkay (5112011 8:40:45 AM): okay. we will get it. welcome aboard. nice to get the blood pumping a bit. wasnt sure on that one for a minute Curtis J. job well done skip a. thank you for the what you expect. this helps me more than anything else i think, as i am always trying to think what am i looking for or what am i hoping for so as to answer the questions in advance of the events. Mike Radkay: glad it helps skip a. so what are we thinking now on the chf Mike Radkay: thinking usdchf is exhausted after 4L range run up to 8820 (sell or do nothing. i choose to do nothing) and feel support at 8768 (buy or do nothing. i choose to have a buy limit pending here) skip a. it is nice to know that was just what i was thinking before you told me Peggy R. TY Mike, eeked out 31 pips today with your help. that helps with the disappointment of the last days. Think Ill go to the dentist for a little more fun now. ) Mike Radkay (532011 5:23:25 PM): thanks for you continued confidence in my service Eric G (532011 5:23:25 PM): the only one Ive made money with Erick V (532011 10:01:48 AM): Michael I want to tell you that your education to me is invaluable. Thank you for sharing your experience everyday Mike Radkay (532011 10:02:08 AM): glad it is helping Erick V (532011 10:02:16 AM): thank you Erick V (532011 10:03:13 AM): Next week i want to contact you to have a one on one lesson if it is possible Mike Radkay (532011 10:04:08 AM): we will talk next week to set it up :) Erick G: once again you levels held on the GBP - good job Mike Radkay (4202011 8:01:08 AM): usdchf approaching my 8929 sell limit Mike Radkay (4202011 8:06:41 AM): short usdchf at 8929 Mike Radkay (4202011 8:07:40 AM): going to focus attention on usdchf for now canceling other limit orders for now Mike Radkay (4202011 8:09:09 AM): on this entry will begin to get uncomfortable above 8946 but looking for prices to fall to 8912 to 8895 Mike Radkay (4202011 8:14:07 AM): usdchf showing good signs so far from short at 8929. looking for 8912 to 8895 Mike Radkay (4202011 8:15:52 AM): taking some profit in with 10 into it. 8912 limit on remaining with a protective 8928 stop attached Mike Radkay (4202011 8:19:40 AM): have 8930 sell limit pending usdchf, going with 14450 buy limit eurusd, 10644 buy limit audusd, 7938 buy limit nzdusd and 11924 buy limit eurjpy Mike Radkay (4202011 8:21:04 AM): just covered remaining for 1L profit. flat usdchf Susan H (4202011 8:22:47 AM): Out and green. thanks Rich I: (4202011 8:23:05 AM)very cool. mkts throw us an easy one once in a while. Erick G (4202011 8:51:31 AM): caught 20 pips on the eurjpy - your levels were magic Chad J (4192011 6:56:04 AM): Ive been following your levels for the ES and continue to be impressed at the accuracy of these levels. - Chad Mike Radkay (4192011 6:56:34 AM): glad they are working for you Peggy R (4132011 11:46:26 AM): Im so happy to tell you Ive really understood more this week than ever, cant wait to start working together next Wed. Chad J. (4122011 8:21:36 PM): holy smokes im getting excited its amazing how accurate these daily grids are. i started trading the ES with 5k and its no wonder i keep losing money with a 1 lot. i really think your approach is going to get my confidence back. شكرا مقدما. Ron R. (4122011 8:57:30 AM): flat, nice trade Mike Mike Radkay (4122011 8:57:59 AM): would have like to have seen it go 55 bid. but i will take it :) Michael S. wrote: (4112011 9:34:52 AM): I see you and Steph as I expected taking the trading education where it should be. The two of you are a blessing to the honest people attempting to stay afloat economically in what will soon prove to be the worst global economic meltdown in history. Thanks to the international banking community John M(462011 8:40:13 AM): Thanks ever so much - I know I am asking a mother load of pesky questions - I feel like I have the basics down - But I keep learning that I have a lot more nuance to learn - I cannot tell you how much I appreciate you patient help - seriously, thanks Peggy R(412011 7:30:18 AM): Yes, I appreciate the new 2 hour format for attention span, learning trading is stressful so little bits at a time are really great to prevent overwhelm, even though your style is the most user friendly Ive been exposed to. Mike Radkay (412011 7:30:52 AM): glad you like it Stephan G. wrote: great thanks to you and steph for the top notch trader education services with the personal touch. Ruben G (3302011 4:26:29 PM): Thanks. The 3 Currencies last night were on the spot. جيد جدا. I just wake now here in China. Mike Radkay (3302011 4:27:43 PM): eurjpy and usdjpy still running a bit. glad it worked for you Mike Radkay (3302011 7:45:21 AM): run eurjpy. taking in some profit but still running long from 11669 Mike Radkay (3302011 7:45:48 AM): looking for 11700 to 11731 session top area Mike Radkay (3302011 7:47:09 AM): when you are patient. you make money. when you force it. you struggle Ellie C (3302011 7:47:42 AM): right on motto Stephan G (3302011 7:47:31 AM): tell me about it Richard S (3302011 7:48:00 AM): Good job Michael Richard I. (3302011 7:48:11 AM): trades like these is the reason I need to build my confidence to enter more than 1 lot. Its not gonna give me a chance to add more on this one Richard I. (3302011 8:03:34 AM): nice job Donald F(3302011 8:04:17 AM): Thank you for the guidance. Mike Radkay (3302011 8:15:10 AM): locking in 20pips on remaining with a 10 pip trailer stop at 11689 to see if it will run to 11730 Ellie C (3302011 8:15:10 AM): got out way soon, but with a PLUS - now watching yours run Mike Radkay (3302011 8:15:10 AM): need 11708 bid for trailer stop to move up to 11699 Mike Radkay (3302011 8:15:10 AM): going to to bank it folks. will monitor the action the rest of the way. but i am going to sit on sidelines Ellie C (3302011 8:15:10 AM): great run Mike Ellie C (3302011 8:26:58 AM): tons 2 learn, and happy youre there guiding and teaching james a. (3302011 8:14:51 AM): thanks mike. got 29 pips on the eurjpy Mike Radkay (3302011 8:15:00 AM): james a. (3302011 8:15:15 AM): have a nice day Mike Radkay (3302011 8:15:39 AM): i will monitor and be around until 10a my time james a. (3302011 8:17:36 AM): cool, then i am going skiing at 10. the snow is super great right now. plus it is going to be in the 50s. cheers from sunny lake tahoe Mike Radkay (3302011 8:18:01 AM): sounds awesome james a. (3302011 8:18:14 AM): it issssssssssssssssss Mike Radkay (3242011 2:01:06 PM): about time on that usdcad. man that took forever. all the way until the 2P PT John M (3242011 2:03:24 PM): Rode it with yaindeed Mike Radkay (3242011 2:03:35 PM): nice john Mike Radkay (3242011 2:04:04 PM): too bad we cant control the clock and how fast things go John M(3242011 2:05:06 PM): I am feeling more and more confident thanks to you - those 2 level from red and 2 leel pullbacks really do hold up - GREAT SYSTEM. Mike Radkay (03112011 8:45:53 AM). Dont like the usdcad opportunity at the redline. those are dicey plays 50-50 JOHN J(03112011 8:45:53 AM). learned my lesson monday on that L1 play on the redline. wasnt even thinking of the usdcad. helps to have that experience you have. Mike Radkay (03112011 8:46:44 AM). glad it is helping JOHN J(03112011 8:47:05 AM). definitely JOHN J(03112011 8:47:36 AM). wow, look at it just getting crushed. February 25, 2011 Date: February 25, 2011 8:34:39 AM PST To: Steph and Mike Radkay Subject: Re: The Trading Cat I forgot to tell you that I am remodeling a bathroom with the money I have made with you. February 24, 2011 via FX Trade Hunter and text alert service: Mike Radkay (2242011 7:16:32 AM): short eurjpy 11284 - 11294 John M (2242011 7:48:28 AM): On the initial short entry on the eurjpy, why did you wisely pass on the 11270 level (a 2L entry from earlier lows) and wait for the 11294 level - is it because the earlier highs were before the US session Mike Radkay (2242011 7:48:55 AM): yes. thats what was on my mind. John M (2242011 7:49:10 AM): Thanks. Mike Radkay (2242011 7:49:31 AM): its started pushing above 11270 as well and most times will take the higher level to place initial entries Mike Radkay (2242011 7:50:25 AM): stop moved down to 84 to lock in more oco with 70s Mike Radkay (2242011 7:52:32 AM): flat on eurjpy John M (2242011 8:04:15 AM): Walked away for a few minutes - thanks for the second comment on the eurjpy initial entry John M (2242011 8:08:06 AM): Gotta go - again thanks for both your technical and trading support - you offer truly top shelf service - much appreciated Mike Radkay (2242011 8:08:29 AM): have a good rest of the day thanks. February 24, 2011 via FX Trade Hunter and text alert service: Neil Yeagerdtitrader (2242011 7:52:37 AM): Good trade Mike February 22, 2011 via FX Trade Hunter and text alert service: Richard I wrote: (2222011 9:09:09 AM): having this texting service from you has really helped me better understand your thought process, patience, etc. Id like to think it really would have helped 2 yrs ago before I gave up. but maybe I still wasnt in proper mind to understand it back then anyway. Mike Radkay wrote: (2222011 9:12:06 AM): its all of it. i get better at what i do and you get better at what you do. needed a way to implement real-time environment that allowed me to trade at same time as well. glad it is helping. things ever changing and hopefully getting better with each change February 22, 2011 via FX Trade Hunter and text alert service: James O. wrote (2222011 8:55:35 AM): usdcad nzdusd hit my target took what was left off by half so riding small with trailing stop Thnks again you rts rocks. been green for month jim Mike Radkay (2222011 8:56:08 AM): keep it up. nice. February 14, 2011 via FX Trade Hunter and text alert service: Kevin D wrote: Hi mike, took class last week, first trade this morning (EUR). really like the system, much calmer and more deliberate than how I have been trading. Thanks Mike Radkay wrote: glad it is helping February 11, 2011 via FX Trade Hunter text alert service: Stephan G. wrote(02112011 9:05:30 AM). sent your wife a text expressing how the levels almost seem to DEFINE the price action. Mike Radkay wrote(02112011 9:10:24 AM). glad they help provide solid reference points Stephan G. wrote (02112011 9:20:44 AM). Its amazing February 01, 2011 via FX Trade Hunter text alert service: David B. wrote: 2 lot light entries are much better, I was doing 1 lot feellight moves and only getting 2 ticks cause of profit stop. now i can take half off and see what i can get with the rest. Another great lesson from Mike Radkay January 27, 2011 via FX Trade Hunter text alert service: susan h. (1272011 8:19:44 AM): Out at 17. thanks 60 pips Mike Radkay (1272011 8:20:13 AM): it was a little battle there. glad it worked out susan h. (1272011 8:20:31 AM): Mike Radkay (1272011 8:25:06 AM): taking some more in here. stop moved down to 9920 now. looking for 9904 Mike Radkay (1272011 8:26:09 AM): close enough. flat on audusd now. susan h. (1272011 8:26:32 AM): Wow. you are good January 10, 2011 via FX Trade Hunter text alert service: Stephan G. wrote: hi mike its about 5:10pm pst. nice trade on the audusd. from my perspective amazing is the word January 6, 2011 via FX Trade Hunter text alert service: Sanjeev G. wrote (7:29:24 AM): thank for guidance on yesterday, i did short on eur at 13172 and was green when i closed at 13137 as per your guidance. i made more than 3 times quarterly fee of trade hunter in one day December 30, 2010 via FX Trade Hunter text alert service: Keith L. wrote: I am up 103 pips today and done for the day Thanks Mike December 30, 2010 via FX Trade Hunter text alert service: Ian Y. wrote: Do you expect that there will be a 4 level movement over a 24 hour period Mike Radkay wrote: thats what I plan for minimum Ian Y. wrote: ok. You briefly taught about market profile in your course. Do you ever refer to that during the day Mike Radkay wrote: I dont have to because I see it in the candle charts. on the eurusd right now without looking at a profile in the overnight congestion around red-line to 1L up. then breakout in US hrs. giving a bit of a double distribution as its holding on the top side now. all stemming and pivoting from the midpoint now 13252 area Mike Radkay wrote: its just a lot of years of seeing them so I dont have to refer back and forth anymore Ian Y. wrote: That is the beauty of your methodology, it is very simplistic and easy to follow the 5 rules. I am trying to get away from other methods of watching all of the indices and indicators. It gets too confusing and I tend to miss trades December 21, 2010 via FX Trade Hunter text alert service: Gaylon L. wrote: I was in it as well. Very impressed with your levels December 17, 2010 via FX Trade Hunter text alert service: Ian Y. wrote: I shorted 1 contract on the GBPUSD and made 10 ticks. My first profit ever in the currencies. Mike Radkay - FX Trade Hunter: nice. that was the way to play gbpusd to the short side. Ian Y. wrote: TY. That broke the ice for me. Thanks for the confidence that you gave me December 1, 2010 via text alert service Reese wrote: and on a good note, that just paid for our Family Christmas workrds wrote: nice Reese wrote: Thank-you for everything, I am off to get my mom from the airport, flying in from MA. Hope your days keeps going green November 18, 2010 I had fun glancing at the market today and look forward to tomorrow afternoon and this weekend when I can go through the ebook. I think the ebook is fantastic and very user friendly. I enjoyed the course. I think it is great doing the tests together because I think it keeps perople engaged. This was the first time I have been able to be present the whole sessions. I think the examples help solidify the information. I am so blessed because I think I have found the right approach to trading with you two. I need the structure you teach and how you teach it. I value your holistic approach. I look forward to incorporating it into my life. I know you have been through the fire. I also know I see a beautiful person that has emerged the victor. We can celebrate both of their lives. At the end of my journey I look forward to visiting the gardens on the 30th day of taping like you and Mike did. November 16, 2010 I am not where I want to be, but, for the first time, after literally years of trying and spending tens of thousands of dollars, I can see light at the end of the tunnel and it is NOT an oncoming train If you can help me, you can help ANYBODY Cant thank you enough Seriously, thank you. I just wanted to express my appreciation. November 5, 2010 via text alert service and Follow Mike Friday Larry G. wrote (1152010 9:11:01 AM Pacific). kick me I had to leave for awhile, set target conservatively at 14072 EURUSD, 3 contracts short, only get 700.00 out of the trade. شكر. all the way to the bank. new to Forex, but I am liking berry, berry much October 28, 2010 via text alert service John M. wrote: (10282010 9:55:12 AM PT): Why did you earlier get in on the gbpusd after a one level drop and are not getting in on the nzdusd after a one level drop now Mike Radkay wrote: (10282010 9:58:41 AM PT): follow thru is better during first couple hrs. and people are feeling different now as london is going home for dinner and US is going for lunch. dont want to waste my time on slow action. so it leaves me wanting to wait for what i truly want John M. wrote:(10282010 10:01:01 AM): Got it. شكر. Great class last night. Very hepful. As on Mon night I learned that I did not know some things I thought I knew and I heard more things I did not hear before. Thanks October 28, 2010 via text alert service Bill F. wrote: (10282010 6:40:39 AM PT): what was your entry on gbpusd Mike Radkay wrote: (10282010 6:41:12 AM PT): posted in previous text long GBPUSD 1.5912 Mike Radkay wrote: (10282010 6:53:53 AM PT): lets go gbpusd. going to lock in 10 pip profit and see if it will run Bill F. wrote: (10282010 6:55:02 AM PT): good call Michael, Im impressed Mike Radkay wrote: (10282010 6:56:01 AM PT): took an even 20 pips per contract on that one. flat now. thanks but i dont pat myself on the back for too long. searching for next trade. bill cosby says the difference between a pat on the back and a kick in the butt is about a foot October 27, 2010 via text alert service 8:24 am PT 102710 David B. wrote: like you have said in the past, cant fight the tape. saw EurUsd on and ascending HH HL trend. took the star 1 at 1.3899 and cut the chord at 20 profit. going to call it a week. been awhile since I had a month like this, feels good to get some confidence back. thanks for all the help, I really appreciate it. 9:34 am CT 093010 Steve S: just a note: After retake of Steph and Mikes FX class i am on 3rd successful trade since this AM 9:35 am CT 093010 Richard G: ive had 5 trades FX this morning. 1 20 loser rest winners. green 1,450 I just wanted to say Thank-You very much for all the work and ongoing efforts you are both doing. I may not be a real talkative person on IM, but I have been there and following all that has been going on. Today (early morning) was my first trading day (Live) using your methods and I wanted to let you know I made 72.3 PIPS (no losses). I dont know what kind of a big deal that is to you or all the professional traders you work with is, but that is a huge deal to me. Everything worked as planned, the market in the EURUSD went basically right to the areas set by the Grid. I was so excited when I finished I could not stop talking to my wife about it. (It is a big deal to me since I have not traded Live in about a month and before that it was with huge failure). I just wanted you to know that I truly appreciate all you are doing for us and look forward to continued prosperity as the weeks roll by. A Heart-felt Thanks. Hey Mike and Steph. I took your August class. was awesome. help me learn not just about FX trading but learned a lot about trading thinking that relates to all mkts, thanks Just wanted to say how much I have enjoyed your training the last couple of weeks. I was in your class and plan to do a retake ASAP as well. I traded FOREX a few years back and the group I was associated with had very limited traininghence I lost a lot of money. I was hesitant about a second try at the FOREX, but took the step, and to my amazement using your system I am making money with the demo. I have completed my account application and think now is the time to go live. Even though we missed your 1st hour today, I used your system and was able to pull a 300 profit using the demo Many thanks to you and Steph Thank you so much for all of your help today. You are fantastic I feel like I am a one on one student of yours. I have a tremendous amount yet to learn - just to get to know the platform to say nothing of trading your system. But your kind help is really making the process easier. I feel like I have learned a lot in the last two days and I look forward to learning much, much more. Thank you ever so much. Hey to Steph. I just wanted to tell you I think you are doing some great things The yahoo messages have just made your great service even better My Dad made a bit of a comeback today and it gave me a chance though to talk to him about being on the wrong side. Clifford wrote a RDS Trader Meetup group review It is really nice to know that they are available. I could see that a well thought out approach to Forex trading was being introduced and made available to those willing to put in the time and effort. Re: Join us for the 1st Hour Adjustment 621-625 To: Michael Radkay The pre-set workspace is great, very time saving. I also got a lot out of the sessions, especially todays. I tend to try and trade breakouts, which hasnt worked well for me in FX, your guidence with todays range worked great. Hopefully I can put some consistancy together and keep going. شكرًا لك مرة أخرى. Steve M. Chicago, IL Subject: 1st hr adjustment videos - thanks To: Michael Radkay Ive been very busy the last few weeks and just got a chance to watch a few of your morning archived videos. It was great to get back to watching them and I wanted to let you know that you do an excellent job of discussing your rules, the markets and generally things about trading (be patient, dont force things, look at more than 1 market etc.) Thanks again for the excellent job Richard, Manitoba Canada RE: Meetup Message RDS Trader To: Michael Radkay What a great experience coming to your event. Your approach is solid and it was so cool to watch your real time discussion of the forex in real time. My head is spinning with new ideas. Thanks for the excellent real information about the markets. See ya next week at your event at traders expo. Seth, Los Angeles, CA Hi Mike, great webinar yesterday Kathy, Valencia, CA No problems yet, only amazement Even without your rules and risk management, all the other things, markets seem to hug you levels I guess thats how you made it through the pits huh Its truly amazing what you have here, im surprised you offered it to people. But I guess you found yourself at such a level, that you needed to tell people how easy it is when they realize how hard it is This course has stunned me, 7 years on the markets no one else no one qualified enough has ever offered something like this this is amazing Keep showing us how it can be done, and how you can leave the 9-5 if you leave you old self hahahaha Thanks a lot bro I just wanted you to know that I made my first trade (USDCAD in my practice account) this morning. I went short which was not the right thing to do. As soon as you started going over the rules this morning in the 1st Hour Adjustment I knew that I had made the wrong choice. But this was good because I realized that no matter how much you go over the training materials and the rules, some things just dont click until you actually put it into practice. I was so focused on whether or not the activity was outside both the red and green lines as well as watching for 2 level movement that I overlooked the red and green rules telling me whether to go long or short. I do appreciate your training materials and the morning input. Thanks for your time and concern for our success. May 17, 2010 RDS 1st Hr. Extension Live Chat Feed Testimonial workrds (mike-radkay) sent (5172010 7:02:13 AM Pacific): good morning. audusd flipped for current sell idea 8807 up to 8829 window. middle of window 8818 charles sent (5172010 7:02:45 AM Pacific): Good Morning. and Im in on audusd workrds (mike-radkay) (5172010 7:03:49 AM Pacific): okay workrds (mike-radkay) sent (5172010 7:26:39 AM Pacific): audusd providing a little pain on current flip but hanging in there weathering key area 8807. prices still able to hold below 8807 key charles sent (5172010 7:36:40 AM Pacific): ok workrds (mike-radkay) sent (5172010 8:15:02 AM Pacific): audusd still in downtrend at 1L make sure you lock some profit in but price action could run us down to 8749 charles sent(5172010 8:16:22 AM Pacific): I pulled out a minute ago for 28 pips.. workrds (mike-radkay) (5172010 8:16:33 AM Pacific): nice charles sent (5172010 8:16:48 AM): thanks charles sent(5172010 8:37:56 AM Pacific): You were right on about the audusd..I shouldve hung in there Apr 10, 2010, at 1:27 PM Re: This mornings call To: Michael Radkay Just looked at the Thursday and Friday recorded sessions. they were really good and informative. Great job I also like the additional 3 chart examples in your Session 5 training. Gerry, Lake Oswego, OR Michael Deshirlia wrote a RDS Trader Meetup group review They provide valuable information and perspective to anyone interested in the Forex. Their guidelines are focused yet conservative and can be implemented by anyone. Apr 9, 2010, at 8:04 AM Re: todays meeting with RDS Trader To: Michael Radkay I will definitely consider signing up - very useful information. I just made 26 pips on the EUR with your rules Thanks for the invite Have a good weekend. Matt, Los Angeles, CA Apr 9, 2010, at 7:20 AM To: Michael Radkay Well it looks like I got out too early. I had seen the window, and I was out some money. Got in too early (I always seem to jump the gun), but took a chance and bot another at 13371, and even though I know you say wait until the trend flips, I just wanted to get out of the one that gave me the most pain. 13386, so I got out of that one at 13410. I am not sure why it is so easy to stay in a losing trade and so hard to stay with the winners. In any case, i got out of the 2nd one at 13428. I think the mindset was that after losing and staying with the darn BP the other day for too long. I just wanted to take a profit. I still have lots to learn. Mostly how to get out of the losers. Thanks again for the daily webinars, they are invaluable to me. Monday, February 22, 2010 7:31 AM To: Michael Radkay Sage advice. Thanks for your forthrightness. Now I know youre the real deal. From: Michael Radkay Subject: Re: Can you help me improve these results It sounds as if you have a plan in place and you have had education. I dont blame you for not wanting to shell out unnecessary dollars. Your past mentors whether you felt they were good or bad for you (seems like the latter) helped you more than you know. I have read a little of your commentary and you are right there. You just need to follow your plan. It is not a sometimes thing, it is an all the time thing. That is the only thing that has kept me in the business. Start worshiping the ground you walk on, not the ground that somebody else walk on. You have the answers already within you. You know how to buy and sell and when you should buy and sell and when you should get out and when you should be done for the day. Follow it There is only so many ways the markets can move (up or down) and only so many ways you could teach it. My recommendation is for you to take your approach and look back and see when the best opportunities hit. That may be only once per day on the e-mini sps. If thats not enough apply it to another market and take the best opportunity there to give you another possibility and so on and so on until you give yourself enough opportunities to give you your end result. Dont invest your money on iffy ideas just to trade. You dont go out and invest dollars in a house, just because you need a place to sleep, you buy one because you want to create a life there and opportunity is all around you. Otherwise just keep renting until you find it. February 17, 2010 Sent: Wed, February 17, 2010 5:04:58 AM To: Michael Radkay Just wanted to say that I appreciate that you are archiving the 1st hour adjustment sessions. they come in very handy and I usually only listen in the evening or 1st thing in the morning. شكرًا لك مرة أخرى. they are a great resource and thanks for the commitment you and Steph have to putting them on every day. Richard, Steinbach, Manitoba February 15, 2010 Sent: Mon, February 15, 2010 1:34:08 PM RDS Trader Education Hello Mr S. I am forwarding my buddies education site, Mike is one of the best in the business and whether you are interested in currencies, or futures I am confident he will be able to suit your needs. Mike S. Chicago, IL February 15, 2010 Sent: Mon, February 15, 2010 10:21:33 AM Subject: Re: transfer Yeah, Fxsolutions UK has solid back office operations. Davis, Bergenfield, NJ February 4, 2010 Sent: Thu, February 4, 2010 11:31:37 PM Just want to say thanks for giving me a kick in the ass this morning I really needed it. To me, its the essence of a great coach to be able to be direct when the occasion calls for it, while being respectful at the same time. You did a good job with both. I took it the way it was meant to be taken, so please. no bother to explain anything should you feel compelled to do so. You held my feet to the fire and it was the proper thing to do :-) Thanks again for this morning. Gerry, Lake Oswego, Oregon January 25, 2010 Mike your 1st hour adjustment is excellent, thank you for you efforts. John L. Las Vegas, Nevada January 21, 2010 Hi Mike and Stephanie, Almost exactly one year ago I met your Dad, Stephanie, and I am so glad I did. He asked me a few questions do you have time, (I did at the time), do you have Patience, do you cry easily, do you play sports, I think you know the drill. Then he pointed me in your direction, and I am glad he did. I have to admit I must be a slow learner, slow but steady, not willing to give up and learn how this works. Well, I have learned how to lose a lot of pips. and how that affects me. I have gone almost 2 weeks with a profit everyday, (I have tried to include my hubby), and today was the first day I ever made 100 pips in one market, (took a loss in Canada even though I was long at 6872), and most importantly, today was the first day I put stops in (1 level above) for all my positions and entered orders to close positions. While I still was a bit nervous, I felt good knowing what my objectives were and had those covered. I wanted to let it run a little bit more, but was affected by other matters. Thanks again Mike and Stephanie for all the help and advice and quick response to all of my questions. Sue, Chicago, Illinois You Tube Interview - RDS Trader has helped me tremendously by giving me structure, patience and discipline. انا اوصي بشده به. I would just like to share with you that today was the best day I had in months. I capitalized on 2 trades and ended the day up 1800. Getting that account with FXSolutions UK with RDS Trader as the IB has been awesome bc it has given me the confidence to trade both the forex and the the futures market using the RDS Strategy with your guidance. I am first making sure I know the RDS market moods of all the markets, plotting my levels and once the market moves to Rule 2. Im asking myself, if I place a resting order at our pullback point: (1) Am I at or above (longs) below (shorts) neutral and the previous days homework line (2) Does my resting order coincide with the overall mood of that contract and (3) What size can I trade where I will risk 1 RDS level to make 1.5- I feel that if I continue to do this, I will make money. In addition, If I enter, take a half or full RDS level out of the resting order that was hit, I can now place another order at star 2 (Rule 3) since the market has most likely put in a RDS Window. Thanks for all of your help over the last 6-8 months. Jeff, Chicago, IL You Tube Interview - RDS Trader has taught me to minimize my losers and let my winners run. Mike is a fantastic teacher David, Chicago, Illinois November 25, 2009 I was able to turn a profit the 2nd day and several consecutive days afterward. I am amazed as you know how simple you made your system. I had been losing many, many days prior to your training and system. While I am not fully disciplined to trade it most effectively, I was able to turn a profit the 2nd day and several consecutive days afterward. I needed some simple but Identifiable parameters (boundaries) to trade in. I always look forward to your follow up calls after the trading day. I think you are straight forward about mistakes, yet you have a very positive attitude, toward what I am trying to learn and achieve. I believe that a disciplined execution of this system will serve me well in the future. I think the training calls are very valuable to me because I feel a sense of accountability. It is odd but it is an added incentive to be able to tell your coach that you did your best. For me this translates into a desire to maintain my discipline and I look forward to looking at the Charts and discussing where I entered or exited and taking a look back on the charts. Honestly, I have really enjoyed the training thus far. I look forward to the remainder of the sessions. I feel as if I have grown as a trader in a very short period of time. I am more relaxed, because I have boundaries to trade within and therefore, I have more confidence in the trades I make and dont make. Thanks for the hard work I cant believe that you take time from your trading to do it. I think this speaks volumes about you as a person. Someone that not only takes from the market, but gives it back. Brian, Edmond, Oklahoma November 15, 2009 A hybrid approach of Fundamentals and Technical solutions are applied to the Markets making RDS Trader a very Ergonomic application to the Futures and Foreign Exchange Markets. Mr Michael Radkay of RDS Trader is very dynamic and applies Thoroughness in teaching of his application RDS Trader. A hybrid approach of Fundamentals and Technical solutions are applied to the Markets making RDS Trader a very Ergonomic application to the Futures and Foreign Exchange Markets. RDS Traders Structure accommodates traders of all Skill levels. The Nucleus of RDS Trader is the Support Michael and Stephanie Radkay offer which is High Standard. RDS Trader is a Reflection of Michael and Stephanies experience and blueprint to Success. I look forward to keeping my Relationship with RDS Trader and the results that will come forth. Joshua, Sydney, Australia September 29, 2009 I use RDS to get a picture of the day and see where I want to be. I have had four winning months in a row and only two losing days in this time. I have learned I am a contrarian trader and I use RDS to get a picture of the day and see where I want to be. Thank you for teaching me the cycles of the market. Like when you were instructing me, patience and discipline are still important. The only time I even get near trouble is when I know that I didnt wait for the window to open. Ive learned to wait, wait, wait Thanks again for showing me the market. Roger, Chicago, IL Learning how patience is such an integral part of this endeavor. The Value Added of RDS Trader: Has provided me with an objective way to view multiple markets. Given me a game-plan for each trading day, which provides me the confidence to execute. Through their mentoring I have been better able to understand myself and how to react to what the market is showing. I no longer see what I want to see, I utilize their system to see what the market is providing and to then execute accordingly. They have taught me how to trade within my own personal comfort zone both mentally and financially. Learning how patience is such an integral part of this endeavor. Craig, Chicago, IL The window of opportunity segment is priceless. I have noticed that your daily, previous day, 5 day and year to trade flip prices are very important levels. I have had some success this week waiting for prices to pull back to these levels for buys and approach these levels for sells. راجع للشغل. the window of opportunity segment is priceless. Darrell, Washington, D. C. November 4, 2008 Subject: Thank you Hello Mike. I just did a google search on you and looks like youve really expanded your coaching business. Congratulations I hope all is going well. I just wanted to drop you a note of thanks. I got back into trading about a year ago. Ive been trading the mini-Dow and having a good year. Along with patience and learning to ride my winners, the insights you gave me years ago regarding identifying market trends and retracement levels have really helped me. Your tremendously long streak of profitable days (what was it 3 years more) has also always inspired me to emulate you. (I had just one losing day during the turmoil of September and October.) Please say hello to Stephanie for me. Barbara and I are still in Phoenix area. 3 sons and doing well. Thank you, again, and best of luck with all your endeavors Rich, Phoenix, AZ Subject: Done for the day To: Michael Radkay I profited 761 this morning and it isnt even 830AM For the week I have profited 1341. So unless there is a major mental collapse tomorrow (not planning on that happening) it should be a profitable week - I am done for the day. I plan on turning off my trading system and take it easy for the rest of the day. I wasnt expecting a profitable week for awhile after I started so I am pretty excited. Thanks and have a great weekend Danny, Denver, Colorado September 26, 2007 Subject: Todays Trade To: Michael Radkay I really believe in this system. My ultimate goal is to train and trade full time one of these days. I have really enjoyed working with you so far and look forward to further opportunities in 2008. Richard, Manitoba, Canada I made the whole trip back on 3 lots on the island reversal in gold. lollol I hope you caught that move. I am still working on gettin the CQG, but the new computer with two screens is up and running. I am about a day or two away from CQG then I can really start doing the homework and trading at night. Spending time with you really helped me out alot not just from a technical background, but from a practical background as well. I feel more mature as a trader after spending time with you and am very excited to take my trading to another level. The past two weeks have been two of my best and I think the main reason is I am focusing on being more patient and gettin out of losers quick. I hope your trading is going well too. I am trying to plan another trip out there for a long weekend not for trading, but for partying. lollol I had a blast out there and I am bringing a wing man this time, but I will hope to def meet up for a dinner. I am glad to hear from you and once again sorry that I havent contacted you. I will stay in touch. Hope you have a great Memorial Day weekend. Ryan, New Jersey To: Michael Radkay Subject: RE: update I was just checking my hotmail a. c. as I have different e-mail accounts and I didnt realize you e-mailed me this message. I cant tell you how grateful I am that you are looking over my shoulder. I am SO VERY GRATEFULPlease feel free to do that for me at anytime. You guessed correctly. I was trying to recover my losses with one fell swoop. -) Oops. لم يعمل. So Im back to 1 and 2 lots and will patiently keep on plodding along until, by Gods grace, I get better. I am so happy you sent me this e-mail. I didnt want to bother you with too many questions so Im trying to save my questions and only contact you when absolutely necessary. Mike, thanks so much sir. God bless you I really appreciate this e-mail. You cant imagine. Im sorry I took so long to get back to you. I dont check my hotmail account often enough. Ill start doing that. My work e-mail is the one I check every minute of the day Again, thanks so much, Curt. New York, New York Michael Radkay wrote: Not that I want to be BIG BROTHER watching over your shoulder, but whats going on. Im guessing. but it looks like you are thinking about the big time and trying to move forward too rapidly with 10. 15 and even 20 lots. You cant concentrate on market flow and buy and sell decisions when all of your focus is on the money. I dont have to tell you that your account has suffered, but if you are trying to get money back in one full swoop that is most definately a dangerous frame of mind. maybe some RR is in order. to clear your head September 23, 2005 Subject: Friday trades Just wanted to let You know I completed my daily setup spelled out on the material and grabbed a nice 44-tick winner. This is one of my largest trades ever The course really helped me identify targets and feel comfortable allowing it to run. Next quarter should look a lot better than this one. Thanks for the help Have a good weekend. Shane, Chicago, IL, Heres EXACTLY what you get with ITM Financial: Powerful Forex Signals with a 60 to 70 Chance of Profitability on the markets - There is NO OTHER FOREX SIGNAL PROVIDER out there that can back this claim up. كل إشارة يأتي مع اسم زوج العملات، سعر الدخول والخروج، السعر المستهدف لتعيين ليميتس الخاص بك، وقف الخسارة إلى مكان، واتجاه التجارة (طويلة أو قصيرة) - على سبيل المثال. اليورو مقابل الدولار الأميركي، دخول: 1.3125، خروج: 1.3225، وقف الخسارة: 1.3095، الاتجاه: لونغ. حتى لو كنت لا تستخدم الإشارات، وكمية من المعلومات إيتم المالية يوفر لكل إشارة هو أعلى درجة التعليم الفوركس من تلقاء نفسها ويمكن التحقق من جميع إشارات الفوركس على ميفسبوك - من السهل للغاية للاستخدام، أنت لا تحتاج إلى أي مهارات تقنية، ولا يتطلب شيئا أكثر من مجرد زيارة موقع ميفسبوك و عرض نتائج إيتم. الحصول على الوصول إلى إيتم المالية - سجل هنا حول إيتم المالية هو هذا إنزيدر للتجارة. - تخلص من القديم وعليك بالجديد. وفي عصر التقلبات الشديدة في الأسواق، والنماذج المالية المكسورة، وهدم الهياكل المالية، لا يزال هناك من يقودون رسملة هذه الظروف بأحكام غير متدنية ولا مفر منها. فكر إشارات الفوركس. ومن ثم التفكير لدكوبوتسردكو و لدكوكسيرت أدفيسورسكو. وفقا للجنة تداول السلع الآجلة الأمريكية (كفتك)، وكالة الحكومة الأمريكية التي تنظم السلع الآجلة والأسواق الخيارات في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، كانت هناك زيادة كبيرة في عمليات احتيال تداول العملات الأجنبية في السنوات ال 5 أو 6 الماضية، والتوقع بالتأكيد هو أن عدد الحيل سوف تستمر في الارتفاع مع المزيد والمزيد من المستثمرين اكتشاف سوق الصرف الأجنبي. وقد أخذت هذه الباعة البرمجيات خلق بوت بطريقة أو بأخرى على ارتكاب مفهوم لدكوسوتسردكو مع تداول النقد الاجنبى من خلال السير والمستشارين الخبراء، والعلامات التجارية على أنها قابلة للمقارنة للتجارة الحسابية (نموذج مختلف تماما تماما). عنوان هذا السرد يقول لدكويز هذا إنزيدر ترادينغردكو نداش إذا يورسكور يتساءل ما هو العلاقة بين ما قاله واترسكوس حتى الآن في هذه المقالة، وهذا العنوان، هو، ثم الحفاظ على القراءة بانتباه لمعرفة ذلك. العلامات التجارية المناسبة لتكنولوجيا الاستثمار مثل التداول الخوارزمية هي في جزء من اللوم (والمبدعين بوت قد يضيع أي وقت في الضغط على ذلك). لأن تعريف فضفاض ل ترادينغردكو لدكوالكوريثميك يطرح سوق الفوركس، ما يفترض أن يكون وسيلة للمستثمرين من المؤسسات الكبيرة للتعامل مع كميات كبيرة من الأسهم في حين الحصول على أفضل الأسعار الممكنة لمخزوناتهم المختارة، أزواج العملات الأجنبية وغيرها من العقود، دون التأثير على السوق ، جرف تجار الفوركس غير المستنيرين بالآلاف على مر السنين في ربط التداول الخوارزمي مع البوتات والمستشارين الخبراء، وبالتالي فقدان الملايين من الدولارات على أيدي حزم البرامج سيئة الكتابة (البوتات) التي سمح لها بتجارة الحسابات بشكل مستقل ، وذلك باستخدام أبسط تطبيق الاختبار الخلفي وتقنية التعرف على الأنماط الممكنة. ما هي كارثة، ومكلفة واحدة في ذلك. منح التداول نداش خوارزمية هو بأي حال من الأحوال العلوم البحتة، وعرضة لعدم الدقة الجماعية والتعديل المستمر، ولكن تم تفسير الغرض منه تفسيرا للأعمار المطلقة، والتمثيل غير المناسب على أيدي المبدعين بوت الملتوية زاد من سوء الأمور أكثر من ذلك. منحت المستحيل للترفيه عن فكرة أن التداول الخوارزمي قد حسنت النظام الرأسمالي العالمي من خلال التداول في الأطر الزمنية ميكروثانية في محاولة للحصول على أفضل أسعار الأسهم، واستراتيجية تقوم على قواعد مشفرة فاثومد من قبل المستخدمين النهائيين وهذه النظم (المستثمرين المؤسسيين). سوبريميلي منح ندش خوارزمية التداول ليس ولا يمكن أن تأخذ في الاعتبار أساسيات وهيكل أي سوق، في أي وقت من الأوقات. هو بحتة ندش العلم الرياضي لا لدكوثيسردكو عندما لدكوثيسردكو هو الحال، لا لدكوثاتردكو عندما لدكوثاتردكو هو الحال. وهناك علامة تجارية خاطئة تفسر، تحريف تقطع شوطا طويلا في كبح فكرة خاطئة في أذهان أولئك المعرضين. هذا هو الحال مع تجار الفوركس واستغلالهم على نطاق واسع من قبل الحيل الفوركس مثل السير وبرامج الخبراء نداش المستشارين يزعم أن يكون الجانب ترادركوردكو لدكوالوريثميك - التي يمكن أن تكون بمثابة لدكوست وننسى سيستمزردكو. المبدعين من هذه السيروت والمستشارين الخبراء يعرفون مباشرة، أن الوهم من القدرة على التجارة دون إنفاق مبالغ وفيرة من الوقت هو واحد جذابة جدا، واحد أن التجار الفوركس ترغب يوم في ويوم الخروج، فإنها يمكن أن يعيش. في جوهرها، والبوت والمستشارين الخبراء هي مجرد برامج حاسوبية تهدف إلى افتراض الصفقات المستقبلية استنادا كليا على التحليلات الإحصائية الأساسية للبيانات النقد الاجنبى القديمة. لديهم اختبارا مرمزا اختبارا شاقا أو التعرف على النمط القائم على قاعدة مجموعة التي لا ويمكن أن ترفيه عن أي مؤشرات السوق الأساسية، مما يجعلها خطيرة للغاية لتشغيل على كل شيء من الزحف، سوق ما يقرب من نائم إلى متقلبة واحدة من يحب ما قدم 2011. وإذا كان من شأن استخدام الاختبار الأصلي الرئيسي أن يخفف ليس فقط المخاوف بل أيضا من انهيار السوق، إذا كان من شأن استخدام البيانات القديمة التي تم إهمالها في دائرة النقد الأجنبي أن يسمح لأي شخص بالاهتمام عن بعد في الأسواق المالية، في المستقبل وإضافة درجة من الأتمتة لتداولها، ثم العالم سيكون، جدا مختلفة جدا (أكثر ثراء) مكان اليوم، فإن الولايات المتحدة وندرسكوت لديها عجز التجارة الفلكية، الصين وونرسكوت حصص الأغلبية الخاصة في العديد من الدول الصناعية و وسيكون الاتحاد الأوروبي أكثر الكيانات رغيدا على الكوكب بأسره. إذا كانت برامج الفوركس والمستشارين الخبراء هي المفتاح لرأس المال الكبير للاقتصادات الساقطة، فسنكون قد حصلنا على اكتئاب واحد، وركود واحد، وتمتعنا بأسواق مالية مستدامة من أي وقت مضى، وخضراء، وغنية دائما. إذا كانت بوتات الفوركس قادرة على تنفيذ صفقات الفوركس عالية الدقة كما يدعي أنها تفعل ذلك، حتى مع درجة 0.01 من الدقة، ثم المستثمرين من المؤسسات سوف تنسحب من أسواق السندات، والشركات الكبرى لن التحوط أبدا مخاطرها التجارية مرة أخرى، وتدفق رؤوس الأموال بين البلدان تتوقف عن الوجود وسيكون الجميع يجلسون على منضدة عملهم على فنجان من القهوة والكعك، يشاهدون سوق الفوركس غير موجودة الآن. يرجى العفو عن السخرية. وللأسف، لا توجد طريقة أفضل للتعبير عن هذه المسألة. من منظور إحصائي. فإن استخدام الاختبار الخلفي (الذي تم وضعه على قاعدة ملكي من قبل منشئي فوركس بوت) لم يثبت أبدا على الإطلاق التنبؤ بالحركات المستقبلية على الأطر الزمنية قصيرة أو متوسطة أو طويلة الأجل، ومن ثم أداة خطيرة إذا ما استخدمت كأداة فقط في تراديرسكووس المالية ترسانة. في جوهرها، وبوتس الفوركس دائما يرتكبون فكرة أن التحليل الأساسي ليس له تأثير على التحليل الفني، أن سوق الفوركس هو بطريقة خطية بطريقة ما إلى حد ما، وأن التعدين من البيانات الزائدة يمكن أن تخلق بطريقة أو بأخرى استراتيجية التداول في المستقبل الكمال. اختبار اختبار أمب النموذجي نداش البؤر الرئيسية لروبوتات الفوركس هذه هي مجرد أدوات للتحقق من استراتيجية تداول معينة مقابل إطار زمني مستقر إلى حد معقول يستضيف أنماط بيانات متسقة في سوق الفوركس (أو غيرها من الأدوات المالية) وليس واحدا مع: 1 أزمة إسبانية، 2. أزمة إسبانية، 3. أزمة يونانية، 4. أزمة فرنسية، 5. أزمة بريطانية، 6. انتفاضات سياسية في 3 دول على الأقل في جميع أنحاء العالم، 7. زلازل مدمرة، 8. تسونامي تدمر البلاد ، 9. غرق السفن السياحية، 10. انفجار النفط الحفارات، 11. الحروب متعددة على الإرهاب تستهلك مليارات متعددة، 12. وسببا ساحقا للاعتقاد بأن العملة الموحدة يوروبيرسكوس قد الشروع قريبا على طريق لإعادة التوطين وإعادة الهيكلة السياسية في أوروبا. هيليب من بين أمور أخرى. ومع ذلك نرى المزيد والمزيد من التجار الفوركس يلجأ إلى تدليل رغبتهم في تجربة تجارية أقل المحمومة، وأقل مساءلة فورية لقرارات التداول الخاصة بهم (أو لا شيء على الإطلاق)، مما يجعل المسارات نحو استخدام الآلي الروبوتات تداول العملات الأجنبية (لكوبوتسردكو أو لدكودروزردكو كما بعض وتسمى). ولكن واحد يضطر إلى طرح السؤال المستهلكة: لدكووا على الأرض يمكن إجبار التجار الفوركس بما فيه الكفاية لجعل بهم خلاف ذلك معقول الحكم الرياضي التأثير في اتجاه الغش كل شيء شامل شهوة - السيدات والسادة. شهوة للحصول على أرباح سريعة وشهوة أكبر حتى ل ليكوبيرفيكت سيستيمردكو التداول الذي يسمح للتجار على الابتعاد عن وتيرة المحمومة مؤلمة من عالمهم. للأسف ل 9 من أصل 10 التجار، وهذا الحلم لا يمكن أن يكون حقيقة واقعة إذا السير هي الوسيلة التي يلجأ إليها. وقد قلت ذلك، كان هناك تقدم في مجال تحليل البيانات على مدى العامين الماضيين، والتقدم التي يغذيها الجنون الذي هو وسائل الاعلام الاجتماعية، أو الشبكات الاجتماعية بشكل عام في الواقع. النظر في إتورو نداش واحدة من عدد قليل من وسطاء الفوركس شعبية إلى حد ما هناك اليوم. أطلقت إتورو مشروع تم كوبيترادر، وهو منصة على شبكة الإنترنت حيث يمكن للمتداولين نسخ مواقع ترادرسرسكو الأخرى في سوق الفوركس، ولكن فقط إذا كانوا يستخدمون منصة إتورو للتجارة. التركيز: دليل اجتماعي، بدلا من التحليل الإحصائي. النتيجة: التجار التحقق من مواقفهم باستخدام مواقف ترادرسرسكو أخرى، فقط وضع الصفقات التي تثبت أن تكون مربحة. ميزة: التحقق مؤقتا، مواقف التداول مربحة، وهي متاحة لجميع أولئك الذين يرغبون في نسخها وفتح نفس المواقف مربحة من تلقاء نفسها. ذي ديسادفانتاد: عينة صغيرة جدا من التجار لاختيار الصفقات المربحة من، A. K.A. مجتمع إتورو فقط. على سبيل المثال، إذا كان هناك 50 متداول يضعون صفقة تثبت أنها حق مربح الآن، فإن الاحتمالات هي أن المستخدمين الآخرين ل كوبيترادر ​​تم سينسخون هذه الصفقة ويفتحون الموقف على الفور. ومع ذلك، إذا كان جميع التجار 50 نادش خاطئ الذي من المرجح للغاية نظرا لأن 50 هو عينة صغيرة جدا وغير كافية إحصائيا نداش جميع التجار (بما في ذلك تلك وضع الصفقات، وتلك نسخها)، تفشل، وتفقد المال، وأحيانا الكثير من ذلك. والسؤال الذي يطرح نفسه هو: لدكويف دلالة إحصائية هي المسألة الأساسية نداش الذي هو ندش ثم تحجيم هذا كله نسخ الأعمال التجارية إلى أعداد أكبر، على سبيل المثال. وتقييم ربحية التجارة على أساس يقول 5000 التجار وضع نفس التجارة مربحة، من شأنه حل المشكلة سيكونرسكوت إيتركو نعم. وهناك مصدر، وهو المكان الذي العديد من الآلاف من التجار شنق كل يوم، وتقاسم مواقف التداول والاستراتيجيات والفوز والخسائر، طوال اليوم. إنداكت نداش إن الشركات الكبيرة وصناديق التحوط تنفق ملايين الدولارات سنويا في محاولة لإزالة المعلومات المتوفرة من خلال هذا المصدر. وإذا يورسكور يتساءل ما هو المصدر، إترسكوس يجلس الحق تحت الأنف الخاص جدا. تويتر و فاسيبوك الشبكات الاجتماعية. هل عينة من 5،000 إلى 20،000 ترادرسركو ردود الفعل على أداء فوركسرسوس الفوركس معين في نقطة معينة في الوقت المناسب، ويبدو ردود فعل جديرة بالثقة واقعيا، نعم مرة أخرى. بيانات أخذ العينات من عضو اجتماعي مجتمعي - قاعدة أكثر من 1.5 مليار مستخدم، من بينهم 50،000 إلى 100،000 من التجار أو الأشخاص الذين لديهم مصلحة ذاتي الإعلان في تداول العملات الأجنبية (وفقا لفيسبوك أدس، وهذا الرقم نداش اتخذت اليوم في 18 من يناير، 2012 - يتراوح ما بين 60،000 إلى 90،000 من عشاق تداول الفوركس النشطين في الفيسبوك فقط، منتشرين في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية والمملكة المتحدة ونيوزيلندا وأستراليا وكندا والصين وسنغافورة) وعندما تجلبون مجتمع التداول النشط على تويتر، فإن هذا العدد يزيد أكثر من ذلك إلى ما بين 150،000 إلى 300،000 عشاق التداول النشطة على هاتين الشبكتين الاجتماعية مجتمعة، في أي وقت من الأوقات. ما هي نقطة قول كل هذا الدليل الاجتماعي في الوقت الحاضر هو أقوى من الأدلة الإحصائية على أساس ما حصل في الماضي. إن صفقات تداول الفوركس التي تم التحقق من صحتها من خلال وسائل الإعلام الاجتماعية في الوقت الحاضر، لا تأخذ فقط المؤشرات الفنية بعين الاعتبار، ولكن أيضا الأساسيات الأساسية للأسواق، في الوقت الحاضر. باختصار، عشرات الآلاف من التجار يذهبون لفترة طويلة على اليورو مقابل الدولار الأميركي في 1.3126 على سبيل المثال، هو قطعة صغيرة جدا من المعلومات لأي تاجر الفوركس لديهم. مرة أخرى في اليوم، دعاوا هذا لدكوينزيدر ترادينغردكو. هل هذا التعريف حتى بعد الآن، لدينا الآن وسائل الاعلام الاجتماعية تشكل جزءا لا يتجزأ من الاتصالات اليومية في جميع أنحاء العالم هل التعدين الشبكات الاجتماعية لهذه البيانات، والبيانات التي يمكن أن تسمح للتجار المستقلين للتعامل مع عدد كبير من المواقف على عملة معينة الزوج في فترة قصيرة من الزمن، وربما تهدد المستثمرين من المؤسسات والشركات الكبيرة التي تستحوذ على حصة الأغلبية من السوق على أساس الحجم، لا، على أساس قوة البصيرة، المعرفة المسبقة لاستمرارية السوق، بالتأكيد نعم. لماذا يمكن أن تحوط صناديق أن تنفق الملايين تكنولوجيا البحث التي يمكن تحقيق هذا الهدف. لديه شخص أو بعض الشركات بالفعل في الطرقات في التعدين البيانات الاجتماعية لمواقف تداول العملات الأجنبية مربحة قد يكون هناك عدد قليل من هناك، ولكن واحدة مع نية واضحة لإطلاق اختراق التكنولوجيا في وقت قريب جدا، هو إيتم المالية. وهي شركة متخصصة في التحليلات المالية ليس فقط ولكن تحليلات النص أيضا، وهو مزيج قوي الذي سمح لها لتقديم أول محاولة لإطلاق منصة البيانات البيانات الاجتماعية تستهدف على وجه التحديد في سوق الفوركس، وهو محرك البرمجيات التي الصنابير في المليارات من الاجتماعية المحادثات التي تجري على تويتر والفيسبوك كل يوم، ويحلل ربحية عدد من أزواج العملات، في الوقت الحقيقي، على مدار 24 ساعة. وباختصار، يمكن إيتم المالية التنبؤ بأسعار دخول عالية للغاية، واقتراح القيم المناسبة وقف الخسارة والحدود، مع أخذ المعلومات من مئات الآلاف من التجار على هذه الشبكات الاجتماعية، ودمجها مع المشاعر في الأسواق على أساس الأخبار، يغذي السوق والتحليلات التقنية من جميع أنحاء العالم. المؤشرات الفنية والأساسية، جنبا إلى جنب مع الدليل الاجتماعي من قاعدة كبيرة في تويتر والفيسبوك المجتمعات الاجتماعية. من دون أدنى شك. من دون أدنى شك. هيريس بالضبط ما تحصل عليه مع إيتم المالية: إشارات الفوركس قوية مع 60 إلى 70 فرصة الربحية في الأسواق - لا يوجد غيرها من الفوركس إشارة مزود هناك التي يمكن أن تدعم هذه المطالبة حتى. كل إشارة يأتي مع اسم زوج العملات، سعر الدخول والخروج، السعر المستهدف لتعيين ليميتس الخاص بك، وقف الخسارة إلى مكان، واتجاه التجارة (طويلة أو قصيرة) - على سبيل المثال. اليورو مقابل الدولار الأميركي، دخول: 1.3125، خروج: 1.3225، وقف الخسارة: 1.3095، الاتجاه: لونغ. حتى لو كنت لا تستخدم الإشارات، وكمية من المعلومات إيتم المالية يوفر لكل إشارة هو أعلى درجة التعليم الفوركس من تلقاء نفسها ويمكن التحقق من جميع إشارات الفوركس على ميفسبوك - من السهل للغاية للاستخدام، أنت لا تحتاج إلى أي مهارات تقنية، ولا يتطلب شيئا أكثر من مجرد زيارة موقع ميفسبوك و عرض نتائج إيتم. الحصول على الوصول إلى إيتم المالية - سجل هنا الكشف عن المخاطر: تداول العملات الأجنبية على الهامش يحمل مستوى عال من المخاطر، وقد لا تكون مناسبة لجميع المستثمرين. درجة عالية من الرافعة المالية يمكن أن تعمل ضدك وكذلك بالنسبة لك. قبل اتخاذ قرار الاستثمار في النقد الأجنبي يجب عليك أن تنظر بعناية أهدافك الاستثمارية، ومستوى الخبرة، والقدرة على المخاطرة. هناك احتمال أن تتمكن من الحفاظ على فقدان بعض أو كل من الاستثمار الأولي الخاص بك، وبالتالي يجب أن لا تستثمر المال الذي لا يمكن أن تخسره. يجب أن تكون على علم بجميع المخاطر المرتبطة بتداول العملات الأجنبية، وطلب المشورة من مستشار مالي مستقل إذا كان لديك أي شكوك. كفتك القاعدة 4.41 - هيبوتيتيكال أو نتائج الأداء المحاكاة لها بعض القيود. لا سجل الأداء الفعلي، النتائج المحاكاة لا تمثل التداول الفعلي. أيضا، وبما أن التجارة لم يتم تنفيذها، فإن النتائج قد تكون قد تم تعويضها أو تعوض عن تأثير، إن وجدت، من بعض عوامل السوق، مثل عدم وجود السيولة. برامج التداول المحاكاة بشكل عام هي أيضا تخضع لحقيقة أنها تم تصميمها مع الاستفادة من الأذهان. لا يتم تمثيل أي حساب أو سيكون من المرجح تحقيق الأرباح أو الخسائر مماثلة لتلك التي تظهر.

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